Thursday, July 6, 2017

Tired of Endless Wanderings in Deserts?

"You have made your way around this Hill Country Long Enough: Now Turn North. 

In the Road Less Traveled, Destinations have been made between Spiritual and political Power. 

Spiritual Power resides Not in the Position or in Money but is in the Being. 
Its capacity to 'Influence' is often by Example, Simply by 'Virtue' of the kind of person that one is. 


We the People 'Statesmen' are the ones like Jesus through Acts that freely demonstrate Exceptionally; neither asked to be "Self-Reflective" nor demanded within integrities too express Extraordinary Insight focused on Concern for others. 

These sufferers work deeply by necessity that 'Webt' with One Eye, but maintained their capacity for Vulnerability. 

The "Spirit of Dirty Tricks"  Puppeteer Lord Actons Famous Maxim: 'Temporal' in which overestimated Political Power when righteously challenged under God - Flunk all Tests. 

Throughout the centuries, Theologians, in considering the 'Dichotomy' between being and doing, have invariably come down in favor of Being. 
In Other Words; Who you are - What kind of person you are - Is much more important than what you actually do. 

This is a hard concept to swallow let alone grasp within 'Trickster' Oriented Arenas. 
The Problem: Endless cycles that 'Session' back that Act is if Nothing Ever Happened!

What generally lacked were  the Statesmen Souls with enough courage in self to 'Jesus' Zap Cure in the context of Community as member in good standings of an Honest Organization. 

In conclusion Today's Illinois session as Defined by a proven Master Puppeteer that system docked 'Resistant' against Reform followed a set Obsoleteness Quo,  once passed into law such righteously births the right "Of The People" to demand recognition by "We The People" shall profess; "Were So Angry at those Damn 'Charismatics'  that pretend to be "Pious" while Phony in and of Community preference'd party benefits associated in Big Government ahead of the America People. 

The unbroken pulse continues today what shall end downcast reasoning’s in earthly realm tomorrows.

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 

“There is no better Mirror in which to See Your Need than the Ten Commandments.” – Martin Luther.

Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time when crucial tides must be turned.

Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care grass root movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic back Evil presences shadowing on horizons have un-sustainable appetites.

The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”

Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort that shares its experiences in which promote advanced educational awareness through effective communications may save another. 

Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: The point is what the points are that matter where people become more important than subsidizing Satin’s earthly Lap Dogs.

You do have a voice and a choice in which Life-care movement cares about maintaining according to God’s laws our inherent right to enjoy assuredness in continuums are rendered under God in the spirit of a power greater that all shall reflect proper compliance in accordance to those commandments and rules as intended extend acts of Love in all of our affairs in Jesus Name. 

We humbly thank contributing library for the provision of author M. Scott Peck M.D.’s life works along with faith based authored works within resource center for their assistance in sharing of much needed fundamental observations in ways that level playing fields down to enable any underdog abilities to stand tall and stay afloat wherever actuated seas of treachery may reside or oceans full of capsizing climates oppress voyagers from reaching’s their ordained destination – final ports of destinies call. 

Secured Freedoms rarely come easily but are worth fighting for that preserve family values and ensure legacies can equally enjoy securities in knowing as we once did under god protects as first fiduciary duty against all whom scheme to unjustly write family epitaphs within country that Honorably values its people united as one in all affairs.

1 comment:

  1. Within 'Trickster' Oriented Arenas.
    The Problem: Endless cycles that 'Session' back that Act is if Nothing Ever Happened!
