Life-care remembers what administratively held no fiduciary water and what fiducial awareness’s were judicially thrown away - require real time Governors Criminal Code reform mandated by Congress.
Seen thus in series of events having unfolded since 2012 it arrest our attention and demands that we scrutinize analytically the various ways in which costly registered document’s do not protect as intended and many times without even knowing it.
The Plan of blog is as follows: We will first take up discussions of those failures described above which resulted in more or less document intent deficiencies.
We shall try to discover underlying motives privatized indoctrinated, while in profit modes vanished In Living Trust; declarations, intentions and integrity consciousness down to levels of intelligence recognition associated with standard probate case - no will.
At the same time we shall try to indicate to what extent privatized tendencies can be recognized prior to disastrous outcomes and costly cures.
We shall then examine various ways in which privatize postpone, commonly not afforded to the general public while impulses seemed to be diluted or diverted caused unduly - great expenditures at trusts expense compensated forms of discriminatory oppression's violated rights.
We shall be as interested to discover not only why a trust was privatized committed to theoretical suicide as to learn why they so strongly impelled in directions resulted injury and family restriction.
This will lead us to the considerations of many forms of trust; destruction – abortive forms, distorted forms, chronic forms, all those engineered failures which seem to be directly related to obvious misconceptions and mismanagement's inescapable realities.
This will include large numbers of care, attorney and judges who demonstrate they cannot endure fiduciary success, who succeed in everything unsavory but rarely succeed integrally and that even larger number who seem to fail in honest business practices except the consummation of Avarice.
And, finally, we shall consider to what extent and by what devises it is possible arbitrarily to deflect privatized avarice and avoid the spontaneous disasters of probate narcissism to varying degrees held in check. This entails a consideration of the techniques commonly pursued by Socrates Lawyers strengthen life preservation defenses when aimed not only in prevention of crude immediate’s but meets the far more extensive problem of diminishing formation of inner circled court groups and subsequent handicaps of bias benches that exorbitantly compromise the struggle between senior life, consortium corruption, and death to senior souls.
We will attempt to chronologically present analysis of deeper motives in professional Narcissism's from ordinary controversial usage, next we will consider chronic forms of professional misconduct that unethically diffused situational served avarice, we will then consider the more focalized type that destruction another’s for a living and finally deal with extensions of theories that destroy another to the problem of psychospiritual disease largely hypothetical compass executions which must be scrutinized reveal available techniques of combating avarice and is, therefore, entitled “reconstruction” – reform.
Reference: Man against Man
God's Music while nourishes the Soul can only enhance the spirit.
Life-care throughout series will correlate within what are easily found in our Reagan National bible as Under God's owner’s manual of public reference.
Romans 3:19 – Now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, so that every mouth may be silenced and the whole world held accountable to God.
Romans 1:18 – The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the Truth by their wickedness.
Romans 2:2 – Now we know God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth.
Do you (study roles models) show contempt for tolerance and patience that God’s kindness leads toward repentance? For God does not show favoritism.
Romans 2:16 – This will take place on the day when God will judge Men’s secrets through Jesus Christ.
Romans 2:23 – You who brag of the law, do you dishonor by breaking the law? As it is written; God’s name is blasphemed among the gentiles because of you.
Romans 3:2 – First of all they have been entrusted with the very words of God.
Romans 3:5 – But if righteousness brings out God’s righteousness more clearly what shall we say?
Romans 3:9 – What shall we conclude then?
As it is written within topical study: None will be found righteous not even one.
There were none who understands, no one seeks God, all have turned away together having become worthless to the people, none did any good not even one, throats were open graves and tongues full of deceit. Poisons of Vipers were upon their lips, feet were swift to shed innocent bloods in ruins and miseries can only mark all levels of overall integral fitness.
So, indeed - the Bible as owner’s instructional manual concur with many a late Ronald Reagan quote simply stating; within all questions requiring answers within its texts solutions can be found.
