Once in our great land lived a senior who was upright, feared God and shunned Evil.
One day the angels came and presented themselves to the lord and Satan also came with them.
The lord said to Satan, where have you come from?
Satin answered, from roaming the earth and going back and forth in it.
Then the lord said to satin, have you considered my servant , there is no one on earth like him; he is upright, a man who fears under God and shuns Evil.
Does Job fear under God for nothing? Satin replied.
Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has?
You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.
But stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surly curse you.
So Satin went out from the presence of the lord now granted and afflicted Job with every type of tyranny known to man.
His wife said to him, are you still holding on to your “INTEGRITY”, curse under God and Die.
Job replied, you are talking like a Foolish Women, shall we only accept good from God, and not trouble?
After years of sustaining devil’s advocate affliction, the lord came to job and said: You have an arm like God and your voice can thunder like mine.
Adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and cloth yourself in Honor and Majesty.
The time has come for you to unleash the fury of your wrath, look at every proud man and humble them, crush the wicked were they stand.
Bury them all in the dust together then I myself will admit to you that your own right hand can save you.
After the lord had said these things to Job, he said to others who still remained under God, “I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.
So now go to my servant Job and sacrifice offering yourselves, my servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer and not deal with you according to your Folly.
The lord blessed the later part of Job’s life more than the first.
He lived many years after and witnessed generations righteously flourish once again under God.
And so he died, old and full of years.
Reference: Holy Bible – New International Version.

Unplugging – relinquish false selves.
Unplugging recognizes that personal beings are created for personal interaction by a personal God.
We need to be in the presence of each other.
Digital connections are not enough to keep us healthy, we need to be touched, we need none verbal signals, we need uninterrupted spaces in our lives for the presence of God and the presence of others.
We need to bet unplugged from virtual reality and address our addictions and the toxins they bring into our lives. Unplug, and look into the eyes of another human face – see the beauty of God’s creation!
Each of us has a Beautiful true self inside of us. It is God’s gift to us.
But many can hardly take this, somewhere life taught true selves were not welcome or safe or wanted.
The false self-strives to cobble together an identity based on those things rooted in idols and Idols can be lost!
Things here today are frequently gone tomorrow in our new aged order of anxiety that at best only serve to produce precarious mooring for the soul.
Our truest identity can never be something accomplished, earned, or proven on our own.
It is a gift that we receive from Jesus, it is something we earn through performance; it is what we are given.
Scripture tells us that we are
- Chosen (John 15:16)
- Beloved children of God (1 John 3:1)
- Friends of Jesus (John 15:15)
- The temple of God (1corinthians 3:16)
- God’s work of art (Ephesians 2:10)
- Fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)
These are our truest selves, we are not defective failures, and we are treasured by the lord of the universe. This is why all who choose to remain under God can feel good about themselves.
The R disciplines of “relinquishment” detach us from the idols that vie for our attention and attach us through Christ to our truest identity under God.
When we recognize and name the idols that consume our energy, time and hearts, we ask God for the Grace to “Let Go,” relinquishing our dependence on these things.
Through practices or righteous relinquishments we unmask false pretenses, attachments, agendas, and grandiosities. In the presence of Christ we lay down the weight of having to manage an imagine.
Francis de Sales writes in his Treatise on the Love of God, No one can perfectly love God unless they give up their affections for perishable things, our free will is never so free as when it is a slave to God’s Will, just as it is never so servile as when it serves our own will.
Though detachments from our false selves and idols of our heart can be painful processes, God’s spirit of Truth longs to help under God detach from all lies cast upon us that have shaped us.
Surrendering to and maturing along Christ in me identity provides the R disciplines that help us along.
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that transform us by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun.
Learning from role models
Our relations with others – and learning from them – can be one of life’s gifts.
As a blessing, role models help Prevent us from having to learn everything from scratch, so to speak, since if we are Good Listeners and Observers we can avoid some of the Pitfalls someone else has found in their paths we as nation under God are heading.
Child hood offers routes for learning that are primarily for better or worse, while adulthood offers opportunities to make deliberate choices that utilized negative role models appropriately, as examples of what not to do!
Many alleged so called licensed puritans are in reality flocks of Dr. Bumbles and their psychiatric instincts are usually wrong.
The Bible in which all laws under god are primarily based upon serves as owner’s manual that tells us what to do when comparing professional judgments with Dr. Bumbles.
So in learning from others, one must keenly perceive the nuances that allow us to distinguish between Good and bad teachers.
Healthy groups can be very extraordinary productive in addressing extremely complex issues.
They build communities for the purposes of collaborative decision makings.
These organizations develop capacities that maintain ingredients by interventions as sustainable community, so that decision making and healthy group functionality continues to occur routinely.
A learning organization must be in community, the key issue, however, is continual learning.
It’s easy to teach others about temporary system loopholes when in crisis, but what are not too easy is how to teach them to learn not only within but continually.
The survival of our nation may very well depend upon whether our Institutions can evolve into sustainable communities and hence become ongoing learning organization under God.
As always, ongoing consciousness precedes choice; without it, there is no choice!
Thus, the single most important personal choice Boomers can make in their lives is the choice of ever-increasing consciousness focused upon retirement years that multiply options.
Unlike our parents, the new millennium only offers senior civil protections that are no different than Dog fighting another that has wandered into our territories.
Our belief systems have as much impact as speaking into microphones that are thousands of miles away.
So selfishness are not always simple matters, the path of smart selfishness discerns which emotional suffrages are constructive and which constitutionally are not.
There are no virtues in unwarranted headaches, Life-care movement views un-constructive suffering only holds value when what has been learned is implemented into community under God that recognizes what horrible things we cast upon our senior children while perpetrators forget they too will become senior children themselves someday.
True Democracy just doesn’t happen; it must be fought for within right reasoning’s under God, in God.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented just the right time when public is at whit’s end.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their right to expect under God - safe retirement environments to be State Free of organized care predators backed by unethical law groups or firms.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Our constitution still preambles to include seniors categorized as second class citizens that their voice still holds relevance within new order while under God.
Oppressed seniors need America’s help - against injustice that only recognizes those who are in political correctness (18th judicial 2012 p 893) are the ones to be fiducially waited upon.
God’s Marines under Jesus are the ways that bless our continent.
His intentions never waiver when he finds temples clogged with buying and selling.
He takes his whole establishment to task of running these sorts out of temples designed to bless the masses - not to be used as clearing houses for financial gains.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword.
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Growing increases of no ethics in the air compass to have educated more immoral devils then we know what to do with - let alone set down.
Story line based upon Life-care movement updated statuses in real time perspective.
Not for profit-senior community service providing edited shares through effective communications.
You do have a voice and Life-care movement cares.
Reference: The Road Less traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
We thank all authors and providing Libraries for sharing accrued wisdoms that enable another to successfully navigate through uncharted seas of none tranquility that position seniors not only to live out their retirement years within pure Hell on earth, but contend with new aged confusions concerning what U.S. integrity was and still is may be all about.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in neither extensions of self-help recovery topical shares nor supportive media or accompanying Jpegs.
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