Saturday, November 26, 2016

Is it hard to be Jolly in environment full of sanctioned asset Folly!

Life-care explores Illinois ordered management holds avarice all in for wrong reasoning’s. 
In every community there are unsavory that cannot permit themselves the pleasure giving. 
Many of them have no idea how to be civil with your money or owner benefit form fruits of their labors is an unthinkable.
Fantastic schemes are painted into every scene of every landscape that conceals cruel fact ordered VP receiver never held intention in providing security over self or unwritten partnerships. 
Seniors are left defenseless to ill-based children in many an 18th order issued. 
No love for seniors only their assets are demonstrated daily through Illinois 18th ordered extension’d in which fundamentally common denominate no respect will be rendered toward written order intended rather problematic disregard that disrespects individual under the law allows will be rendered in county in county of ill repute till death do we part and reassumed through beneficiary till perceived share met. 
Simply: your money is now politico money in which its avarice will do as it pleases with it issues pawn broker returns when ordered based on potential public scrutiny reprisals. 
Illinois King Midas touch forensic everything turned to gold fundamentally origin’d in criminal mindedness misapplication’d under the law allows violated a direct civil right under document those Nine men in Washington are always talking about while stating should be revered. 
Dishonesty and fraudulence in the land once alleged honest Abe’s is environment seniors as unwritten second class citizens must endure full of unethical avarice. 
Life-care notes: combined federal task forces do not formation nor concurrently revisit any state based on No validity in public complaints presented. 
Pseudo state unwritten economics of underworld origins conceal and escape by dissimulation guised to appear almost universal among its citizenry. 
Civilized states on the other hand, require mutual agreement between its common citizenry and Politico that methods of avarice are to be abandoned and replaced with adherences to truth, justice and the American way of life as regarded by our constitution. 
Civilized states decree to all legal and financial worlds within its domain as parent they are to adhere to ethical principles under God in all of their community and business affairs conducted. 
State governments as Fiducial protector of the people make abundantly clear to privatized licensed fiduciaries; lies misinterpreted and stealth deceptions under the law allows as well as cloaked misapplications vantage order purposes violating individuals rights or property sought undue gains extended pain, suffering, or unpleasant resolve under community covenants are no longer permissible under state ratified amendments preserves unified nation under God and country. 
Commandeering’s of senior assets are what privatized Guardianships forensic Corporation do best, so one should think twice before banking tax free cash through reverse mortgaging in which state has been known to enable inner circled asset predators. 
If one were to remain or entertain relocation within historically reputation’d in which sociology record  organized crime economy ran toddling town, one can expect to eventually become engaged in a probate sponsored Poker Game that accepts no markers nor issues credit vehicle’d by inner circle pit boss manipulate game into sudden death play: one hand, all in, and to the most skillful takes whole pot and even in trust, extensions partnered with probate will guarantee no inherent future problems related will ever present unwanted problems to casino owners through neutralizations in court orders.  
As readers may surmise fixed games do not comply with traditional rules in play, a profiled respondent can bluff, can’t lie, can pretend all sorts of things but in the end winners have already been pre-chosen and extended inherit unwritten right to take advantage in which respondent advance warned finders of facts did indeed did come to pass exactly predicted. 
General taxpayers cure: all involved in one instance of unethical table “Cheating” are out of that game permanently according to code in rule and when immoral was played in which reverted to misapplication aggression sought to whitewash having cheated, black booked out as unacceptable within any game of play. 
Life-care founder as beneficiary in living trust through passage inherited within plays The Wild Duck. 
Consortium forensics conclusively compass while united they stand in avarice additionally all are undivided in immoral ethics common denominate; Take from the average man and Bereave him of any Happiness till death do we part. 
Destruction of innocent lives illustrating Mafioso phrase “in the life lie” destruction resulting in catastrophic consequences to family units demand “We the People” must purge modeled in sprit of World War II - War crime commissions; scores of professionals trial'd by license under God face the nation and avarice atrocities dually punished as crime against Red, White, and Blue unified humanism. 
Societal economic benefit: Just letting unethically licensed practitioners know The Ice Man Commith as guardian angel - watchmen of Americas wall incorporates “We the Peoples” character structure is neither to be taken for granted or expectant as merciful in past when compulsions forensic to have deceived the people in broad steaks of redundant fraudulency avarice. 
Without a doubt unpatriotic left wingers having narcissistically legislated avarice mandate undue gains has only selves to blame when Ice Man appears condemning all fraudulent personalities in the lie only out for selves as habitual way of life. 
The Ice man will be feared by those having crossed the line and respected by justice in justice’s name. Conducts unbecoming in profession that concurrently aggressively lie spilling innocent blood guised under the law allows in self-defense will no longer under Ice man’s Justice through Penance Stares allowed free to set up new tables modeled after old cheater game in spillages of innocent blood satisfies as accustomed at their expense and to those found to disguised black hearts privilege in living under last stand of heaven on earth are to be revoked by sainted ordained spirits in saint Michael himself as defender and watchman of all walls. 
Privatized guardianship corporations in which stand hypocritical in claims and benefits present greatest threat to upcoming retirement generation and family unit solvency and continual wellbeing. 
Its accusations of Guardianship as a process are highly complex matters in actuality it only becomes as complex as organizations avarice commonly practiced defies medical opinion under Hoarders anonymous.
Many an excuse under privatized Guardianships foundation’d in the lie of the most absurd reasoning while hypocritical to advertisements present more or less - although needed the fact of the matter is you cannot afford it so such is denied.  
Real time no longer residing in the lie identifies subtle attempt made to dissolution and diminish while actual masked concern compass ethics of a unfit Guardian Oyster was only concerned about what disturbs its bed - partnered fiduciary irritants reduce prized pearl size oyster can solely benefit.  
There are no doubts that many American seniors at least in 18th judicial Illinois are indeed unscrupulously ordered, savagely attrition'd, Neanderthal denied same right of - so sanctioned oysters can nurture pre-determined commandeered pearls clarity, size and shape any way it chooses will be protected through probate ensuing goals in corporate expectancies are always met. 

