Thursday, February 25, 2016

Accountability and Structure advanced fundamentals.

For without we have no real progress toward community.
Interdependence does not necessarily mean that the collaborators have different roles, usually, however it does. When there are two different roles in an organization, two Important Factors immediately come into play; ACCOUNTABILITY AND STRUCTURE. 

You should be able to depend upon most tasks at hand in all affairs not only done but done well

One plays role appointed well because one considers themselves responsible for doing so. 

In other words, we hold ourselves and each other accountable. 

On the Positive side, it implies that the Accountable Person is Trusted. 
On the Negative side, accountability implies that someone is subject to being judged. 
If partner consistently, significantly, fails their Role viewed no longer accountable, the Integral Partner losses Trust in that role, steps in and takes it over
Such a Takeover would be natural and simple due to temporary unforeseen condition(s), but when continual occurs it now becomes natural to escalate major organizational restructuring.  

So, different roles and Accountabilities imply Structure
Within a small (but not necessarily at al simple) organization roles and structure may be relatively informal. But the larger and more complex conditions become, the more it is Essential that the appointed Accountability Structure be formalized. Written Job Descriptions (or Responsibility Profile) are Now required, and enter the realm of Formal Organization. 

Virtually every Business School has a Mandatory Course entitled something like “ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY.” And a standard and enormously thick text book with the same Title will lay out the Full Range of possible Organizational Structures for the Business Executive to choose from. While this range can be Vast and Complicated, the subject is actually almost OUTRAGEOUSLY SIMPLE
It has but one underlying Principle, which is “CONTINGENCY THEORY.” Contingency theory (which, like Systems Theory, IS NOT A THEORY BUT A FACT) simply states that there is no one best type of organization. The best structure for a particular organization or ENDEAVOR is contingent upon the purpose of the collective, collaborative endeavor, as well as other factors

A Think Tank Organization is not going to DRAW THE SAME KIND OF PEOPLE as a more traditional company. Departments, stereotypically produce products of organization personality environments as correct model(s). GOODNESS CANNOT BE STEREOTYPED
Whenever there is Accountability Structured into a System, be it as small as an individual or as huge as a Corporation, there is also an AUTHORITY STRUCTURE

This does not mean that Authority can’t be shared, important situational major decisions should be made conjointly within our own domains, “THE AUTHORITY OF KNOWLEDGE” CAN FULFILL ITS ROLE WITHOUT ANY DAY-TO- DAY OVERSIGHT PRECISELY BECAUSE HAS SUCH AUTHORITY KNOWING TRICKS OF TRADE.

Any accountability partner worth their weight 
is not Hierarchical and neither is the overall boss. 


It is quite natural once one has experienced continual unpleasant experiences with Hierarchical Authority System to Distrust Structure and Guard Against dysfunctional Tendencies, but structure by nature when properly implemented and applied is by no means all bad, most of it can be quite beneficial toward the Good. Structure holding grievousness is the ship that reflects its captains lacks of consensus within
Morale begins to go sour and change becomes the imperceptible emporia “The Honeymoon is over”.
Work ethics progressively within escalate toward the worse ultimately ending LEFT UNDONE. 
Let us now isolate some suggestive command problems with this ship
First off captains responsibility is to objectively do something about this perhaps to meet  with general staff and “Get to the Ethical Bottom of Problem” which many times will be based within “I feel I don’t know where I stand” and due to poor command inarticulate communications further handicaps promoting further random conflicts. The crux is “Vagueness” and the voiced complaint and rightfully so would be “It’s like we are forever out at Sea.”

Why is it taking this captain so long to resolve ship pride in image? 
Simple, own self esteem getting in the way of ship, did not want to believe that there was anything wrong with their leadership skills to effectively command and ship was anything other than perfect, interesting. Conceit in personal needs would be logical suggestive fuel here accompanied by Simplistic style of Supervision and need of Constant gratitude and role in organization to be popular. 
It never occurred to this Captain that there was anything other than One Best Way to run organization.
Scenario further suggests Captain neither never heard of nor is Practitioner of “Contingency Theory” allowing others to suffer needlessly because of lack of structure which can be flexible. 

