Thursday, January 19, 2017

Out of narcissism and away from the self-centered stupid selfish.

Fact: Narcissistic’s cannot or will not think about other people while their stupid selfishness knows not how to discern which pain or suffering, Particularly Emotional suffering, is constructive and which is unconstructive.

These selfish human beings commonly demonstrate the mentalities of one stuck in terrible two’s while their family servitude abilities can demonstrate no more than figuratively resembling; Oh, look flower, what I may do for you, you will be grateful to me!

One of the greatest dangers we boomers face while in our vulnerable years is to have been placed under the care and protection of heartless souls that are generally dishonest people.
These sorts do not know how to extend themselves beyond what they normally feel like doing.

Although the truth is that people rarely do anything without some gain for themselves, fortunately a minority of independent thinkers remain down in the Bowery that are still brave enough when called upon to be willing to go out on dangerous limbs that expect nothing in return another than another may befit from the decision.

Narcissistic’s only know how to defend their bruised egos through hateful applications backed by usages in disrespectful foul languages in which neither morally nor ethically provide enough credible points that would justify stance in an argument nor protects against guised hypocrite in claim.

Scenario natural brings up an additional boomer concern in retrospect concerning validity to properly execute powers of attorney holding demonstrated phobic anxiety while how could such be expected to do no more than what is already limited within its own neurotic narcissism favorably administer toward you that make due differences?

Our case in point simply suggests it would be stupid to extend powers over to another that has Clearly demonstrated to be ill prepared to face life on life’s terms in truths within life can become very difficult with no guarantees, bad things happen to good people under the sun while none are immune when processes of confronting and solving those problems under God are never painless.

Choices or responsibility

Character disorders must be carefully scrutinized before empowering to include an executor of a will.
From medical standpoints the character disordered generally never assume enough fiduciary responsibility within that commonly crass economizes out in all affairs.

The speech patterns of the neurotic provide valuable foresight that are notable from such expressions as “I ought to” “I Should” and I shouldn’t, indicating to some extent, a self-image of an inferior person who believes they are always falling short of the mark, always making the wrong choices.

In addition fiduciary levels of character disorders can be measured within what heavily relies upon ”I can’t,” “I couldn’t,” “I have to,” and “I had to,” demonstrate a self-image within one who believes he or she has no power of choice, and whose behavior is completely directed by External Forces totally beyond His or Hers Control! 

Choices of Submission

Abundances in materialistic  or persona wealth’s associated by title in stature never disqualify if a person’s true overall character holds the hidden heart and disguised soul of the moral deadbeat that would turn their backs under any excuse not to continue honoring thy mother.
My sister did exactly that in which summoned a critical thinker to conclude that her redundant narcissism's backed by concurrent stupid selfishness’s have now demonstrated enough to rightfully legally write that person totally out and off in trust under recognition birthright alone guarantee no privileges that a trust must honor listed undeservant's- under the law allows- should benefit from that trust within owner’s life or remaining estate in subsequent passage.

In conclusion: any blame militancy that unduly casts a mother to become a nonentity under excuses based on bruised egos that became so caught up in fabled hearsay and myths declares honoring thy mother an obsolete, in response to that love extended, I will extend same love to you declaring as heir you are now totally legally written off and out in which charities are to benefit what remains or to go into trust.

Life lesson passed on; stupid selfishness based on assumptions that become combative will always consequence a valuable life lesson learned concerning when one assumes as the saying goes that perhaps continued to wrong a mother in light of potentials minus apologies or active amends to her may decide to follow the leader up to registering an irrevocable document declaring heirs unworthy and remaining assets to be distribution to listed charities.

 Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.

Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more. An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is to trusts intended not whitewashing outsider agendas.

Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming a walking encyclopedia in fiduciary nor self-contained as self-sufficient preventative crime lab - trust police babysitter.

The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”

Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.

You do have a voice and a choice that Life-care movement cares about concerning senior perseverance.

We thank Authors plus providing community library in conjunction with faith based resource center for sharing intuitiveness that would enable a viewed Simpleton as educational idiot viewed not entitled to any type of respects senior tolerance courtesies to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage a senior into lioness of Hell’s two tiered kitchen of one sided injustice.

True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on that ensure legacies equally enjoys the security in no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently unethically encroach capital gains that elude justice - under God.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Life lesson passed on; stupid selfishness based on assumptions that become combative will always consequence a valuable life lesson learned concerning when one assumes as the saying goes that can be passed on.
