Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The fact that God, around 2,500 years ago, had these messages passed on to Daniel, many of which were directed to us in the twenty-first century and further opened for the New Millennial generation, is proof of God’s love and concern for us. He wants us to be aware of the cataclysmic events that are soon to come upon the world so that we can prepare for them and be part of the glorious victory with Him at the end of it all.

There is a lot in Daniel’s short book, But there is much more as It is the Old Testament’s single most prophetic look into the future. 

It contains amazingly accurate predictions of events that were to follow its writing, events now fulfilled to the letter, which we now can only sit back and marvel at. They are so accurately fulfilled that skeptics, in order to debunk them, claim that the predictions post-dated the events. They can’t deny the accuracy, so they snipe at the delivery.

Yet it is not the fulfilled prophecy that is the greatest thing in this book. It is the prophetic predictions of the soon-to-be-upon-us future, the End time, that are its greatest gift to us. For by them we are forewarned and forearmed and at least somewhat prepared to face those coming days with faith instead of fear. Being aware of what is occurring and knowing what their outcome is and how long they take can give us faith to endure. 

We can rest assured that even if at times it looks like they are the sure winners, they are nothing but the ultimate and foreordained losers. 

And even when it looks like we are losing, we are the sure winners because it has been written in God’s book that we are. For we are on the side of the One Who cannot lose, the God of love Who is also the unbeatable God of gods and Lord of lords.

The events of the future covered in this book might sound frightening to some, and understandably so. They will be dark days for the world, but we who believe in and love Jesus, and do our best to serve Him, have His special protection. The book of Revelation states that the servants of God are sealed and that at least some of the calamities and plagues of the Tribulation only affect those who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads (Revelation 7:3; 9:4).

Let’s examine republican economics, in light of the Bible. 

Over the years, the theory of trickle down economics has been sold to the masses under various names. 
Under Nixon, republicans promoted their economic theories under the title “supply-side economics.”

Under Ronald Reagan, the same old garbage was recycled and dubbed “Reaganomics.” Under Bush it was known as “trickle down theory.” Lately, for lack of anything more creative, the same old theories are being touted as good old “free-market” economics. Regardless of what you call it, the right has been promising for decades that more government subsidies for business, lower tax rates for corporations and lower wages for workers is going to result in economic prosperity for the United States.

Near the end of George Bush’s presidency, the entire world saw first hand the horrifying consequences of republican economics. The US was hit with the second worst economic crash in its history, comparable only to the Great Depression, which struck America in 1929 and lasted nearly a decade Lest we forget, the Great Depression was also the result of right-wing economic policies. It can’t be blamed on “liberal programs,” like social security or welfare or medicaid, because those programs didn’t exist yet. It can’t be blamed on government jobs, or worker pensions, or any of the other Folly the right attempts to blame for the more recent economic crash, as none of those things were in existence either. 

In reality, the U.S. economy did not begin to recover from the Great Depression until after Roosevelt’s New Deal, FDR regulated the banking industry, strengthened labor unions, introduced fair labor standards, invested in infrastructure, created the social security system, and did a number of other important things for the nation. These programs helped bring the United States back following the most devastating economic crash in US history.
Roosevelt also raised taxes on the wealthiest Americans to 94 percent. It was that move, maybe more so than any other, that not only helped eliminate America’s war debt, but also helped to bring the U.S. economy back from the brink.
Throughout the early 1930’s, the nation’s top earners were taxed at a maximum rate of just 25 percent. By 1944, however, America’s top earners were paying a tax rate of up to 94 percent. Between 1944 and 1963, federal income tax rates remained at 91 percent or higher for America’s top earners. Under those tax rates the nation was prosperous and the economy flourished.
It wasn’t until years later, in 1964, that Lyndon B. Johnson put forth a series of tax cuts that began the downward spiral of tax cuts, which would slowly, but surely, bring down a prosperous nation. Johnson slashed corporate tax liability. He also cut income tax rates on the highest earners to 77 percent, a 14 percent decrease. A year later he dropped income tax rates for the rich another 7 percent, leaving a tax rate of 70 percent for the wealthiest Americans.