Hold on for the coming of kings.
Good example case in Point: court approves a final beneficiary accounting based on hearsay and additional suspicion of plaintiff forensics trait to commit perjury without regard now appears before this court in motion requesting ordered approval of document in which bear no witnesses in credible proofs presents circumstantial hearsay requested signed into order best meets current need in which validate such signed into official order of record AKA skating document face value - system validated. 
First problem: procedural element rules were not ethically observed by 18th probate in which any consideration set in motion before a bench seeking order must have meet more than one criteria in element directly applied to the rules in which sworn finder of facts as oath’d fiduciary finder in facts are required to morally scrutinize as presented met all set standards in rule were applied in which the law to have said unbiased enforced. 
What scenario highly suggests is Illinois sanctioned bigotry commonly practiced in high system places against seniors of means are basted upon social status in whom need to become second class citizens whitewash improperly sought agendas and who are to be determined misfit under God ordered to continue servicing group avarice as slave till consortium goals fulfilled. 
Perhaps this may be additional reason why Ice Man is destined to Commith; injustice toward vulnerable seniors as children of god, under God, in which blood of their innocence are commonly spilled by unethical speakers in hypocrites law proclaiming to be under God - no longer deserve to claim any title under neither his Name nor domain? 
Criminal aggression indeed is fundamentally committed when any privatized “licensed” guardianship corporation compulsively claims another’s monies viciously deployed in deception practices.
Law groups that encourage misapplications in elements - misinterpreted under the law allow can indeed be considered co-conspirator in element - as agency level firm of public interest.
Firm of public interest can be prequalified worthy of Grand Jury indictment under premises in having not met minimal acceptable levels of ARDC - States professional conduct standards or qualifies under both.
“We the People” in recognition of civic duty in country must pressure U.S attorney to bring these sorts addicted to senior financial fraudulency in demand “Of the People” are no longer allowed State coddled rather brought before traditional federal justice the American way under God.
Professional avarice as highly additive disease can be viewed start within what are commonly subtly imbedded in CEO or VP’S missioned agendas.
Within finite subtle decrees suggest to inexperienced impressionable minds promote; organizational malingerers will not be considered Ill within forensics if they persuade outsider others to believe corporate whole fiducially are not morally insane nor deploy unethically masked fiduciary of predators. 
Life-care must note: Any bank officer who subtly decrees falsities promoting Medicaid fraud fit the bill.  
Fact: No Healthy minded bank in advertisement either referencing community, convent, or religion employee banking officers that go to devious routes for gains that bring invalid status to the malingers. 
Average depositors in public trust expect this sort of practice policed by Governors extension in processional banking standards strictly enforced in which require no demand of justice served. 
Once public trust had no doubt in banking industries ability maintained its traditional integrity free of ignorant bank officers fronting board in director as departmental overseer malingered as extension for obvious purposes. 
The result can only compass though additional orders in sameness - questionable trust department forensic institution actively serves as form of law group or attorney clearing house in which underground operation specializes in laundering controversially under God into legitimate worlds.  
Realities of housed racketeering can only result in more probate commandeering’s of wards having appointed add misery to seniors kicked daily from Piker overseers and lashed if wretches do not get their mind right in conformity as told. Horrible facts of slavery owners remain in halls of shame.
Myths based on yesteryears claim today - one of the most puzzling things about motives are they are so obscure. Hogwash - greed is an acquired addition in which over time can only escalate avarice’d, then narcissistic and like any addict chasing first ghost imprinted becomes minds guiding eye in all affairs. 
The real puzzle is how new millennium equates to be exception to all rules under the Sun and beyond? 
Traditionally when character deformity of avarice forensic the most widespread single psychiatric affliction to the United States holding millions of Americans disabled in disease Congress calls a special session to appropriate enormous sums for its study of its victims would arouse unusual Pity. 
Senior exploitation by privatized is a Victim Crime based in Avarice Passion. 
“We the People” “Of the People” under god must question Congress directly why they await “THE ICE MAN” to come in and do the duties they have failed to perform in public trusts reminds all seated Discipline in never the enemy of contention under God. 
Reference: The Vital Balance – The Life Process in Mental Health and Illness. 

