Noticing when someone shows up for us -not against us-is an important part of developing relationships.
Being open and present in divine friendship under God does not just automatically happen; it requires intention and desire that were not merely developed on the fly.
Intentionally learning to notice when God shows up is a huge part of the journey, after all, we cannot open ourselves to someone we do not notice.
The “Opening” Discipline specifically addresses how to make space in a crowed life full of anxiety to notice the movements of the spirit under god.
Our constitution still holds deep meaning in knowing that we are accepted, received, and lovingly known by god- under God and it’s the receiving of this love that moves us forward in positive evolution not the later.
Contemplation has fallen on hard times in the New Millennium in which we anchor identities on shifting seas of performance and accomplishments that emulate contemplations under God seem inefficient while too unproductive to meet daily Titlist grinds.
Perhaps this philosophy of better living best explains Illinois paradox in which national ratings - well below averages- suggestively compass back to the future governmental deployments are no better than within the Capone era to accumulate more?
A.W. Tozer wrote in “The Roots of Righteousness “doing is what counts but we never come to the end of “Being.”
Gazing on Under God, our neighbors or the created orders under faith, hope and Love can increase our awareness and experience of both.
Contemplation leads us out of our serf serving selves and into realities of which we only skimmed the surface before.
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook.
Adult Narcissism can only breed furthered stupid selfishness’s.
Narcissists do not think about other people.
Their disorder prohibits consciousness that refuses to consider more in terms of community.
These learnings build on self and become worse when authoritatively coddled.
The path of smart selfishness versus the path of stupid selfishness’s
To evolve into the roots of righteousness one must learn to “Discern” that which is self –destructive and that which is self-constructive.
The Truth is that we rarely do anything without some gain or benefit to ourselves, however small or subtle.
We are all in for the same selfish reasons as anyone else for what we have decided are the best paths toward joy so selfishness is not a simple matter.
So what distinguishes the paths between Smart selfishness and stupid selfishness?
The path of stupid selfishness relentlessly goes to great lengths to avoid pain at all costs.
The path of Smart Selfishness on the other hand discerns which pain or suffering is constructive and which are none constructive.
Life-care side Note: Founder will predict within 2015 p 888 - when all is said and done- Smart selfishness under god can only reveal either state readiness to submit to “The roots in senior righteousness” or best run under Christ within sanctuary of the desert while one still can.
Some may say while founder writes a lot about senior pain that I am a pain freak, make no mistakes- I am no pain freak rather I am “Joy” freak. I see no value whatsoever in undue suffering.
There is no virtue inherent within (2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888) Headaches, either per se or to me, while on the other hand there may be many constructive things to learn here.
Life-care movements preferred words for “Constructive” and “Un-constructive” are respectably, “existential” or “Neurotic.”
Existential sufferings are inherent parts of existence that cannot be legitimately avoided – for example my mother’s repeated tokened mistreatments In Living Trust now continued decanted in passage.
Neurotic sufferings on the other hand are those emotional sufferings incurred that were not inherent in trust existence while un-constructive further impedes existence that now require public and federal relief assistances.
Life care side note: I anticipate chatting with the U.S attorney about decanted special needs trust in the near future concerning disability in which I do not qualify under while violates my constitution rights.

The alternative – not to meet demands of life on life’s terms – means we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god we become forced to live under its inherent Mental Illnesses.
Those who are most Healthy learn not to dread but actually to welcome problems, although triumph isn’t guaranteed every time one faces the shadow head on, those who are wise are aware that it is only though the pain in confronting and resolving problems that as a society we learn and grow.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in and Age of Anxiety.
When praying for God to make his way plain- go to lord Christ and simply ask ; to take away those things that the Evil One would use to Discourage and Destroy and turn them to my Good, my Growth, and your Glory, Amen.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God - safe retirement environments state free of organized care predators and law group racketeers.
Once J. Edgar Hoover asked, what has happened to civic pride, the righteous indignation of otherwise respectable citizens that turn their backs on helpless victims of civil crimes?
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses; his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at just the right when community dissatisfactions are at whit’s end.
Socrates lawyers specialize within making muddy waters even murkier that obstruct head waters of decision in justice’s name.
They are servants before their master, who is seated, and has the cause in their hands; … The consequence has been that the lawyer has become keen and shrewd; they have learned how to flatter their master in word and indulge them in deed; but their Soul is small and unrighteous.
Evidences compass many new aged American attorneys believe that the will of God is whatever choice brings the most Money, Perks, Success and personal gain at any given particular movement.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Not for profit-senior community service shares promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword.
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
You do have a voice and a choice - allow no other to unduly dictate under god that your voice no longer holds relevance in today’s world.
Growing increases of no ethics in the air compass our state in the union to have educated more immoral devils then we know what to do with - let alone set down.
With it comes the awareness of realities between Good and Evil - tyrannies and humanity.
Preventions in unsound behaviors are preferable over continually casting upon society evidenced walking crime waves.
Know the signs; there are many criminally minded while licensed who understand perfectly well what they are doing and its legality only applies when properly caught - which brings to mind a famous attorney saying from yesteryear: If it isn’t on paper - it never was promised nor happened.

We thank authors Adele Ahlberg Calhoun and M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Ministry and Library for sharing accrued wisdoms that enable others to successfully navigate through uncharted seas in none tranquility that by design place seniors to live out their retirement years in pure Hell, but further contend with new aged confusions concerning what U.S. integrity was and may be still all about.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s under God in God benefiting community.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares.

The alternative – not to meet demands of life on life’s terms – means we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god we become forced to live under its inherent Mental Illnessnesses.