Friday, February 10, 2017

Are modern day devil’s advocates no more than extensions of Mr. Avarice hiding in sheep’s clothing?

Life-care inquisitively examen’s trust-busting as finer art filled with inextinguishable specialists the world has never seen before.
Principles as first duty like ethics themselves clearly have fallen upon hard times.
The adjustment with maximum effectiveness challenges ordained clergy to preach national grace can only be further achieved in which obeys the rules of considerate behaviors evolution happy dispositions abroad.
As ordained moral guardians of the wall they will be additionally challenged to prepare followers in areas that maintain even temperament and alert intelligence in retrospect of Big Governments militancy to shepardize selves for the good of nation.
Principles of healthy minds start with getting out of narcissism.
Human natures biggest struggle in the new millennium simply English it is hard for free fish to understand to the hooked one.
Paint it Black.
Cicero said: “The diseases of the mind are more numerous and more destructive than those of the body.
Although he was right, specializations can deceive in ways not always recognized as such present greatest paradox by those of promise who spurn opportunities of achievement favor ease of criminal mindedness rather than adjusting themselves to changing environments.
Many points in case examples can be found through the ill-prepared to meet life on life’s terms commonly found in most unexpected places.
First may be although everything was done to develop intellectual talents through best schools providing best companions perceived bright stars turned into hard-boiled, scoffing, cynics.
Scoffing may produce some living anonymously sent allowances on condition they stay away from home, some turn into criminals as owners of successful agencies through boredom that lead to persons of fortune who induce for amusements.
What is the matter with these people?
The Man Who Sold The World.
Ever since the dawn of history, society has been trying to decide.
They have been called one thing or another; they have been pushed from pillar to post in which all sorts of explanations have held popular sway.
Two thousand years ago they were called devils that misinterpret behaviors as a passion.
More recent practical minded points of view would regard all misbehavior's foundation orneriness, cussedness, because it’s simple, pretentious and has greater following.
Unfortunately, such presents pessimistic theory based on sentimental rather than intellectual attitude toward the problem, so that its application is as fruitless as application theories of witchcraft.
Other words what passes for common sense is usually tied without yielding to the help it would seem to promise. Many a story tell of tragedies not diverted nor did anything for everyday problems commonly denominate a represented end result within a struggle in which was thought were used in vein.
Clearly mental hygiene as a movement requires vital balance toward closer union of medicine, psychology and clergy projects aiming at the promotions of mental health in community.
Treatment of obvious hooked fish must no longer be handicapped by autocratic bureaucracies.
Ignorance of general principles enables climates of emotions that routinely forget to brush their mental teeth, give their minds a bath, or their memories a cathartic.
Reference: The Human Mind.
To do battle with institutionalized evils, projects aiming at greater community must remember that what is called good are not merely matters of what “Is it good for me?”
The word “diabolic” is derived from the Greek ‘diaballein’ meaning to throw apart, fragment and compartmentalize aspects into fragmentation's of collective consciousness found duel mechanisms to oppression and dehumanization.
Sin City Theme Song.
Nowhere in the bible - as under Gods owner’s manual; are certain segments of humanity systematically regarded as disposable, irrelevant, to be treated with derision or dire consequences for Integrity.
As horrific as evil itself are the denials of it that perpetuated evil itself.
Although we cannot avoid all Demons free will provides choice not to become enmeshed with them having chosen not to welcome or to ally ourselves with them.
To be healthy means, one must be personally fit enough to do battle with them.
Regular attendances in ordained sponsored bible classes are what discipline the meek to become fierce Goliath fighters in Christ’s name.
God’s truth in word prepares believers to go down any policy hall in the spirit of the examen able to discern whom subtly covert that had absolutely everything to do with it.
From a psychospiritual perspective possessions in mounds of monies and things do not measure wealth.
What are clear is all wealth’s whether gifts of the spirit or talents with money must accompany those blessings that shares measure of wealth to benefit others.
The science of God has been well proven throughout the ages as truest way out of complexity, but to do so, like all other decades - we can no longer ‘Simplistically’ interpret Life through the Limited Lens of Materialism's.
Thus it is imperative like our forefathers and forefathers before them we remain opened minded and courageous in journey aimed at reconciliations must endure abilities to think paradoxically and with integrity even in deepest despair pointing nowhere - that in the end, all things point to God and will point nowhere else but God.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
The shadow says no one in higher places can be so unhealthy that is at least slightly conscious or healthy enough to be totally conscious without regard.
Pseudo simplism's foundation’d in easy answers to everything have indeed contributed elements of narcissism torments that could result decades must pass before some reliefs are ever found if we don’t start cutting the grade today.  
The Time - Jungle Love avarice style.
John Q. Public's are the onlookers of what autocratic creeps look like that seem to make no sense nor know what to make of dreams that serve humanity.
As said over and again, we are not here to necessarily be happy, fulfilled, or comfortable all the time, were here to Stewart leanings that evolve progress (moves forward) as opposed to re-gress redundantly (moving backward) principled in Mr. Avarice.
Recognition of integral differences between striving righteously and striving wrongfully for objectives – and perfections must draw its lines in conducts deemed unacceptable under any circumstances.
Learning to live within what does not require unsound oppression's in order to succeed must be shown through chief executive orders reflective in New Marshals on horizons will no longer buy into false profits that improperly whiteness harm another.
Patriot Statesmen know whatever surfaced at the bottom directly reflects what origin’d at the top trickled down certain ways of thinking and living that fool and manipulate greater dis-harmonies.
Fiduciary arrogance's are like old maid myths that succumbed without thinking about issues more radically in which later comes to know hunches about improper marriages should have been followed.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in state plagued in Avarice follies, one faith absolute still exists. All who recognize Christ have friend of the great physician who knows all, sees all, and disciple’s ordained watchmen as witness in trinity for all who believe a power greater than all remains faithful.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when tides needed to be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic Avarice has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first duty is to protect it’s intended not stealth resigned agendas.
"We are Family" must stand tall and be clear in destination.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals commonly do not include desires to become literal walking encyclopedias in finer arts of cornering improper fiduciaries into ethically fulfilling their first duties nor subsequently become moralities self-contained, self-sufficient - crime lab as humanistic “punitive” babysitters.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than loss of country to avarice as another’s footstool.
Free bird must cut the grade today in order to remain tomorrow in which cannot go both ways!
We humbly thank Doctors Karl L. Menninger, M. Scott Peck, Anonymous programs and faith based community resource centers for sharing fundamental intuitiveness’s in which enable a viewed underdog of educational idiot stature abilities to stay afloat in actuated seas of treachery and oceans known to capsize before reaching its ordained destination – final port of call.
Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing under god still protects as a first duty against those whom scheme to unjustly write a families epitaph within country that values its people.


1 comment:

  1. Other words what passes for common sense is usually tied without yielding to the help it would seem to promise. Many a story tell of tragedies not diverted nor did anything for everyday problems commonly denominate a represented end result within a struggle in which was thought were used in vein.