For nearly two more decades the federal income tax rate remained at 70 percent for the richest Americans. By the 1980’s the Great Depression was ancient history and the lessons America learned from it were all but forgotten. Enter Ronald Reagan. With his vast experience in theatrical performances, the new republican president wasted no time fulfilling the role he was hired to play. He succeeded in demonizing the poor, coining the term “welfare queen,” while prompting Americans to turn their sympathies toward the “poor, beleaguered rich”.While Reagan may not have been the anti-Christ, the policies he sold the American people were certainly anti-Christian. Instead of the “my brother’s keeper” ideals espoused in the New Deal, Reagan ushered in an era of selfishness and self-obsession unlike anything the country had ever seen before.

In 1981, Reagan slashed taxes on the top earners in the U.S. by 20 percent. He pulled this off easily, by convincing the right that he was cutting all income taxes. While this was true, the tax rate fell by a comparative 2 percent for almost everyone earning less than $85,600. On the other hand, anyone earning over that amount saw their income tax rate drop from 70 percent to 50 percent. But that wasn’t the end of it. In 1987 Reagan slashed taxes for the highest earners yet again, dropping the rate to 38.5 percent. At the same time, he raised taxes on the poorest citizens by as much as 11 percent. And then in 1988, Reagan slashed the tax rate to 28 percent for everyone earning over $30,000.
George Bush Sr. mostly left Reagan’s tax code in place, making only slight changes by taxing those earning over $86,500 at 31 percent. Bill Clinton raised taxes on those earning over $250,000 to 39.1 percent, a rate that remained fairly steady throughout his two terms in office.

Then George W. came along, and sold America more of the same old right wing follies. 

Bush did something no other American president in history had ever done. 

He cut taxes during a time of war, setting the stage for a federal debt crisis that would lead to deep cuts in domestic programs; programs which were created to protect the poorest among us. Accidental? George W. was just another paid actor, sent to Washington to accomplish the mission his billionaire buddies hired him to accomplish. Rob from the poor and give to the rich.

Here fundamentally is what these decisions look like in terms of income inequality in the US. The rise and fall of income inequality can easily be plotted to the rise and fall of tax rates for the richest Americans. Just as the Great Depression was the result of right wing economic policies, namely unregulated capitalism and a society that idolizes the rich and exploits the poor, the 2008 economic crash was the inevitable result of right wing economics.

Supply-side economics, Reaganomics, trickle-down economics, call it whatever you like, it’s a bogus theory promoted by the right wing, that tells us that when the rich have more, the rest of us will somehow prosper. 

As we have clearly seen in no uncertain terms, when the rich have more, everyone else has less. Nothing trickles down from the top, instead their share of the nation’s wealth just gets bigger and bigger. 

When wealth inequality reaches a fever pitch, as it did in the 1930’s and again in the 2000’s, the entire economy suffers as a result.

Here’s what the Bible says about trickle down economics. 

One who oppresses the poor to increase his wealth and one who gives gifts to the rich–both come to poverty. (Proverbs 22:16)

Today the federal government gives out tens of billions of dollars in corporate subsidies and tax breaks for the rich, thanks to republicans in Congress who have repeatedly threatened to shut down the government, to protect their billionaire buddies bank accounts. At the same time, more than 80 percent of adults are now living at or near the federal poverty line. If republicans are the good Christians they so loudly profess to be, shouldn’t they have seen this coming, in light of Proverbs 22:16?

The Bible doesn’t just predict that those who oppress the poor and give gifts to the rich will come to poverty.  There are also numerous verses that espouse the idea that those who are generous and give freely to the poor will prosper. For example, Proverbs 2:8 says that “those who give to the poor will lack nothing.”

