From oppressed senior perspective medically certified to administer one’s own affairs: forced depositor investment earns less than $2.00 interest per month while portions loaned out benefit bank substantially higher rates evidence not to be enough profitability, additionally ordered bank chartered out of state bank as co-op in which both extract off principle subject to fluctuations without notice introductory sum of $80.00 per month currently at 4 checks issued equates $20.00 per undisclosed check write fee worth of $200.00 per professional management hour value in ordered service for my own good that even Jethro from the Beverly hillbillies can easily cipher benefit of - $79.00 in preverbal hole or red that will become much worse as time goes on.
Next unduly labeled senior must contend with after the fact attorney malpractice within known flawed honor system.
Forensics currently compass high probabilities within federal and state refunds are being improperly withheld by resigned administrator would be concurrent within character profile in record.
Next law group history forensics probable unethical encouragement to hold out reopens case and subsequent opportunities within additional bias fees can be trust extracted as accustomed and worst possible scenario of wrist slap.
The malpractice portion is my attorney should have researched and confirmed both state and federal refund statuses prior to case closure while judge was handing out orders include within case history necessity in order of refunds to be expediently forwarded to successor administration upon receipt.
If had been done resolve would be simple matters of contempt of court.
The ARDC portion holds two tier ethics concerns within that which are not specific to law group administrator nor is limited to assigned council/representative concerning clients properly advised and right to exercise withdrawal within what evidences redundancy or what is asked of compromises bar association membership or jeopardizes license status to further practice law in state of residency.
For public record as trust owner under unsound adversary environment - situational law ethics allows direct contact of law group administer for purposes in resolve under hostile conditions.

Additionally all have been advised for public record: either successor trustee is shown to be in full receipt of In Living trust deficits in deposit or prior trust administrator is to provide formal comprehensive letter in fiduciary advisement accurately confirmed within exhibits and expectant completion.
If neither can be successfully satisfied within subsequent deadline expanded no later than Friday August 19, 2016 by 17th hundred hour: owner/beneficiary - fiduciary wise has no choice within what overall serves deceased mothers - In Living trust best interests but to pursue aggressive relief action under ARDC jurisdiction referencing; forensics compass redundancy within questionable areas of law group ethics in practice suggest associates allowed not to coincide within Bar guidelines while ignoring licensee requirement for one to publicly conduct oneself within integrity of license as privilege plus IRS office of Ombudsmen advocate suspicioning probable criminal activities exist within guardianship compass potential of refunds being illegally withheld may hold intent to further defraud In living trust and special needs trust person.
Some readers may be thinking “Moron” never reveal upfront what is intended: while that may be true under certain circumstances in lesser degrees, according to scriptures contained within the Regan national bible referencing integrity, if were to do so makes one no better than offending parties pursued under God in justices name.
What distinguishes ordinary sin from blatant punishable Evils simply has to do with not only being cast into where I do not belong, but having to bounty hunt true justice before the law can be said to have correctly applied.
The alternative – not to meet demands of life on life’s terms – means we end up losing more than the roots of righteousness under god, we become forced to live under its inherent Mental Illness.
Not everyone can have the impact of a Rosa Parks, but we each can take a stand in the struggle against administered incivilities in which all battles that make differences start at home.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God safe institutions, facilities and practices that place fiduciary integrity first over undue profits that are indexed margined for purposes of increasing bottom lines.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated status and stories of yesteryear that relate in real time perspective.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank M. Scott Peck M.D plus Adele Calhoun and providing Libraries for sharing accrued wisdoms and lecture series that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design that place senior solvencies in hell’s kitchen to be butchered as one pleases.

Standing Together ensures tomorrows.
To all boomers; our fathers did these things for us, now it is time to secure their extended legacies.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for; in god, under God securing family evolution.
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