Senior thrills are gone to Avarice'd America.
Thinking America does not skate major dilemma we all face – over compensated produce simplistically or in most cases no integrity at all. 
Hamlets often quote to Politico “To be or Not to Be” politically created upsets Vital Balance reality. 
Why reader may wonder, simple, public Shakespeare’s are commonly ignored by party pseudos’ like plagued Twains when query asks “To Think or Not to Think while evolution is crumbling all around us?
At this point it is safe to foresee equivocates in “To no Longer Be” answers all Question in concern suspicioning formation of Super Race. 
The point of having a Brain is to use frontal lobes like the Sumerians had the right approach. 
There are no valid reasons in this day and age why any should not be able to reflect having thought reasonably versus fashionable norm of mechanized tumor in brain of diseased robot. 
Simplism in society is everywhere we turn, so results in evidence are neither astounding nor of no real surprise while Avarice transmitted throughout America are like transfusions of an adopted virus. 
Various influential institutions continue to pump out its narcissism failures ill prepared to think well.
Thus all key Helms in leadership are smack full of Bigotry and servitudes of problematic proportions. 
Why reader many ask, simple again, if you don’t know it - you can’t generalship it – so at best public quality return can be no better than dunces ability stuck in the corner. 
So why is what’s in fashion not good for America?
Elementally simple again, influenced simplistic avarice can only produce simplistic stupid-selfishness equivalent to Dunce corner alumnus’s at best reflecting stupid stick up men at helms steers the fleet. 
Thinking too much is taxpayers Burden when fashionably late in assorted cocktail'd special events. 
Much is invested in having taxpayers believe fiduciary business of the people is being attended to. 
After all if we are not thinking of ourselves how any can realistically expect us to keep this great nation independent so although having a good time on your dime, don’t worry about it - We’ve got your backs.  
So America’s backs are protected by the good, the bad and in-between. 
Our saviors are now only as good as they think but more importantly what they think about most. 
With busy schedules demanding endless personal presence in joyous events like any spoiled child responsibility and critical thinking will always take a back seat to self-imaging. 
Thinking and Listening are primarily based upon addictive reliance on assumptions in many an affair. 
Highly compensated miscommunicates illusion what coexist among its party are relented back to the people remain oblivious if any good still remains among upper politico communications. 
Freedom and thinking question sharp distinctions between party disorder and its ability to Cleary think among its ranks and ethically assesses its file to have said served the people under God in country. 
Along with beliefs parties have; they naturally know how to think well - is an underlying, correlating assumption in public trust requires little effort or time dedicated so alas time as an element easy outs efficiency in everyday living. 
So it should come as no real surprise in what party narcissism saved for selves will always directly paradox family units thinking and its ability to conclude days with upmost integrality.  
Overdetermination accommodating Politico lacks of become instinctual second job norms of the working class if one expects to go home having said provided food on tables and shoes on children feet. 
Obviousness in politico consciousness demonstrating maximum efforts fed its avarice machine in which forensic - sacrificed communities , family units, or both provided party and personal gain maintained machine integrity - naturally become public enemy number ones of “We the People” in its contentions. 
Mysteries of consciousness that puzzle “We the People” can be defined through Descartes most famous statement “Cogito, ergo sum – We think therefore, we are – only conscious in what feeds the machine. 
“Of the people “can conclusively identify all current and potential avarice providers through supportive votes yielded unsound legislation cast upon community was conscious {or aware} that they were thinking - therefore we are.
Ethical or moral Consciousness has no specific site in the brain other than what originated from the heart. The most primitive of limited instincts is self-servant preservation of narcissistic avarice. 
The price ‘We the people’ “of the people” pay are greater losses within community must assume politico’s judged agonies and ranges of distinct emotions felt are to remain limited and restricted. 
Lessons from Genesis Three - refereed in our Reagan National bible sighting anthropology and neuroanatomy strongly suggest that directions in national evolution require development of Frontal Lobes and hence the development in greater consciousness.  
When parties become self-conscious of themselves in which reflect reflex reaction under God “We the People” as majority stockholders lose oneness within vital balances in nature and the rest of creation. 
Our losses are symbolized by all community covenants banished by elitist politicos declaring only we are only ones privileged to live and frolic as we please in paradise and beyond. 
The First three chapters in Genesis tell much about the genesis of good and evil. 
At the very beginning genesis suggests; many things that come to pass were determined by impulses content in which successions were creatively deployed; to do good that bore its natural growth pains or to be Evil sought nirvana through redundant cross jumping of concurrent shortest paths to ground. 
Cross jumping as foundation - fundamental of evil, sin and other distinctions additionally hold those of demon black hearts, in the lie possess no soul. 
They blend into community in which no hollow ground provides sanctuary. 
It is important “We the People” stewards under God, patriots in America - identify those hiding in community impossible to overlook in reality of deeds deployed compass to be morally insane. 
Carl Jung ascribed the root of human evil to “The Refusal to Meet the Shadow”.
By “the shadow” Jung meant; the part of minds containing those things rather not owned up to. 
He further reiterates specific things in redundancies that are continually being hid from self and others swept under Rugs of consciousness such as Problematic Avarice topically and categorically in retrospect when pushed up against the wall by evidences of own sin, failures or imperfections acknowledge their shadow before crossing over civilities decency lines. 
Reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety. 

