Sunday, July 15, 2018

Did Americas idolatry for a wealth image king unwisely elect what is morally, temperamentally, not a leader at all; rather the falsest of all pride followers?

1 Samuel 16:7 came to mind: “For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Where general voters may have casually thought about this scripture,the Lord poses new questions for re-think:“Do you want to be healthy inwardly or just falsely appear tlook  healthy outwardly?

The hard question has a Simple English: Do "We The People" want to just ‘look the part’ or ‘Be The Part’?”

Do We want to just look like under god 
or Be the Authentic Christian Under God?

Do We want to just look like a good citizen
 or Be the Good Citizen?

Do We want to just look like a good leader
 or Be the Good Leader?

Do We want to just look like a good employee
 or Be the Good Employee?

Each alternative speaks for nations priorities: The first choice speaks of a desire to look good before others, regardless of reality. While there is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, there is a problem when our outside does not match the inside!

The 1 Samuel 16:7 scripture refers to the situation in which God sent the prophet Samuel to see Jesse the Bethlehemite to anoint the new king of Israel from among Jesse’s sons. While Jesse’s son Eliab looked the part of a king in outward appearance, the Lord chose David because David had the heart of a king! The Lord knew that David had a heart to please Him.
Here is the reason: Being the part is a lot harder than just looking the part. Being the part is a heart issue that only God can fix.
Being the part means putting aside your pride, humbling yourself, and asking for God’s help in prayer because you know you can’t do it alone. Putting aside your pride hurts.
Being the part means saying no to your flesh, which wants to act selfishly and without restraint. Saying no to your flesh hurts.
Being the part may mean having the courage to confront past hurts, fears, and pain. Doing all of these things can hurt.
I guess that’s part of the reason Jesus sent us a Comforter (Helper) in the person of the Holy Spirit! He knew we would need comfort to endure not only the sufferings of this present world, but also the sufferings of our own flesh as we strive to do the right thing. Our heart’s desire is to please Him, no matter the cost.
So our national prayer today should be the same one that King David prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me (Psalm 51:10 ). Lord, help me to be the part and not just look the part. Help me to be single-minded in pursuing good health because it is a sign of respect for the body that you have given me.”

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