Monday, March 28, 2016

Senior protection consortium: People of the lie racketeers.

In county of Oz a rouge care consortium existed counseled hypocritically by the great senior Law wizard himself in conjunction with county services who fed group vulnerable profiled people of means who's souls offered high potentials in easy money that could be well elongated even in passage.

Until now, theres a New Sherif in Town who no longer lay's down to immorality holding disgrace.

The law allows standalone excuse no longer fly's here, credibility will be challenged. 

The mighty wizard scoured tombs of law books searching for much needed situational asset obtainment/retention  fences to straddle while specializing within manipulating  weak enforcement system administrators further away from community under God.  
A Law unto self-profiteering
Willfulness within began to surface over time that became quite evident. 
Yet the depths of that willfulness did not become clear until realized during beneficiary in living trust collection efforts. 

Mental health requires that the human will integrally submit itself to something higher than itself.
To function “Decently” in this world we must submit ourselves to some “Principle” that takes “Precedence” what one might want at any given time and in this application preventive reasoning behind creation of in living trust holding declaration principles that revert back from state to remain personal to original owner fiducially over appointment or trustee. 

Trusts are personal declarations under God that declare thy will not yours are being done!
They instruct truths principled in love precedence’s to include needs of declared others, or demands of reality. Mental health is an ongoing process of dedications to reality at all cost!

The utter failure to submit oneself to reality (charge of mental illness in concern – inability to manage financial affairs) as called narcissistic Civil RightsAUTISM.”
The word comes from the Greek root auto, meaning “SELF.”
The person who is Autistic is oblivious to certain essential dimensions of reality. 
Such people literally live in a world of their own IN WHICH THE SELF MUST REIGN SUPREME!
One may question why is this, connection is simple; all is of the mind focused within having nothing to do with reality within. 
This cult espouses its principle doctrines throughout community spreading grief throughout the land that invariably excludes all others.   
Capitalizer’s ritually fee elongate utilizing  fine arts in silence specifically designed in contention too keep you guessing wrong answers while running you out of gas that more often than most leave bad tastes in mouths not easily mouth washed away. 
By situational application reference; Autism is Narcissism in its ultimate form.  
For the complete narcissist, others have no more psychological reality than a piece of furniture.
Narcissists have one what Martin Buber calls “I – I RELATIONSHIPS.”
To themselves they are a “light unto the people,” emanating joy and happiness wherever they go while all outsiders experience IRRITATING CHAOS AND CONFUSION INVARIABLY LEFT IN THEIR WAKE!

System Phenomenon is relatively simple and puzzle answers are obvious.
Consortium travels get lost while humming their tune when competency effectively pins down route by simply paying attention to road signs and inability their inability to multitask any given situation. 

Common denominators compasses poor leadership suggestive in having  no business holding authority over another holding  neurosis’s which accounts for multiple administrative resignations throughout the years from jury perspective based upon short order rules promoting confusions within how one is to perform their job based upon made up rules that utterly disregards employee welfare. 

Central theme summary; leadership that unsoundly disregards others is core behind all existing character failures marked by road signs that raise paradoxes toward ownership responsibility and why I am here as watchmen under God serving community in Jesus Name where there can be no real winner here except community at large ensuring brighter futures within. 

Leveling playing fields – allow no other to unjustly write your epitaph. 

Dangers in perspective; Big business submissions that are system allowed to unethically lower civilities bar like any octopus always reaching out for more is how I arrived in living trust county of Oz. 
Senior financial protections are literally perversely falling by the wayside by definition what “Value Free” truly means that seriously threaten senior solvencies. 
Fundamental Lesson: always document conversations followed by immediate letter or email recap back as understood and chronically file, you do this so when the unsavory octopus reaches back out  down the line  you can expediently hold your head high integrally stating I don’t think so, Homey Don’t Play this and wish I could say this YOUR FIRED!
A lawyer once told me if not on paper if never happened, always remember this. 

If we consider tradition as many known it as science, would not a “science of Evil – based as it is upon a Priori value Judgment – Undermine the very foundation of science as Boomers know it?   
Modern crime fighting has become so inextricably interwoven with Big Business that there is no such thing as pure science. 
Science detached from God’s insights begins to appear as Strangelovian Lunacies unsubmitted to any sort of scrutiny. 
Modern “Tradition free” senior law sciences created population of narcissistic Frankenstein’s that no longer see the need to integrally serve community licensed to serve as harmless self-server. 
So it should come as no surprise when moralities none observer states during valid controversy the law allows end of conversation, but under who’s law should always be questioned concerning this sinners point of situational law application reference in conjunction with ethics standards that can place offenders back into their own dirty corner but it is your responsibility to know this. 
Carelessness, selfishness, bruised prides and willful ignorance compromise wellbeing daily under greed’s contentions as nature of this game 