Dear lord help american seniors find their way back home.
Holly Communion
One of the very first practices in the early church was the observance of communion, also known as the Lord’s Supper or Celebration of the Eucharist. 
Jesus himself instituted this practice with his Disciples just hours before his death.
This Supper ties the blood of the Old Testament sacrifices to God’s radical “Rescue” of Humankind through his Son. Kathleen Norris writes in ‘Amazing Grace’, “The incarnation (communion) remains a scandal to anyone who wants religion to be a purely spiritual matter, an anesthetized, bloodless bliss.”  
It reminds us that our faith is not ethereal and bodiless. The nature of our Sin problem resolves itself in innocent blood. In Exodus 24:7-8 it reads: {Mosses} took the Book of the Covenant and read it to the people…. Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the People and said, ‘This is the Blood of the Covenant that the Lord has made with you in accordance with all these words.’ “Building on the Old Convent, Jesus Ushers in the New Covenant. 
Jesus is recognized by all that hold true to their heart (as American stewards) the innocent lamb that toke the sins of the world; sacrificed his own life to open doorways holding certain deaths toward abundances of life from rebellion to friendship, Separation to Communion and senseless suffering to redemptive suffering. 
Significant distinctions can be concluded through example between the straight capitalistic businessperson only interested in having met reputational expectations - no matter additional public Burden versus the Ethical National Statesmen, under God, dedicated in country whose voluntarism routinely reflects having resisted personal temptations observed sacramental in office exceeded “Weller than Wells” Moral bottom lines benefitted nation. 
Christ’s sacrifices are prerequisites if nation expects to remain whole before formidable Ice Man Commith and declares such Guilty in Avarice and Sorry, all out of mercy - feel the pain of the innocent. 
The lords supper reminds us that when the Dark lord Looms in front of all declaring bounties due in hell the lord of the light steps forth for all in Christ and say’s “This was my body broken for you.” In which you no longer have hold over nor under. 
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices that Transform us. 

