Thursday, April 27, 2017

Renewal of the covenant brings prosperity after turning to the Lord.

Faiths eyes are beginning to see the terms of the covenant actioned in with a substance of revival across the land. 
2017 is the year of the Examen that shall discern what is before it taken to heart wherever the Lord our God disperses among the nations with all their hearts and souls according to everything commanded.

Faith shall be made more prosperous and numerous than fathers through circumcised hearts and hearts of decedents so whole may live in love with all of their hearts and souls in God. 
The lord our God will put all curses on enemies that hurt and persecute the flock. 

All ever required to remain graced of the spirit is simply obey the lord you’re God and keep his commands and decrees and turn to the lord your God with all your heart with all your soul. 

The offer of life or death

What are commanded today is not too difficult or beyond reach. 
The word is very near all; it is in our months and in our hearts so we may obey it. 
What is set before us is the choice of life and prosperity or death and destruction disallowed both ways. 
Simple English: you can’t have your cake and eat it too minus due consequence. 
Deuteronomy 20 - 30.

The paradoxical choice comes down to life through integrity or death in avarice. 

Clear declines in Governmental values Simple English legislative oppressions in prejudiced psychologies elemental far from ever being Simplistic where multidimensional masked in guise are not of God. 
The word ‘Integrity’ comes from the noun “Integer,” which signifies wholeness, entirety, and completion. 

To think and ultimately to act with “Integrity” means bodies have to integrate the multiple reasons and dimensions of our incredibly complex world into what do not require Avarice in order to keep those contribution war chests rolling that sustain careers not in nor of God. 

Political venues many times element verbs as opposites of “Integrate” that “Compartmentalized”
To compartmentalize means to take things that are properly related and stick those in separate, airtight compartments where they don’t have to rub up against taxpayers tendencies to scrutinize indoctrinated stress and the pains that go with submission subjected to territories not of the Spirit by unethical dirty deeder’s and tricksters of Avarice under the law allows as acceptable forms of Capitalism. 

The simple English common denominates if parties properly policed membership they would not have to be scrutiny demanded in which refreshes memories if they wanted to think with integrity the Greek word Para “by the side of, beside, alongside, past beyond have a “Doxa” means an “of the people” opinion paradox goes with the territories where critical thinking intent fell short where contrary to what under God means in common belief, appears contradictory to commandments in which all law foundation, absurd as abstract of golden rules, that smack integrity with rings in truths about current qualities in leadership conversely failed to integrate some aspect of the whole. 

To think with integrity has one simple realization recognition that life is not only nurtured by the rain and the sun but also by farmers, publishers and book sellers, as well as by children, wives, husbands, friends, and teachers indeed by the entire fabric of family, society and creation come down to none are sole individuals rather all are interdependent in God and where under god should never require the right to act “ruggedly” where politics stance deaf, blind, and mute syndromes that are contrary in which we stand has all founding forefathers and greatest president having made those differences that counted thrust evolution in right directs are now rolling over in their graves over our stupid selfness’s. 

In conclusion when it comes to dependency on avarice runs a country in which clearly now speaks for self requires no further explanations that dire changes are needed in society that encourage better political party thinking’s in all affairs. 
Simple English: Once philosophies are truly stretched in right directs rarely do they return to former dimension. 

Ultimately faith must teach these unruly children in high places where known quite well they could if wanted too heal most of the ills of individuals and most of the ills of society that in the end benefit whole that were worth the effort far better than the alternative.  

Hopeful business that is serious about due reform should never have to be told to discern quote first under lights of Examen in order to determine what eludes progress redundancy handicaps not of God.  
The Simple English of all first fiduciary duties foundation:  “There is no better Mirror in which to See Your Need than the Ten Commandments.” – Martin Luther

Where ethical integrity has fallen Devils advocates gluttonously ravage those trees in every garden. 

Ever increasing conducts reflect no remorse in act clearly unbecoming of profession or industry compass the fall of man destined to eat the dust of enmity all the natural days left of their lives till ends of days.
Proverbs warns against folly and advises Moral benefits in continual wisdom of the sprit by the faithful. 

You gotta serve somebody so why not God in feast of weeks? 
The year for cancelation of Avarice - Deuteronomy the end of its ill will to vantage your needy brother. 

Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides must be turned.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care grass root movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic back Evil presences shadowing on horizons have un-sustainable appetites.

The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort that shares its experiences in which promote advanced educational awareness through effective communications may save another. 

Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs.
You do have a voice and a choice in which Life-care movement cares about maintaining according to God’s laws our inherent right to enjoy assuredness in continuums are rendered under God in the spirit of a power greater that all shall reflect proper compliance in accordance to those commandments and rules as intended extend acts of Love in all of our affairs in Jesus Name. 

We humbly thank contributing library for the provision of author M. Scott Peck M.D.’s life works along with faith based authored  works within resource center for their assistance in sharing of much needed fundamental observations in ways that level playing fields down to enable any underdog abilities to stand tall and stay afloat wherever actuated seas of treachery may reside or oceans full of capsizing climates oppress voyagers from reaching’s their ordained destination – final ports of destinies call. 

Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.

Is end of times the awakening of a much needed consciousness in its body’s politics?  
The mysteries behind awakenings that summoned exceptional powers behind miracles foundation a Simple English: “Cognito, ergo sum” - time to travel with God or declared stepped aside lets gods people Go – IN Jesus’s Name!

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.
We are to know the differences between good and evil in retrospect to how sin and other distinctions summons the shadow and yes all eventually do face their final - no retest - ‘EXAMEN’; either Passed or Failed in permanent expulsion. 

1 comment:

  1. In conclusion when it comes to dependency on avarice runs a country in which clearly now speaks for self requires no further explanations that dire changes are needed in society that encourage better political party thinking’s in all affairs.
    Simple English: Once philosophies are truly stretched in right directs rarely do they return to former dimension.