Croonies Stupid selfishness have fallen there can be no winner. 
Satins disciples better known as Devil’s Advocate dwell in fine arts of deceptive deception. 
Like Satin organization administrators became so enamored with its adversarial function that it began to employ them more for their own delight then on God’s behalf. 
Christ followers supersede Devils Advocates both by function and by god’s heart that are perceived as intolerable personal insults. 
Puffed up by pride plaintiff refuses to submit to God’s judgment in and like satin created situation not big enough for the both of us. 
So what is being attempted is reversed casting into hell through misuse by  application  in hopes further hide to the world what was done while nursing profiled twisted  dreams waiting to be plucked and the beat goes on, and on, and on……..
So as follower of Christ satins disciple naturally is its personal enemy. 
The spirit is clearly, utterly, totally dedicated to opposing human life and growth. 
As antichrist love is distasteful and if further questioned why by demonstration it replies I want people to work in business so that there will be war. I’m here and still here since 2012.
Further topical discussion from antichrist will always reveal absolutely nothing creative or constructive about it always referencing the law allows. 

Under God does not attrition punish, free will does not turn people into puppets or hollow mannequins. God intervenes only to help by wisdom that never hurt us. 
Christ impotently nailed upon the cross is God’s ultimate weapon. 
Necessary and even dangerous and devastating though our own personal battles may be, unknown to us they are but Mopping – Up Operations against a Retreating Enemy who has long since lost the War. 

The idea of Satan’s Croonies despite all appearances, is actually on the Run offers possible answer to major question. 
Antichrist specifically attacked what represents a particular threat to its design, while frantically engaged in attempting to put out fires within that are empty threats as all are lies.
In fact the only power here are thoughts the general public will further believe their lies. 
Business is possessed with false expectations of friendships through possession obtained that they would demise without them forgetting there are no loyalties among dens of thieves up against the wall, so if you need a friend go buy a dog on me why break as accustomed? 

When you encounter people of the lie you can be assured whatever is expressed are Half Truths that continually lie to test you for weaknesses. 
The list is endless – sometimes even boring litany, the major ones usually flavor; in order to survive, negative energies (which balance out to be zero) science is whatever one chooses it to be, but principle weapon is always tactical lose fears and when this fails moving forward always goes directly below  as last ditch effort. 

Administrative perspectives in concern according to Satin
Satin is the spirit of MENTAL ILLNESS.
IN the road less traveled it defines mental health as “AN ONGOING PROCESS OF DEDICATION TO REALITY AT ALL COSTS.” Satin is utterly dedicated to opposing this process. 
In fact, the best definition of this Spirit is UNREALITY. 

The paradoxical reality of this spirt must be recognized. It has a personality of the “Privatio Boni,” where evil is defined as the absence of the good. Personality simply cannot be characterized simply by an absence, nothingness. It is true that there is an absence of Love in its personality. It is also true,, however, that pervading in this personality is an active presence of hate that desires to destroy souls. 

The spirit of evil is one of unreality, but of itself is real and to think otherwise is to be misled. 
Presenter’s best deception is its general success in concealing its own reality from the human mind. 
We exorcise the anti-Christ to extract extraordinary Stupidity. 
Were it not for its extraordinary pride and narcissism, it would have probably not revealed itself at all. 
Its pride overrode its intelligence, so that do the demon of deceit is also a show off. 
If it had been thoroughly clever, it would have paid off what was due and left over the summer. 
But it could not allow itself to loose, it only wanted to win. 
Intelligence is afflicted with two other blind spots, one is by Virtue of its extreme Self-Centeredness, it has no real understanding of the phenomenon of love, it recognizes love as a reality to be fought utterly lacking in self and does not understand love in the least, its reality appears only like the reality of a Bad Joke. The notion of Sacrifice is Totally Foreign to it. 

When individuals express love, it does not comprehend what is being said and when behaving in love is completely ignorant of the ground rules as sufferer though degreed does not really understand science.  Science is an “ANTI-NARCISSISTIC” phenomenon. 
It ASSUMES a profound human tendency to self-deception, employs the scientific method to COUNTERACT it, and holds truth higher than any personal desire. 
Deceiver of itself as others cannot be comprehended why any beings would not want to deceive themselves, enamored with its own will and hater of the light of Truth; it basically finds human science incomprehensible. 

Weakness should not encourage overlooking its strengths that is why I post a lot attempting to keep up. As we have seen it PROPOUNDS its lies with extraordinary efficiency  specifically designed but not limited to exorcist the strong, mature and faithful – TEMPORARILY INCAPACITATED BY ENGINEERED CONFUSION WITHIN ONE CASE SCENARIO AND CASE WITHIN CASE DESPAIR IN THE OTHER AS A RESULT OF THE POWER OF ITS LIES WHICH IS FULL TIME JOB IN SELF AND THEN SOME. 
In conclusion given the dynamics of Sin and Narcissism, it is pinioned they recruit themselves. 
Reflecting back I had been dealing with telltale signs of the anti-Christ’s since 2012 not realized. 
My critical thinking error damaged another as well as self which I can never rectify as ghost rider.
Best defense is offensive distancing from devils advocates looking to make the deal.
We urge readers not to become intertwined in charlotte’s Web, stay away from this group, their too dangerous!
Though too late for me, our hope is through communications others can be saved. 