Under the light of the Examen, we now learn the teaching root in story which indeed solely rests within Captains responsibility being; how to professionally “OPERATE IN ETHICAL COMMUNITY.

Ethical authority leadership shares as they MAXIMIZE communication. 

The ones who do not effectively communicate are many times of hierarchical authority structure that cannot switch toward Community mode whenever GROUP DECISION MAKING IS REQUIRED. 
One characteristic of Individual Mental Health is sometimes called “FLEXIBLE RESPONSE SYSTEMS.”
Consistency is the compass that measures overall characteristic of ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH. 
An organization that has TWO MODES of operating at its command and can USE ONE OR THE OTHER contingent is OBVIOUSLY going to be HEALTHIER than an organization THAT CAN FUNCTION ONLY IN A SINGLE WAY

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, community service edit rewrite, educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Thinking Too Much is Somebody Else’s Problem.

When one thinks too simplistically they often in the long term Damage selves, then there are other times when people may seek to Damage us for simply Daring to Think Well. 

If we think a great deal and others don’t particularly like it that is their Problem, not ours. 

When you use your brain, it’s bound to create a Problem for others especially is they are seeking to Use, Abuse, or Control You or Keep You Dependent and Fearful. Their Hidden Motive is Discouragement from Realizing the Sense of Personal Power that is directly related to One’s Ability to Exercise Good, Independent Thinking. 

Much is think tank invested toward blind faith belief. After all, if we are not thinking for ourselves, we are easy Targets for Control and Manipulations. To keep us Dependent, we are conditioned it’s not necessary to think much. The reason we were given a Brain is to think. We live in a culture that places false values on true intellect, the Ability to Think Well, because it is viewed as Different- and possibly even dangerous. 

Control fears independent thinking, but without such where would we now stand without it?

We are not stating anything new here under the sun dating back to Moses. We write about the kind of things that a lot of people have been thinking all along, but are Afraid to Talk About. 

You are not Alone nor Crazy to be of great Solace in a Culture that Discourages Critical Thinking, and often Candor. Indeed it takes abundance in Courage to be different, to dare to be oneself.
If we choose to think for ourselves, we must be braced for Backlash of alleged in Mental Illness.  

We risk being viewed as Eccentrics or Malcontents.  You will be presumed to be on the fringes of Main Stream layered society, regarded as Different and Abnormal in the Worst Sense of the Word. 
But if we dare to Seek Growth, we have to dare to think. 

It can take a Lifetime for many to come to terms with the Freedom they Truly Have to think for themselves.  Freedoms path is often obstructed by Layered Societal Myths, One of which would have you believe much cannot be changed.
Sociology History states differently, crisis reality makes choices that can change, grow, even in subtlest ways. Thinking now takes off in New and Independent Directions.  

Ethics Shadow

If one is of Ethics, one must fully engage toward full organizational motivated consciousness Civility behavior and must be ethical as well. 

To be ethical is to be “HUMANISTIC”, which by definition means having the Attitude that People are precious and should be TREATED accordingly, we do not inflict Mental Cruelties on people if we think of them as Precious. Only the Secular Humanist Morally Insane would agree this to be ethical. 

Secular Humanism is like a house built on sand, when the going gets Rough secular humanistic Dough Boy attitudes may easily be blown away in eagerness for the Get. 

The problem with the Get is that it says nothing about why Human Beings are precious, or why they should be Treated Accordingly. Consequently the Get being unrooted in any type of Theology is often a fair weather phenomenon. Civil behavior is best defined not simply as “Ethical,” but specifically as “Ethical Submission to a higher Power” toward light, truth and love which are all synonyms of a sort for God and if we Truly submit to these things, our Behavior will be Godly even though we may not think of ourselves as religious. 

Carl Jung ascribed the root of human evil to “The Refusal to Meet the Shadow.
By “the shadow” Jung meant the part of our mind containing those things that we would rather not Own Up To, that we are continually trying to Hide from Ourselves and Others and Sweep Under The Rug of Consciousness. 

