Saturday, April 2, 2016

Hypocritical ward care - Sins in evil.

The central defect of money eviL's.

To fully understand livE – care and others like them, it is necessary that we first draw the distinctions between eviL and ordinary sin.

It is not their sins per se that characterize eviL businesses, rather it’s the subtly and persistence and consistency within. 

This is because the central defect of money eviL is not the sin but the refusal to acknowledge it.
Providers and the people described except for their evil are ordinary people who have been highly educated. 
There is little that is dramatic about them. They are theoretically per say to be designated criminals. 
More often than most they resemble in blind eyes of community to be solid citizens, teachers and law lecturers. 

How can this be? How can they be evil and not designated as criminals? 
The key lies in the word “Designated.” They are criminals in that they commit “Crimes” against Life and Liveliness. 
But except in rare instances – such as the case of a Hitler – when they might achieve extraordinary degrees of Political Power that remove them from ordinary restraints, such as Illinois probate system, their “Crimes” are so subtle and covert that they cannot be clearly designated as crimes. 
The theme of hiding in “Covertness” will occur again throughout medical model study which is the basis of provider in the lie. 

The truly evil, reside outside of Jail.

Prisons hold designated criminals that are obviously destructive, and usually respectively so.
But there is a kind of randomness to their destructiveness’s.

Moreover, although to authorities they generally deny responsibility for their Evil deeds, there is still a quality of Openness to their wickedness.

They themselves are quick to point this out, claiming that they have been Caught Precisely because they are the honest criminals. The truly evil, they will tell you, always reside outside of Jail. 
Though proclamations are self-justifying, they are also believed generally accurate.   

People in jail can almost always be assigned a standard psychiatric diagnosis of one kind or another. 
The diagnoses range all over the map and correspond in laymen’s terms, to such qualities as craziness, impulsiveness, or aggressiveness or lack of conscious. 
The professionals who will remain anonymous have such obvious defects and do not fall clearly into routine psychiatric pigeonholes.  This is not because their evil is healthy; it is simply because we have not yet developed a definition for their mammon disease. 

Since we distinguish between Evil people and ordinary criminals, we also make the distinction between Evil as a Personality Characteristic of Evil Deeds. 
IN other words, Evil Deeds Do Not an Evil Person Make; otherwise we would all be Evil because we all do Evil things. 

Sinning is most broadly defined as “Missing the Mark”, this means that we Sin every time we fail to hit the Bull’s – Eye. Sin is nothing more and nothing less than a failure to be continually perfect. 
Because it is impossible for us to be continually perfect, we are all Sinners. 
We Routinely Fail to do the Very Best of which we are Capable, and with each Failure we commit a Crime of sorts – against God, our neighbors, or ourselves, if not frankly against the Law.

Of course there are crimes of greater and lesser magnitude. 
It is a mistake, however, to think of Sin or Evil as a matter of Degree.
It may be less Odious to cheat the rich than the poor, but it is still cheating!
There are differences before the law between defrauding a business, claiming false deductions on income tax, using a crib sheet in an examination, best resembling one telling their significant other that they have to word late while being fiducially unfaithful holding multiple incidents. 
One may be more excusable than the other – and perhaps all the more under certain circumstances- but The Fact Remains they are all Lies and Betrayals.
If professional medical model were sufficiently “Scrupulous”, not to have done any such things recently, then one may ask whether there is any way in which they are kidding themselves otherwise when evidence points toward professional conducting themselves less than they could be which is self-betrayal? 
Be perfectly honest with yourself, and you will realize sin exists and you do not realize it then you are not being perfectly honest with yourself, which of itself is Sin. 

If Evil professionals cannot be defined by the Illegality of their Deeds or the Magnitude of their Sins, then how are we to define them?
The answer is by the consistency of their Sin’s.
While usually Subtle, their Destructiveness is Remarkably Consistent.    
This is because those Who Have “Crossed over the Line” are characterized by their “Refusal” to tolerate the Sense of Their Own Sinfulness!  

Care Providers or Law Firms, Blessed by Guilt; manage to turn away from becoming Evil. 
Because they are “Willing” = at least to a rudimentary degree – to tolerate the sense of own sinfulness, were able to “Reject” Their Pact with the Devil. 
Had they not borne the pain of “The Guilities” they “Experienced” over the Pact, Their Moral Deteriorations would have continued. 
More than anything else, it is sense of own sinfulness that “Prevents” from undergoing similar deteriorations.
“Blessed are the Poor in spirit,” Jesus began when the time came for him to address the Multitudes.
What did he mean by this opener?  . . .  What is so great about felling down on two pronged approach?
On the one hand , it insists upon our sinful Human Natures should be perceived as a failure of the doctrine but only failure of the individual to begin to live up to it. 
On the other hand it insists that we are forgiving our sins at least as long as we experience “Contrition” for them. 

Evils are committed by Spiritual “Fat cats”.
The poor in spirit do not commit evil; Evil is not committed by professionals who are uncertain in righteousness, who question their own motives, who worry about “Betraying “themselves. 

