Thursday, April 28, 2016

What State fashions - isn’t necessarily fashionable abroad.

County of OZ: legions Independent Socialist cell republic or senior judicial upholder under God in community convent - county cannot fly under both equality flags

The time has come within pending Senate judicial reform memorandum set for congress- to decide what side of the fence in which it unanimously stands, under god or under Black heart?

For Wheaton's community covenant to serve its stated purpose, it is crucial that each member of community family understand it clearly and embrace it sincerely. In joining this covenant we are, before the Lord, joining in a compact with other members of the Wheaton  community. If we do not wish to live under the provisions of this compact, we should not agree to it. But if we do agree to it, it should be with the full intention of living with integrity under its provisions.

Integral Consciousness is issue called into question: from senior standpoints as whiteness, now system victim as well – our vote must be under Blackhearts flag by demonstration under the law allows holding record.

By In-Living trust alone: Common Criminal thought patterns were judicially probate enabled by those fundamentally assigned to uphold senior rights while further demonstrating privatized referendum favoritism haphazardly investigated while underscoring personal rights allowing (consortium) with extreme senses of entitlement ability to justify violating other people, or their property without regard to their RIGHTS! 
Administering true justice under god requires integral consciousness pointed in right directions that listen and think well in which fundamentally even under situational all law is primarily based upon.  
Traveling with God requires continual growth within consciousness not afraid to ask more radical questions of validity.
One reason may be to find meaning behind what is being sought holding ability to overcome one dimensional consciousness toward the good that saves community as well as selves from eviL.
The more one becomes conscious, the more they will grow in power and competence that evolutionally thrusts consciousness back under God in which we stand- minus special interest turncoats best representing traitors of nation modeled after yesteryear system pick-pockets that crashed economy into depression further pinioned on same track by design within areas of senior - Medicare/Medicaid titlist asset hijackings in which considered well arrived that will lead to same proportions unless immediately reformed. 

The Latin word “Con-scire” literally means “To Know With.” 
We will suggest best answer is to know with God. 
Psychological disorders primarily have their root in consciousness rather than of unconscious, those “Nasty” materialisms contained in the unconscious because the Conscious mind refuses to deal with them!
If we were to deal with unpleasant stuff, then the unconscious mind would offer absolute gardens of delight through which all could benefit connected to God. 
In other word, we believe under god reals self through the unconscious to all those willing to be open toward it and become conscious of its time tested wisdom.

Wisdom is a ‘Spirit’ – Its refrain is “And I say: ask and you will receive. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be open to you. And I say: the Lord will give his mind, the lord will show you the way, and the lord will make you his Light.” 

The lord will actually give us his mind if we become conscious enough, we can actually begin to think with the mind of God “under God.”

The development of Under God consciousness that is not hypocritical by submission is a process of the conscious mind opening itself to the unconscious in order to be ‘Congruent’ with the mind of God. 
When we become ‘Aware’ of New Truths, it is because we “Consciously” ‘Recognize’ it to be true; we 
Re-know” that which we have known all along in the unconscious mind. 
We come to know the wisdom that under God shares with us!

In the road less traveled, it is commonly suggested that God actually speaks to us in a whole variety of ways, here are some examples.
One is through her “still small voice.” Of this still, small voice book gives another example in Gifts of the journey, where it tells of advanced aged women by today’s standards that traveled remarkably far on the Spiritual Journey but was still deeply engaged in confronting general fearfulness and lack of faith. 
Summarized: runner began to feel quite awkward; no longer enjoyed jogging down path of familiarity questioning why on troublesome path in the first place? 
In the end “To Think” exclaimed Joy - which the creator of the whole universe would take the time out to go running with her. 

What this story experience demonstrates, the ‘holySpirit often speaks to us when we least expect it. 
But she can be Heard and obeyed only when her Voice falls upon a Soul that is Open to her and Prepared to Listen and why need of situational blog county origin’d - They Don’t Listen outside of!
Stakes here concerning differing agendas are high as primarily Twain’D onlooker attempting to retain privileges in medical agreement concurrent within capable of doing for one’s self further  believed publicly media demonstrated beyond all concepts within reasonable doubt. 

What is being intrusively denied holds two tier county justice systems whitewashing that in many ways cast role over another to be autocratic In “OVER-CONTROLLING” as Villains that reject constitutional rights while excluding all choice of under bill of rights- best represent Mob style Anarchy. 

While thinking integrally under god consciousness; enabled predatory formations of consortium imploded groups which fiducially improperly administer for profits under guised misapplications interpreted allowed demonstrates theologies within common criminal proportion holds problematic ultimate authority that should be removed when allows outside citizens to fall victims too consortium activities that violate another by discrimination, exploitation, and Oppressions”, denying intended same rights, opportunities and access to valued resources under Probate jurisdictions pinioned unconstitutional by submission containing criminal based thinking in origins.   

Integral Ethics by submission always contain Civility within consciously motivated that are ethical as well. So far I have witnessed best representing none of the above in all affairs by order or otherwise. 

Questionable unwritten code ethics appear to supersede all state governmental that illusionary allude responsibleness in general. 

Choices in integral responsibility under god and country; do not demonstrate continual arrays within character disorders of unbridled- stupid selfishness proportions.
They do not best represent within; problematic {Freudian} phobia displacement disorders that have failed community at large while still refusing to recognize own necessity of Self- Examinations and appropriate removals. 

Illinois; from boomer pinioned Perspective based upon conglomerated evidence - leadership was allowed administratively too far out in left field too reasonably control within minus federal interventions,  as state that obviously cannot find its way back home in any affair under God. 
For these reasons holing validity - federal mandate of proposed {LIFE- CARE Act} is fundamentally appropriate in correctness under God that are sound within concepts pertaining but no limited toward generations tends to be their own best cultural preservers and acting liaison force on the hill force that cannot be misinterpreted nor politically misapplied equivalent to Nader's Raiders proficiency as generations wellbeing watchdog protecting agency from tyrannies of man stemming from local probate hierocracy too lobbyists that push questionable intrusive referendums contrary under god best benefiting privatized  interests that further feather nests under the law allows leaving room for unethical firms to build better mouse traps providing future happy days to all who belong plus an occasional Benz or two toward higher echelons keeping up appearances. 

I do not know about the rest, but as watchmen while mother was still alive- not under forced R/x influence. Her standing complaint in concern was attrition’d indignities- while being treated like a child.
I am wholeheartedly in agreements and will not be forced voluntarily or otherwise toward same destiny. 
Under additional reasoning’s ; relocation asylum potentials are being strongly considered as best overall immediate recourse out from under - if state did not get in 5 - it will most likely take additional five before consciousness appears and even then highly doubtful.
We still hold tendency to be slow learners that never really get it, so as far as staying why bother?

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story lines combined consist of edit rewrites of Reference: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil 
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.

We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based narcissistic evils and all destructions within territories that lead into Hell – In Jesus Name.

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