In Daniel chapter 4, King Nebuchadnezzar was instructed to “break off ” his sins and iniquities by showing mercy to the poor and oppressed. According to the Biblical prophet Daniel, doing this would “lengthen the prosperity” of the king.
So according to the Bible, giving to the rich brings poverty, while giving to the poor brings prosperity. Why haven’t our elected right-wing spiritual advisers politicians ever mentioned this before?
Contrary to the Bible, republicans promote the idea that ignoring the poor is the real way to prosperity. Worse, they claim that giving gifts to the rich will lead to prosperity, not poverty, as Proverbs predicts. What most of us know by now is that when we give gifts to the rich, they keep them. When we ask for some of that promised trickle-down, the rich just cry and stomp their feet over the unfairness of it all. Then right wing politicians rush in to write legislation designed to prevent any potential “trickling-down” of anything.

When we give to the poor, whether in the form of welfare or food stamps or housing subsidies or anything else, that money doesn’t sit in an offshore bank account. It gets put back into the economy, while at the same time helping to meet the needs of our fellow citizens. In that way, giving to poor ultimately helps everyone. Giving to the rich, on the other hand, just increases the size of their already bloated bank accounts.
What it all boils down to is that the bottom-up economic principles laid out in the Bible are economically and spiritually sound. The top-down economic policies of the republican party, on the other hand, are neither sane or sound. And as much as they claim to be the “party of God,” republican economic policies are anything but Biblical. And the Antichrist will be a dreadful and demonic tyrant who will do his damnedest to destroy all believers and lovers of the one true God.—Not to mention the war and havoc he will wreak on the world.

Furthermore, we must remember that Jesus has a vested interest in preserving us. He wants us to reach others with His love and truth, and so if we are doing what we can in that respect, then we can be assured that He is doing His part to protect us. Daniel wrote that those “that know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32). You may not feel capable of that right now, but He gives power for the hour, usually when you need it and not before. 

Christians have endured many hard times before. But the end result has always been a victorious one for Christianity. It is in time of trial that Jesus has the greatest opportunity to show His power. The accounts in Daniel of his and his companions’ deliverance's from danger are not just for us to enjoy reading. That same power will be put to use on our behalf by the same God who protected and prospered them. You might not feel you have the same courage or faith to face dangers like they did, but you do. It is not our strength that will save us but God’s. He doesn’t expect us to be fearless, but He will make us fearless and bold and triumphant as we call out to Him to come to our aid. His Word says, “’I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ So we may boldly say: ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?’” (Hebrews 13:5–6).

Pray that this book leaves you with your faith strengthened. We have nothing to fear. Even if there are some dark days ahead, those days are numbered. And after that, those who believe in Jesus and His atonement have only the brightest of futures—everlasting and filled with joy and happiness—to look forward to.

The terms “Holy Spirit” and “Holy Ghost” mean exactly the same thing; both refer to the third Person of the Trinity (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). The phrase “Holy Ghost” is simply an older term that dates back several hundred years, and is found in some old versions of the English Bible (such as the King James Version). Because the word “ghost” has a different meaning today than it did several hundred years ago, modern translations of the Bible always use “Holy Spirit.”
Remember that the Holy Spirit is God Himself, and He is at work both in the world and in our hearts. When we come to Christ, the Holy Spirit comes to live within us; in fact, we can’t even come to Him until He convicts us of our sins and convinces us of our need to commit our lives to Christ. Jesus said, “When he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8).
But God has given His Spirit to us for another reason: to teach us and open our eyes to God’s truth as it is found in the Bible. Is this happening in your life?

Don’t be afraid to ask your pastor or someone else who is spiritually mature if you don’t understand something. God doesn’t want you to be ignorant of His truth, and they will want to help you. God has given people like this to us “to strengthen and encourage you in your faith” (1 Thessalonians 3:2).

1 comment:

  1. Examining prophecies that have been fulfilled also builds our faith in prophecies yet to be fulfilled, and God’s revelations today.
    He is also able to speak to us and reveal to His servants now, as Daniel was His servant then, what will happen in the very near future.
    As we study Daniel’s amazing book, let it build in us the faith for the future God wants us to have, and also the faith in His Word — both the written Word and the living Word — that He wants to speak to you and me. https://youtu.be/xh67VWfRQU0