There are different ways of looking at life and death people issues. 
Our viewpoint is known as the Medical Model, It is a very effective way of looking at people. 
Evil is in opposition to life, in our hearts we all have some understanding of its nature. 

Spirit killing is the nature in anti-Christ’s - devil’s advocate game; they attack essential life attributes 
Such as sentience, mobility, awareness, growth, autonomy, Will. 
It is possible to kill or attempt to kill one of these attributes without actually destroying the Body. 
Croonies function is too attritional “break” horses (client /family) without harming hairs on their heads. 
Erich Fromm was acutely sensitive to this fact when he broadened the definition of “Necrophilia” to include the desire of certain people to control others – to make them controllable, to foster their dependency, to discourage their capacity to think for themselves, “TO DIMINISH THEIR UNPREDICTABILITY” AND ORIGINALITY TO KEEP THEM IN LINE!

An evil by application seeks to kill one’s Life of Liveliness, and Goodness is its opposite. 
Goodness is that which promotes life and liveliness; that does not certify misapply applications while hiding behind rouge inner circle for protections in fiduciary sins committed against another or others. 

How is this possible you ask; simple, unethical law group couching’s contrary to God and community theologies as enabler, otherwise Devil’s Advocate is not that smart to be able to pull this off? 
Highly recommend pre defense Tactic: reconnaissance all care class or firm lectures offered.

Thinking about this, I realize one way or another, no matter what the topic, I am always trying in whatever way to help people take god and themselves more seriously than generally done. 
We are told we were created in God’s image, are we taking this seriously, are we accepting responsibility as godly beings and that human life is of sacred importance? 
We were not created to become human puppets rather we were created in the spirt of life, in liveliness. 

Evil has nothing to do with natural death; it is concerned only with “UN-NATURAL” Death, with murder of the body or the Spirit. 
The purpose here is to encourage us to take human Evil far more seriously – serious enough to study it with all the means at our command, including the methods of Science. 
Intention is to educate senior recognition toward what evil is in all its Ghastly Realities as dedication to life more abundantly. 

The only valid reason to recognize human Evil is to heal it wherever we can, and when we cannot, to study it further that we may discover how to heal it in specific instances and eventually WIPE IT’S UGLINESS AWAY SO NO OTHER WILL BE MADE TO ENDURE resembling lady justice peaking at tipped scale remaining asleep behind the wheel promoting mentalities in why break sin precedence its allowed? 

It is presumably clear, then, lacks in understandings concerning licensed professional psychologies of evil from the abstract nor of an abstract study divorced from the values of life and liveliness are in order for IS IT NOT TRUE ONE CANNOT STUDY A DISEASE WITHOUT THE INTENTION TO HEAL IT , UNLESS ONE IS OF WORLD WAR II chancellors theologies. 

Healing is the result of love, it is a function of love, wherever there is love there is healing and whenever there is no love there is precious little  - if  any – Healing. 
Paradoxically, which I do not anticipate foreseeing in Oz based upon mother case, demonstrating proficiencies within psychologies of evil that are under god loving and brimful of love of life every step of the way methodology submitted to “LOVE OF TRUTH”, love of life in warmth’s of light, joy and spontaneity service in Human Caring over business doughboy concerns. 

Summary Conclusion 
 System is overly greed contaminated- allowed to far into left field ethics.
Civility expects control under god, we suspicion Oz to be reasonably out of control warranting federal U.S. Justice Department Civil Rights complaint requesting Investigation of improperness’s within State of Illinois probate system requesting such brought out from under sterile dead psychologies benefiting special interest groups  back to the people reflective in methodology under God and country 

Demonstrating fertility within In- living trust as declared, promoting productivity toward humanisms that integrally integrate while fiducially paying attention to details requiring upmost attention within as intended over inner circle political needs always placing    constitutional rights upheld above all else particularly responsibility in filed submissions must be completely filled out and most importantly be ethical in intent as well. 
Mark pinion suspicioned, all points overlooked.

December 28th 2015; plaintiff attorney hypocritically violated both case filing prerequisites making intent now improper and ethics behind concern false by obtainment in attorney fees.  
Integrally holding no Ad- Litem's concern under situational law ethics it is pinioned at minimum attorney(s) improperness constitute Illinois ARDC license Disciplinary Commission full investigative review!
For the Record: I did file on- line Complaint with the U.S Justice Department under disabilities act? 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line based edit rewrite - Reference Book: People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling me to fight the good fight against narcissistic evils and destruction that come with the territory, in Jesus name. 

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