Sunday, October 30, 2016

A fundamental Serpico asks are there any within my dynamics not on the take based in corruption?

Life-care examines the plight of the integral man having been forced ordered into a secretly structured environment ravaged with avarice that knows no other way to earn its living. 
It is no secret those in community under god do not believe in secrecy while anonymity is the tool of trade in Devils advocacies. 
They do not desire populist to know who they are nor their subtle schemes brought into light that unethically fleece people out of their assets under closed system environment. 
Intentional mismanagements are its objective and council that misinterprets and subsequently misapplication’s under excuse the law allows is its means. 
Every juicy secret fundamental in the devil himself can be found within every obscured accounting presented too late to do anything about them. 
Unethical practices traditionally punished under consumer fraud hold juicy autocrat industry secrets. 
Their deeds forensic majority of situations subsequently eluded its fiduciary payout responsibilities.
Prime example in argument: questionable bank officers none response concerning required Health insurance obligation implies not only conspiracy but additionally suggests public pro bono will have to assume expense in subsequent order that a special needs trust must fulfill its intended obligation. 

Besides Avarice, what additionally comes to light forensic fiduciary is susceptible to improper technicalities focused in what it does not have to do rather than integrally what they should do while courts having appoint or ordered hold extensions that no longer should be licensed. 
Secrecies that equate to criminal thinking having unduly defiled many a golden rule never honor community under God so why do enforcements allow them to Rohm freely? 
What sanctioned impureness tells our future is Saturday night lives skit of yesteryear titled Bizarro world in which all lefts are politically correct are millenniums new rule in life. 
Do your best in this hemisphere means do your degreed worst and never say never when subsequent trampling’s of others provide becoming all that one can be. 
So until congress finishes implementing senate proposed Bizarro world’s agenda, for the time being we remain under god and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about. 
The rules of Saint Benedict until avarice becomes official successor still apply as law over our land. 
A law passed for life holds simple statement in chosen rhythms presented to God as steward in spiritual act of worship having declared amendment of a golden rule maintains vital balance under his domain. 
Every time an unethical law is passed favoring privatized that devolve rhythms in senior social chaos, not only did participants forsake their oaths in public trust, but by conduct alone compass a morality that no longer resides under god nor document hold hidden burdens in allegiance as Bizarro party member best impeached for the good of the whole in continual public safety. 
Another words - simply put: unethical Logistical sectors under devil’s advocacy rule having promoted legalistic ways in earning immoral points contrary under God mandate immediate redetermination projects and subsequent scrapings of all concepts based in avarice having been improperly lobbied into law that support Narcissistic value systems slated to unduly subsidize its constituents at taxpayer and social security expenditures. 
While elitists hold many a complaint about inferiors and what should be done with them advances economic recovery holds ditto in “We the people can no longer afford” to support schemed provisions that provide unbalanced mountains in money that generations of squanders may never fully deplete. 
Anytime there are failures in social deficits they can be attributed to lack therefore of the quality behind leadership thinking.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turning tides.
While unethical fleecing’s of seniors assets have been going on for decades – that - for whatever reason remains sui generis in many a legislator’s eye it’s sanctioned continue to whitewash their dirty fiduciary laundry into safety in culture of autocracies underworld systems. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Retirement is supposed to be about well-earned rest that has contributed more than its fair share.
Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained, self-sufficient crime lab as trusts babysitters.
Although we could pinpoint many a developed professional deftness engineered to appear complex - in conceptional reality they really are not when pieces have been properly placed in criminal law puzzle. 
Armoring up in God’s word still remains best defense against Dough Boy mentalities that fear its persistent more than openly admitted.
Referenced material in perspectives
The road less traveled and beyond – Spiritual growth in an Age of Anxiety. 
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Practices that transform us.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie. 
Gradually we begin to see which captains in industry and elects alike place money over peace by their community building having redundantly fallen short under god by covenants, advertisements, sponsored classes, lecture tours and publications hypocritically presented bear false witness toward community as anti-Christ’s. 
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. 
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance. 
Let all boomers say we will not fall apart.
We thank Authors M. Scott Peck M.D. - Adel Calhoun and providing community library and ministry for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantages seniors through Hell’s two tiered immoral biased kitchen providing one sided injustice having sacked its appointments. 
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly writes another’s epitaph under God for capital gains or for purposes to eludes justice. 
The venality of avarice's evils depend on the content of the lie commonly practiced without apology in high places. Compliance: the act of properly complying or yielding in which disposition readily complies.

1 comment:

  1. Although we could pinpoint many a developed professional deftness engineered to appear complex - in conceptional reality they really are not when pieces have been properly placed in criminal law puzzles.
