Sunday, May 1, 2016

Life - Care act: truest symboline Force under God and Country.

Fresh air against new age bureaucracy is what civil rights based equalizer life-Care act is all about

So far we have touched upon new age privatized senior care diabolism in conjunction with common administrative criminal based theology aspects currently practiced abroad. 

Life-Care act is Boomer generation’s reaction against countercultural sins of the New Age Care movement that rightfully should be reacted against being New agers by applications demonstrate unethical incivilities neither under God nor Country only directionally for selves. 

The virtues within Life-Care act movement - representing seniors in perspective are absolutely enormous. 
Unbridled- New age {self-indoctrinated liberalisms} under guise as social advancements (do whatever we please-Narcissism) reflect upon senior populists- no real sense of integral symbolism balance within rather integration in directions of Avoidance. 
I have yet to witness results that promote any sense of civil wellbeing allowing seniors to go into their Happy Dance! 

Why is this you ask? Simple once again; too much power –too fast - allotted toward children of fortune over parents of stability.

Though highly degreed-Specialized: select  CEO (curators) currently in power – lack basic  character(fundamental ) skills required (makeups) from any sense of civil readiness’s (psychospiritual) holding integral Maturity to handle responsibility let alone accountability bestowed upon them as  watchmen.  

If were happening- even in any reasonable sense of resemblance otherwise - I would then have no reason to blog nor promote reaction of necessity on behalf of Life-Care Act federally mandated. 

Life-Care act serves as Boomers economic solvency equalizer- in direction of integration and integrity as holistic styled administrative medicine, which integrates different kinds of aspects rather than being excessively one- sided specialized. 

You see this in many ecology movements, which integrate the contributions of all living things to the cycle of life. You see this in a much more Global kind of thinking that old mind-sets once used to. 

New age care movement ‘Glasnost’ in America needs to be moved away from toward greater integration in all aspects of our social and spiritual lives. 

Having now generally refined many questions down to (Yes) or (No) concerning existence of New age care Diaboline, there is still much to ponder concerning certain specializations (Law) holds negative unbridled role models that unethically impact communities abroad while hypocritical to Oaths. 

If leadership continues to demonstrate simplistic thinking in all affairs that further enable- formations of specialized{Mob} consortiums violating  rights (under flag- the Law allows) as result within failures not to think well under God  an entire generations solvency (feathering individual nests) could be simultaneously wiped out by flick of unholy stupid- selfishness pen.

We are in great need of congress reform: further feedings of this Pig is much more dangerous than many cares to realize but is reality more or less getting worse on daily that summon Depressions. 

As generation, we boomers appear to have been slated as economic band aide fix whitewash required in order to financially sustaining New Age movement then we deserve to be responsibly informed not backstabbed through Croonies.

If this is what will be and to come; then I am grateful to be one under God- graced in visionary preparedness not to be pitied but rejoiced as watchmen provided in accordance to thou will toward generation facing legion opposition ahead of man’s game. 

What proprietors fail to recognize (under immature invincibility syndromes) is all eventually arrive as well; what goes around assuredly always comes back around and then some. 
I wonder how well administers will accept (I believe series (twilight zone) touched upon state {intrusive} mandated obsoleteness) same destinies inflicted as all eventually arrive to face administrations beast in contention? As I recall-not very honorable demonstrating cowardice in face obsoleteness.
Interesting in retrospect; can dish it out against others but hypocritically cannot take it as well – Pitiful.

There are heaps of hypocritical (law) specialized charlatans out there, more than happy at drop of a hat too further pluck from our national symbol while further feathering their nests.
Valid data – a value of very traditional science and businesses practices in the new age of retention ethics many times require clients to wage ongoing, paradoxical struggles to keep such values integrated within case retained to defend. 

Integrity is not easy but necessary toward preservation. 
Reformation is much more difficult than revolution. 
Whether New age theologies within absoluteness is going to be Saving or Damning will come down to whether they are movement of revolution or of reformation – whether it can motivate attraction to do its New Ideas to do the painful work and practice the Discipline required not to throw the Baby out of the Bath Water, to integrate the New with the Best of the Old? 

I see this as no brainer: it all comes down to Which side of majority populist fence (I believe boomers still hold majority numbers) do new age fundamentalists currently straddle under laws of psychics and balance that require fundamentalists must Fall one way or the other in absoluteness’s of?

Time will reveal superiority under: Titlists legion- utilizing inexperienced brawn or Numbers under God -holding strengths in acquired wisdoms. 

The games have already begun and to the victor go all spoils. 

Either way; Life-Care Act, agency or organizational (ideals) stand in readiness to further serve our community as required. 
Irregardless of what final name eventually follows Care, some sort of life-care unit holding equal authoritative strengths will emerge in spirit “I had a Dream” reality of reckoning.  

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrites based within - Referenced Books: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Further Along the Road Less Traveled. 
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.

No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling one to fight the good fight against Narcissistic evils and all destructions that come within the territory; in Jesus name.

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