Three factors play central roles in our learning: attitude, temperament, and values.
Although interrelated, insofar as they can be separated, each is a valuable and separate component in learning itself.
Attitude is ones acquired disposition or general approach to viewing things; it undoubtedly affects one’s ability to learn.
To what extent an attitude is learned or inborn is hard to determine, but there is reason to believe that much is nurtured by environments.
Everybody generally has attitude problems more or less in those areas that are foreign to one’s immediate life circumstances.
Thus, part of learning is becoming conscious of our attitudes and calling them into question.
Another words: place yourself in another’s shoes having lived through privatized version of senior socialism that was system backed, designed to make all No’s - Yes’s and IN Living Trust powerless formality to be profited upon.
Forensics further reveal while citizenry are relatively asleep behind the wheel of misfortune, Socrates lawyer law groups are busy advancing unwritten bills of rights while establishing codes within bar membership’s allegiance promoting better buddy systems of least resistance.
Current presidential candidates may reference from time to time when encouraged important aspects in religion to our country while on the same breath imply though important as nation must just go along with (AKA going with the flow without question) whatever government tells populists to do.
What statement suggests is not only candidates are integrally confused but may have their glasses on backwards as far as who works for whom?
Values such as family are those qualities that we as citizens deem important.
Consequently legislative trends compass minority socialism supersedes traditional values that are country were built upon toward what titlists value the most being enslavement of your acquired assets.
If as generation we choose to preserve freedom of choice, than the following factors hold keys that maintain self-respect; First one must determine what to study and what not to study, when to study and when not to study and most importantly who to study within and who not to study with.
Unlike our parents in most respects - boomers fundamentally are within socialism's twilight zone.

What must be decided as generation in hot seat are choices of what we must learn or decision to learn not at all while holding white flag in one hand and open wallet or purse in the other signifying self-service and help yourself to whatever is desired.
Discerning values will always compass best individual choice in learning.
Matters must be firmly established, for example integrity in works has become high priority on life-cares values list of importance.
Critical to issue is dedication to truth is one part of being under Gods scientists.
What is called the scientist method is nothing more than a series of conventions and procedures that were adopted over the centuries in order to combat human tendencies.
Our Reagan national Bible holds abundance in scripture (as owner’s manual) in which to reference.
We practice this method out of dedication to something higher than are emotional comfort: namely the Truth.
True Science, therefore, is an activity submitted to a higher power that looks at all things objectively that did not allow ego’s to get in its way of searches for Truth.
Monetary narcissism scientifically compasses no ethics in the air that are growing worse as days go on.
Additionally scenarios suggest formations of hybrid value systems and importance of Life-cares blog.
For instance, the “authority of scripture” not emphasized within upbringing training may have produced more devils advocates than society knows what to currently do with?
So we are back to the subject of Integrity and wholeness in which many a Reagan quote can be referenced. Unlike children, adults can practice integrity by conscious choice.
Children that were not properly reared hold tendency to continue within adult life that demonstrate when one is good at one thing and not so good at another we must avoid the one that is difficult or found uncomfortable.
Would current privileges in status unknown to third world countries be here now if majority of forefathers had mentalities of children leading our nation and was not the great depression enough to remind what should never be left in control does not pay taxes and furthered solvency require elements in war or subsidy such as senior assets to get out from under what was improper from the start?

Learning from proper role models
The subject is continued solvency through no brainier's utilizing one of life's greatest gifts.
Seniors in reality are blessings not perceived hindrances as states persons having been there that offer treasure chests in knowledge that prevents us from having to learn everything from scratch, so to speak in which as nation we are headed.
True moral scientists unlike children that must be taught have opportunities to make deliberate choices of role models that can effectively use negative role models appropriately, as examples of what not to do toward the common good.
So whom currently topically forensic responsibility in all unsound affairs?
Forensics compass guardianship and law group owners that knew better that are no better than insider group that crashed Wall Street and kicked off great depression with no remorse.
When learning form others unless career choice is that of criminal mindedness one must keenly perceive the nuances that allow us to distinguish good and bad teachers.
Against fashionable opinions: under god can still sustain healthy groups that can be extraordinarily productive under strong ethical generalship.
In order to unseat formations of unsound hybrid pseudo-communities, temporary formations of even greater community in such settings must be established for purposes of collaborative decision making.
Indeed history shows we know how to do this very well when properly motivated.
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
In conclusion of today’s session: Life-care movement’s struggles are not only better ways to inform within atmosphere of oppression but learning how to help develop organizations of senior necessity capable of maintaining ingredients while unfashionable in community on their own perhaps modeled after AARP to be named American Association of Retired Disabled Persons or AARDP?
What maintains us as one of the greatest nations on earth is even one of “Idiot” status can righteously challenge system mindsets into reform and who knows perhaps Tea party may adapt some of these ideals that four years later present strong peoples candidate worthy in notice- not to be taken lightly.
Let’s face it we need a third party in order to re-balance proper check and balance system in which currently our choice is restricted to chooses between lessor of two party evils to contend with.
Our future well-being is dependent upon more than politics being the only game in town.
The survival of our continent well depends upon whether our government can evolve into sustaining community values and hence become ongoing learning institutions and if too late, better to be known now in which to prepare within.
Realities Paradox is well understood within enemy camps concerning what keeps unorthodox door opened. Counted upon Laziness carries high price tag; The alternative not to meet demands in life - on life’s terms - means as generation we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god, we become forced to live under its inherent Mental Illness slated to continue impacting future generations.
What damages society at large the most are coddled conducts holding fashionable Nihilism send out direct messages to our future - values are simply no longer of importance in which domino effects of no ethics in the air follow true to course.

Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God safe institutions, facilities and practices that place fiduciary integrity first over undue profits index margarine for purposes of increasing bottom lines.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and stories of yesteryear that relate in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant Evil stem within being unduly cast into where one does not belong required to bounty hunt true justice before the law can be said to have correctly applied.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank M. Scott Peck M.D plus Adele Calhoun and providing Libraries for sharing accrued wisdom's and lecture series that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that place senior solvency in hell’s kitchen to be butchered as one pleases.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for; in god, under God, securing family evolution.