Thursday, October 20, 2016

Was the role of life-cares soul constructed by God for this purpose?

Life-care movement has explored specific captains in industry that suggests their world’s present ideal environments for human learning which brings us into discussion about the notion of the soul.
In People of the Lie, we will quote Keats as refereeing to this world as “the vale of soul-making” which means to boomers we are here to learn and be prepared. 
This belief is one that Christianity and other religions have in common with reincarnation theory, which suggests were here to get rid of “Bad Karma” and to pass on lessons that are necessary so our legacies can eventually transition beyond this world. 
This end of life challenge presents the ultimate goal in learning that perfects souls. 
To purpose the idea of becoming perfected is not the same as saying perfect runs only one way rather we are capable of learning, changing, and growing throughout span of earthly lives. 
While we cannot prove existence of the soul any more than existence of God to diehard seculars we have indeed offered many hints that suggest its existence having done so through efforts. 
As slow learners in character many humans are not open to the same sorts of evidences that impressed Jung or led Keats to his conclusions. 
The book denials of the soul although subject’s euthanasia essentially captures from topical perspective secularist’s ignorance for one reason or another are strongly immune or closed to the soul.
Once again, we find ourselves involved with something that is actually much larger than we are, and therefore cannot be submitted to any single, adequate, or simplistic definition. 
That does not mean an operating definition cannot be used, imperfect though it may be. 
We believe such definition can at the very least facilitate progress in looking at the equally mysterious subject of learning.  
So, if we proclaim to be as one nation under god what does that mean? 
Its states we have unified souls “God created”, God nurtured, unique, Developable, immortal human spirits. 
While each of these modifiers are crucial, lets foundation for the moment upon three. 
We have numerously examined partnered relationships that forensic only sought what purposed selves. 
“God Nurtured” means not only did God create us from the moment of our conception but also the God, through grace, continues to nurture us throughout our lives. 
So, what common denominates is paradox in nurturing and by what design upholds our worldly claim? 
Life-care movement as a purpose would not exist unless she wanted something from us.
what does she want? 

She wants others to learn.
 Most of our grace seems to be devoted to that end. 
The other Key word is “Developable”. 
There would be no point in God’s wanting us to relearn what marquee’s leader of free worlds in the first place unless we could learn, unless we were capable of proper development. 
We are evolving creatures, not only as an entire race but as individuals. 
As physical beings including the partnered purposed only out for selves; bodies stop developing while inevitability decay takes its natural due course. 
Fact: Psychospiritual development that integrally nurtured community evidence remissions that continued their god ordained time up until moment of passage and based upon referenced authors work well beyond that is timeless. 
For within this referenced psychospiritual development indisputably the word “Growth,” exists and growth is inextricably dependent upon Learning. 
Living under God also provides under those nine men in Washington’s document always talked about free will whether to grow or not, whether to learn or not to learn.  
One of the greatest psychologists of prior century, Abraham Maslow, coined the term “Self Actualization,” by which he meant human beings’ capacity to grow and evolve into higher levels of psychosocial and spiritual functionality, autonomy, and personal power suggest contexts in which mortal decays no longer hold the last word. 
Once boomers have achieved the means to meet basic needs of survival within what subtly lurks around Ezekiel’s watchtower seeking to skave senior wealth’s; we will move on to higher levels in awareness’s that preserve family values during those controversial rainy days that present broken arrowed fiduciary excuse based on “you can’t take it with you” so you must recirculate to those state declares fit to receive benefits.
Ordained in community integrally steward their appointed flowers that God has made possible for them to enjoy not the other way around. 
What this means is that while we cannot create our own souls, we can steward them well or badly. 
Choices made become final determiners as cocreatorrs united under god or malignant lots Saint Michael himself cast out to join satins legion. 
Therefore, we will interpret what Maslow called self-actualization as proper life through series of opportunities leaned through making right choices that remained under God are truest success stories. 
What topically remains simply suggests; no real skill is needed to cheat, steal, exploit, manipulate and whitewash when vantaged as devil’s advocate are required while master clinicians under God typically integrally work hard toward advancing cocreating (or coactualizing) of selves and its citizenry in which residency state reflects if Gods guidance had been adhered toward taxpayers currently would be experiencing benefits in ongoing processes of unfolding, development, and blooming rather than enduring harebrained schemes in the ridiculous that don’t last modeled after Rob Peter pays Paul. 
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety. 
In summary: categories of behaviors characterized have no business licensed, appointed, elected or otherwise to manage or officiate over any another let alone hold title of senior assets. 
Swindling is stealing while sanctioned swindling Robs our overall economic security that great depressions are made of that topples nations. 
No responsible heathy minded leader or captain in industry conjures up and deploys to these extremes unless criminally minded when credentials proclaim no excuse in requirement to dabble in devils deals. 
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony returning for more. 
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares.
Where ready to dance your Superlatives why wont you?
We thank Author M. Scott Peck M.D. and providing community library for sharing his intuitiveness as valued resource enabling average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities engineered that unethically vantages seniors through Hell’s two tiered bias kitchen provides one sided predictable injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on ensuring evolution equally enjoys security in no other unduly writes another’s epitaph disrespecting those nine men in Washington always talked about under God for capital gains.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We have numerously examined partnered relationships that forensic only sought what purposed selves.
    Life-care movement as a purpose would not exist unless god nurtured did not expect something from and out of us. What does she want?
    Read on and you will have found out what has been asked since 2012 all along and why such must no longer be nor hold societal role as authoritative figure.
