Life-care movement has endeavored to collect examples of wrong doings by groups for which an individual would surely been charged were they his acts alone, but for which one seemingly has no responsibility because they are sponsored or committed by a group which they may not be a member.
If a group is guilty of an act that would be a crime for an individual to do, just how much blame should the participant individual take upon themselves personally?
When four “Thugs” cooperate in a robbery or murder, all are usually accounted guilty and punished.
But suppose multiple group entities join in on a felony withhold scheme, what then is the moral responsibility of the individual?
If the group activity were a constructive one, each individual would certainly receive – at least claim – a certain amount of the benefit and also the credit. In cases of destructive acts are only the officers guilty?
At the 1971 meeting of the Synod of (Roman Catholic) Bishops and of the National Federation of (Roman) Priests’ Councils it was emphasized be Father Robert Kennedy that “no evil intention is so structured to bring about injustice or oppression.
But is it a Sin of Omission if we do not take personal action to fight that injustice?
The National Catholic Reporter comments that we have been so used to taking such a personal view of Sin it is easy to forget that Sin – and Virtue (as said above) – involves other people.
Individuals cannot hide from themselves what they know to be Illegal or Immoral actions by the group.
What can be done to purge oneself of the guilt will depend upon many factors, but their obligation as successor trustee to do something is clear.
A thousand hilarious Jokes have been told around bars about clever tricks played on the perceived stupid. All’s fair in love, War, and dealing with “Ignorant” or helpless seniors as weaker nation.
Acknowledgment in the same great and wicked steals of sin is a start, but it is not enough.
We all realize and deplore facts of group steals against seniors in trust contribute toward declines in values in which many agree must be eliminated, but we allow unsavory groups to drive on and pollute the air those Nine Men in Washington are always talking about.
Some may become forced to confess to the ARDC participations in many of the group activities which now must agree to have been – to still be – improper ones.
We the people can point out collective group sins in supported fiduciary irresponsibility that disgrace our name and states reputation, but having pointed what more can be done about it?
Boomers as targeted generation forensic to assume predestined roles within hybrid system designed to loot what required lifetimes to accumulate.
In order to defend ourselves-perhaps slightly increasing the size of the “penitent portion” of our society remissions unsavoriness under god?
But what can the penitent portion do as small minority, unlikely at present to change the course of counter valued group activities?
Like any little engine that could it grows and becomes noisy enough to attract the attention and gain the support of some of the previously structured into injustice for group profits.

This train no longer can be technicality slowed down.
Gradual reversals may be effected in some of the self-destructive trends but alas under time the great equalizer such evolve into no match for the little engines persistence - determined to get over that hill.
What generally happens is usually good old fashioned hard work based in old school under God influences enough support from neighbors, friends, and readers, some change can be accomplished.
Conceptional every Newspaper Editor wistfully hopes they are helping to do just this while magazine writers on critical topics have same goal in mind.
Although many times concepts remain little more than wistful hope, like the little engine sooner or later some of these efforts take effect.
Many of us have wrung our hands and shed our tears publicly as life-care movement has done in living trust for years regarding vicious county programs - those mental cruelties privatized commit against seniors of means and family in which even in death they do not part.
Intentional Poisonings of the spirit under God can only lead to sudden expressions of Presidential happiness to announce unsavoriness’s orgy at the hands of stockmen are slated to be terminated.
So what prompts perceived highest level of leadership to announce landmark decisions of these proportions?
States demonstrating fiduciary “Acedia” redundancies of taboo’s that shirked or goofed off within what are centuries old.
Reasons behind Sin do not correct its offensiveness, destructiveness or its essential wrongness.
If ignorance of the law excuses no one, ignorance of the truth surely cannot absolve groups from all sins of omission.
Some seniors may remember in the late thirties how some of our intelligent friends refused to believe what was reported about Hitler’s horrible acts and systematic genocides.
Granted, the crime was so huge and awful that it staggered the imagination, let alone the cruelty of the modern world, there were plenty of burning fragments from the great fire thrown into the air for everyone to see, shudder and weep.
But many averted their eyes –and ears- striving for a selfish safety which no one could entirely achieve.
So despite topical flows in relatively theoretical sameness concerning undue acquirements the subjects of motivation in title - like the thirties - are likely to be disregarded by sophisticated and some scientific readers.
Being that nothing new exists under the sun here is what fundamentally still rings true to this day.
There are carrots in front and sticks behind the donkey and both help.
Sweeten the carrot, sharpen the stick and use them differently.
In conclusion county Arcadia forensic desire of all senior residents to believe exertions in perceived unnecessary directions preserving legacies will only get one tired that invites trouble.
All sins of omission couldn’t possibly be listed in today’s session.
Vectors which determine incivility, indifference, unconcern, and all the other symptoms could not be listed at this time either.
Rather what life-care movement aided by referenced book “Whatever became of Sin” attempts - is not to supply seniors with checklist, only a few suggestions.
But let it stand that there is a Sin in not Doing, not Knowing, of not finding out what one must do – in short of not caring.
This is the literal meaning of “ACEDIA”, recognized as Sin for so many centuries and Plaguing us still.
We will return to this latter down story line.
So why does it take a thousand earnest news stories too awaken society within realizations that certain privatized sectors commissioned to protect senior solvencies are greedily breaking In Living Trust sanctities that never should have been allowed defiled in the first place?
What generally vehicles minority unsoundness can often be found among scarcity myths creatively steered. I believe series twilight zone touched upon concept within episode called - The Librarian.
For these reasons no one law group ethically should ever be further ARDC allowed to monopolize redundancies within successions of any one trust estate - the temptations to commit sins discounting fiduciary duties become too great to resist the benefits of monetary evils in collective irresponsibility’s.
Illinois Boomer taxpayers have served their country, paid their dues, and expect State safe environment under God free of predatory nonsense that insult our generation as well as all seniors’ abroad.
State forensics compass more fiduciary county based crimes are enabled against vulnerable seniors than it actively disciples or punishes of national disgrace.
All resident retirees of means need to make perfectly clear to public elect and agency compensates: we are not obsolete nor do we exist as unsoundness’s Money market account subsidy.
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement Story line commentary is based upon updated status of yesteryear that forensic full circle back for more.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”

Thank You For The Feeling
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
We thank Author Dr. Karl Menninger and providing prairie state college Library for sharing His book “Whatever become of Sin?” in which his accrued wisdoms have enabled an average laymen to successfully navigate through uncharted seas by design intentioned to place the vulnerable senior into Hell’s two tier kitchen of profiteer’s injustice minus ability to defend.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for: in god, under God - securing family values that can be passed on.
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