Fundamental despair within any page referenced origin the devil himself was curator.
His problems leading to downfall were humility means having true knowledge of oneself as one is.
Concept was never accepted and continuously downplayed in attempts to dismiss such as a secondary.
Devils Self-esteem within many a scripture forensic important distinctions were militantly refused due recognition between self-love as a good thing and self-esteem which is generally highly questionable.
For example: certain conducts in behavior that are unbecoming deny that behavior was “Bad” and failed to seek ways to correct it or redeem by learning from what was done wrong in only primarily concerned with self-esteem while nothing else matters.
Healthy Smart selfishness operating from a sense of self-love acknowledges misstates made and chastises self if must – discerns recognized failures at any given time do not define worth or who they are as a person.
Devils narcissism prevented opportunity to realize that he did not have it all together nor perfect.
He has only self to blame for having robbed self of crucial moments in growth because if one is to love themselves in right ways it requires the capacity to recognize that there is something about self-needed to be worked on.
An indisputable remains in devils legacy to this day; inability to fathom, there is a difference between insisting on always feeling good about self (which is Narcissistic and Synonymous with constantly preserving Self-Esteem) and insisting that one regards themselves as important and valuable (which is Healthy Self-Love).
Understanding and making this distinction is Pre-requisite of mature mental health.
As discipline distinction requires additional fitness in Integrity - willing to pay the price of setting aside ones Self-esteem once in a while not insistent must always feel good about self.
What separates legions Devil Advocated from Under Gods Patriot Statesmen can easily be identified through those tough decisions remained faithful in public trust still able to love and Value themselves even if shouldn’t always esteem themselves in which the later has no clue how to do.
Time has come to pick up the pieces and move on in God.
What politico needs to understand as well as relearn, while claiming to be under god; a power greater than all sovereignty exists in the trinity, remains faithful to its citizenry, and will always intervene when Vital Balances fall redundantly by unsound concurrent waysides.
Ordained Watchmen of the wall will be simply direct messaged: let all people within community Know they are all of value in which needs to be known by them.
Holy Bible – New International Version
The Road Less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Because under God has made it abundantly clear to states through our U.S. constitution and equally clear to attorneys and judges alike through county community covenants - so none can claim in excuse of expectant integral conduct: unethical Fiduciary {taboos} categorically apply to the unsound “Separatist” speaker of law and equally unsound “Pseudo” Finder of probate Facts having enabled.
Another – words; none by status or privilege are deemed above the law through circumstantial nor does any law under God morally premise or unethically situational prerequisite compromises in golden rules unduly vantages citizenry are allowed in any U.S. law in which God is foundation’d in all laws.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in systems plagued in Avarice follies, all who still recognize Christ, have a friend under God that cannot be taken away by any mere mortal human being.
Carl Jung ascribed the Root of Human Evil to “The Refusal to meet the Shadow” by “the shadow” Jung meant the part of minds contains those things would rather no own up to that are continually trying to hide form ourselves and others swept under Rugs of Consciousness.
Fact: no politico walks around so unhealthy that they are not at least slightly conscious.
Why do many still view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simple, once doors are opened to modern - everything within becomes new to those never required to live, whiteness nor contend with it benefited another in need.
More the reason why easily influenced adolescents at helms in steerage need to be directly supervised by master statesmen’s guidance and such held accountable for appointed subordinates.
We already have more than enough Devils advocates than known what to do with, let alone put down.
So why produce more in which evolution already cannot afforded to assume - passed on, not caring if future generations curse 2016’s existence as the most immoral bastards of the century?
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.
You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
All have work to do if we expect to remain.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D plus providing Chicago College of Psychology and community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values positively passed on that ensure evolution equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroached capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God.
And, finally, we shall consider to what extent and by what devises it is possible arbitrarily to deflect privatized avarice and avoid the spontaneous disasters of probate narcissism to varying degrees held in check.