The Evils of this world are committed by Spiritual “Fat cats”, by the Pharisees of day “self-Righteous” who think they are without Sin because they are unwilling to suffer the “Discomforts” of self-examination. 
Unpleasant though it may be, sense of personal sin is precisely that which keeps our sin from getting out of hand; it serves as “Safeguard” against our own proclivity for Evil as Devil’s Advocate licensed Social worker in personal advancement. 
The evil do not “Serenely” bear the trial of being displeasing to themselves. 
IN fact, they don’t bear it At All!
We could not, for instance within our medical model “Detect” a hint of self-recrimination and it is out of their “Failures” to put themselves on Trial that their eviL arises. 

The varieties of “Wickedness” are manifold. 
As a result of their refusal to tolerate a sense of their “Own Sinfulness”, the eviL become “Uncorrectable” Grab Bags of Sin.
They are remarkably “Greedy” professionals, thus they are “Cheap” – so cheap that their fiduciary acts may be Murderous.
Most basic Sin is “laziness”, in next context “Pride” because all Sins are reparable except the one who believes is without sin because the law allows presenting greater issues in magnitude as “Moot “issue. 
Sin Betray – and Isolate us from – both the “Devine” and our fellow creatures. 
As one deep “Religious” thinker put it, any Sin “CAN HARDEN INTO HELL” as predominate characteristic, however, of the behavior of those we will call eviL is scapegoating!
In their hearts they consider themselves “Above” Reproach. 
They “Sacrifice” others to “Preserve” their Self-Image in the name of “Proper “Discipline.

Scapegoating works through a mechanism Psychiatrists call Projection. 
Since the eviL, deep down, feel them to be “Faultless”, it is inevitable that when they face “Conflict” they will invariably perceive the conflict as another’s fault.  
Since they must “Deny” their own “Badness”, they must perceive others as bad while projecting  further profane “Filth”  assaults upon others through no fault of own except forced enrollment. 

Narcissistic narcissism, or clinical acute self –absorption take many forms. 
Some are normal and some are more “Distinctly” pathological as in our medical case study than others. 

We cannot at this time present a balanced view of the whole topic, so we will proceed immediately to that particular pathologic variant that Erich Fromm called “Malignant Narcissism.”
Professional Licensed Malignant Narcissism is characterized by “Un submitted” will. 
Professionals who are “Mentally” healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or love of “Truth” ideals.
They do what “Under” God wants them to do rather than what they think they deserve.  
“Thy Will, not “Mine” be done”, the under God-submitted person will always demonstrate.
They believe in what is “True” rather than what they would like to be true such as In-living Trust probate busting when declared which remains personal otherwise. 
What medical study model demonstrates unlike ethical others their beloved needs become much more important toward own gratifications. 

The Rebellion and fall become Inevitable.

In summary: to greater or lesser degree all “Mentally Healthy” professionals submit themselves to the “Demands” of their own consciousness. 
Not so with the eviL provider however, in conflict between their “Guilt” and their “Will” it is the guilt which go and the will that must “WIN”.

The reader may be struck by the extraordinary willfulness of eviL provider, they are men and women of obvious Strong Will, “Determined” to Have Their Own Way , there is a remarkable Power in the manner in which they “Attempt” to Control Others!

Theoretical true in community “Dilettantes” as theologians speak of eviL being of free will allows professionals the option of eviL. 
The problem can also be envisioned in the Secular Terms of evolution theory; the “Will” of less evolved professional creatures seems largely under the control of money instincts. 
When humans evolved out from under such instinctual controls and hence into free will. 
This evolution leaves humans in the position of being either “Totally Willful” or having to seed “NEW” ways of “SELF- Control” through Submission to HIGHER PRINCIPLES!
It is characteristic of all “great” people that they are extremely strong willed – whether their Greatness be for the GOOD or for eviL. 
The Strong Will – The Power and Authority – of Jesus radiates from the Gospels, just as “Hitler’s” did from Mein Kamph. 
But Jesus’ Will was that of his Father, and Hitler’s that of his OWN, holding Crucial “DISTINCTIONS between “WILLINGNESS and WILLFULNESS”.

Hitler’s willful submission characterizes Malignant Narcissism is depicted in both the stories of Satin, Cain and Abel. Satin refused to submit to God’s Judgment that Christ was Superior to Him. 
For Christ to be preferred meant Satin was not, satin was less than Christ in God’s eyes. 
For professional licensed Satins to accept God’s judgments, they would have to accept their own imperfections, this like Satin himself they could not nor would not do. 
It was unthinkable that they were IMPERFECT! 
IN conclusion professional Narcissistic self-images will always take matters into own hands through more subtle fashions in destroying Life and Liveliness in defense of their self-images. 
Consequently submissions present Band Aide immediate fixes to overcome the impossible and both the Rebellion and fall become Inevitable.

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line based edit rewrite - Reference Book: People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling me to fight the good fight against narcissistic evils and destruction that come within the territory, in Jesus name.


  1. Sinning is most broadly defined as “Missing the Mark”.
    The Evils of this world are committed by Spiritual “Fat cats”, their varieties of “Wickedness” are manifold in “Uncorrectable” Grab Bags of Sin.

  2. It is not their sins per se that characterize eviL"s business, rather it’s the subtly, persistence and consistencies within that characterize money evil's within.