If one is of Ethics, one must fully engage toward full organizational motivated consciousness Civility behavior and must be ethical as well. 
To be ethical is to be “HUMANISTIC”, which by definition means having the Attitude that People are precious and should be TREATED accordingly, we do not inflict Mental Cruelties on people if we think of them as Precious. 

Only the Secular Humanist Morally Insane would agree this to be ethical. 
Secular Humanism is like a house built on sand, when the going gets Rough secular humanistic Dough Boy attitudes may easily be blown away in eagerness for the Get. 

The problem with the Get is that it says nothing about why Human Beings are precious, or why they should be Treated Accordingly. Consequently the Get being unrooted in any type of Theology is often a fair weather phenomenon. Civil behavior is best defined not simply as “Ethical,” but specifically as “Ethical Submission to a higher Power” toward light, truth and love which are all synonyms of a sort for God and if we Truly submit to these things, our Behavior will be Godly even though we may not think of ourselves as religious. 

Carl Jung ascribed the root of human evil to “The Refusal to Meet the Shadow.” By “the shadow” Jung meant the part of our mind containing those things that we would rather not Own Up To, that we are continually trying to Hide from Ourselves and Others and Sweep Under The Rug of Consciousness. 

Most of us when pushed up against the Wall by Evidence of our Own Sin, Failures, or Imperfections, will Acknowledge our SHADOW. 

But by the use of his word “REFUSAL,” Jung was implying something far more active. Those who have crossed over the Line that separates Sin from Evil are characterized most by their Absolute Refusal to Tolerate a Sense of Their Own Sinfulness. 

This is because their Central Defect is not that they have no conscious but they refuse to Bear It’s Pain. 
In other words, it is not so much the Sin itself, but the Refusal to acknowledge it that makes it Evil. 

The Evil are often Highly Intelligent People, who might be quite conscious in most respect but have a very Specific Unwillingness to acknowledge their Shadow. 
The briefest definition of evil is that it is “Militant Ignorance” of its shadow. Those of the evil refuse to bear the pain of guilt or to allow the Shadow into Consciousness and “Meet it.” Instead, they will set about – often at Great Effort – Militantly trying to Destroy the Evidence of their Sin or Anyone who Speaks or Represents it and in this act of Destruction, their Evil is Committed.     

Guilt often viewed as a “DOWNER” is in many ways a blessing. Having a genuine awareness of one’s own Shortcomings is called a sense of Personal Sin; it is not pleasant nor supposed to be.

To become aware of one’s self as a naturally Lazy, Ignorant, Self-Centered being that rather routinely Betray its Own Creator; fellow creatures, and even Own Best Interests.
Paradoxically, unpleasant sense of personal failure, inadequacy can be the greatest blessing a human being can possess. The Gift of Appropriate Guilt is precisely what keeps our Sins in check. 
It is our most Effective Safeguards against our own Proclivity for Evil. 

The best measure of one’s consciousness can be found in the consistency of his or her general approach to thinking. A person who is more oriented toward thinking simplistically has a lesser degree of consciousness than a Person Who Thinks Integrality.     
Thinking and Consciousness’s are inextricably Locked Together in a Parallel Relationship. 
Consciousness is the Foundation of all Thinking, and Thinking is the Foundation of all Consciousness. 

Anytime there is a Failure in Thinking, there is corresponding Deficit in a Persons Level of Consciousness.   
Thus, all Human Behavior – the Good – The Bad, and the Indifferent – is determined by the Extent, or Lack Thereof, of the Quality of Thinking and Consciousness Involved. 

“When were stuck,” not growing and spinning our wheels, were obviously in a condition of Inefficiency. 

Whenever there is a Lack of Efficiency there is a potentially unnecessary lack of competence. 
So there is yet another reason to Seek Greater Consciousness, it is the foundation of Mental and spiritual Growth and it is through this growth that we become more competent. 

Thank You.

Not for Profit: Senior advocacy Life experience, 
community service edit rewrite, educational share.
Reference material utilized: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
From the book: The Road less Traveled and Beyond, 
Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety

No ownership or infringements are sought
 nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.