Dear Mr. Fantasy please play a tune seniors remember once upon a time.
So naturally until such time what is theoretically destined dually passes out of sheer ignorance in invincibility: Ezekiel’s call becomes second national anthem, under god - transmitted by power greater than all through its ordained disciples as watchmen of the wall. 
“Sons of Man” stand up on your feet and I will speak to you. 
I am sending you to the Israelites, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me; they and their fathers have been in revolt against me to this very day. 
The people to whom I am sending you are obstinate and stubborn and whether they listen or fail to listen they will know that a profit has been among them proclaiming this is what the sovereign lord says. 
And you “Son of Man” do not be afraid of them nor their word; do not be afraid of their briars nor thorns all around like living among Scorpions in what they say nor terrified by them in what they do.
“Sons of man” you must speak my word to them and although rebellious do not rebel like rebellious house, but rather open your mouth and eat the words I give you. 
“Sons of Man” go forth now haven eaten both sides of the scroll in written words of lament, mourning and woe and speak my words; you are not being sent to people of obscure speech and difficult languages but rather houses I the sovereign lord originally built fallen out of grace in which words conveyed are no longer understood. 
If any may remain under God, surely they would have listened to you, but the house of Israel is not willing to listen because its majority is not willing to listen to me for the whole house is hardened in its own avarice and obstinate in its greed. 
I the sovereign lord will make ‘Sons of Man’ watchmen as unyielding and hardened as they, I will make foreheads like the hardest stone, harder than flint, which will not be afraid of them.  
“Son of Man” go out now among your countrymen in exile and speak to them – May the Glory of the Lord be Praised in his Dwelling places. 
“Sons of Man” give warning from me, when I say to a wicked man you will surely fall and you do not warn them or speak out to dissuade them from their Evil ways in order to save their life, that wicked man will pass for their Sins and I sovereign lord will hold you accountable for their blood under God. 
But if you do warn the wicked man and they do not turn from their wickedness or from Evil Ways you will have saved yourself. 
Another words; when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and does Evil, sovereign lord puts up stumbling blocks before them till no more and since in the know did not warn them - sinner will pass in their sins, any righteous ever done will not be recognized and knower will be held accountable for them. But if you did warn to stop and they did indeed stop, both will live on having saved each other while Sword in Prophecies against the mountains of Israel in Ezekiel 6:6 do not become their final epitaphs. And yes; is this simple in which requires no formal training to comprehend: what goes around always comes back around exempts no one in rule except time elapsed before pendulum naturally swung back. 
Reference: Holy Bible – New International Version. 

Senior party trains are calling all aboard at every stop.
Redundant Inactions marquee ego’s not fit to further serve that are afraid of their own shadows concerning what permits them to discharge ethical moral justice.
Integrity as virtue in an age of full of engineered anxiety must take those bulls by the horn in which penalize the American public in unsound gains or career retentions wasting taxpayer dollars. 
Indoctrinations into key positions in office of true Psychospiritual statesmen - processors of the Soul in God, under God; is best immediate national defense in which societal can only positively evolution.
Criminal minded Narcissistic’s present greatest national threat in problematic attitudes having dispensed for personal gains without regard guised tactical violates damaged others through redundant discrimination and concurrent oppression denied same rights, opportunities, access, to valued sources.
Carl Jung ascribed the Root of Human Evil to “The Refusal to meet the Shadow” by “the shadow” Jung meant the part of minds containing those things would rather no own up to that are continually trying to hide form ourselves and others swept under Rugs of Consciousness. 
Fact: no politico walks around so unhealthy that they are not at least slightly conscious.
Why do many still view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simple, once doors are opened to modern everything within become new to those never required to live, whiteness nor contend with it benefitting another in need, more the reason why easily influenced adolescents at helm steerage need to be directly under experienced master statesmen’s supervision and guidance.
We already have more than enough Devils advocates than known what to do with let alone put down so why produce more we cannot afford passed to future generations forever cursing 2016 as most immoral bastards of the century?  
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. 
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications. 
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance. 

Keeping our eyes on the road of earned golden years.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Chicago College of Psychology and community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice. 
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God.  

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