At first it would seem gratuitous to offer an explanation of avarice.
In the popular mind avarice is no enigma, glib explanations are to be read daily newspapers, agency reports and in statistical surveys.
Avarice, according to these, is the simple and logical consequence of having been involved with Ill health’s that reverse financial as an unrequited love.
What amazes one the most are not the simple explanations continually offered being so readily accepted but rather what confirms in the obvious as untrustworthy refuses to recognize the shadow that lurks among us are high ranking soldiers of fortune that commander senior assets for a living.
No such crudity or lack of curiosity exists, for example, with references to the motives for murder.
Mystery, murder and detective stories are turned out by thousands in which the obvious explanation is pierced by the subtle persistency of the Hero-sleuth.
It is significant that it is almost never the explanation of senior assets having been theoretically murdered is sought in these stories, but that of a murder.
The slightest reflection is sufficient enough to convince anyone that simple explanations do not explain anything rather unwillingness to face realities.
The analysis of privatized avarice might be simmered down to formula: Greed is an escape from an intolerable narcissism. If the situation be an external, visible one, the avarice is cowardly; if the struggle be an internal, invisible one, the avarice is crazy. This conception of organizational destruction as a flight from reality, disgrace, or the like is seductive because of its Simplicity.
It parallels other escapes through sponsored classes, lectures, frequent retreats that wander in delirium or drunkenness. There is an essential difference between these escapes which are all in the nature of temporary substitutes, and Avarice which is not temporary.
One cannot substitute nothing for something as Hamlet has reflected in celebrated writings; it may be considered axiomatic that a mind cannot conceive of non-existence, and hence, however agnostic or skeptical the person contemplating avarice may believe themselves not to be, their greed actually betray beliefs in some kind of future life more endurable than present exists.
In itself this is not proof that the avarice person has already begun to accept unreality with reality in an irrational way while millions of people and constituents believe life exists without having resorted to.
In the unconscious we are all still animals and there is no reason to believe that any animal fears not having enough; with us humans it is our intelligence which “doth make cowards of us all.”
The analysis outlined above would be more nearly correct, therefore, if it were phrased that Avarice as subsidiary of greed attempts to escape from an intolerable life situation in perceived scarcity.
This would call our attention more sharply to its Irrationality and the Power wielded by such individuals by fantasy. It would still leave uncorrected the fallacy lying in the implied assumption that the forces impelling the escape come wholly from without.
Behavior is never determined only by external forces; there are impulses from within, the adjustment of which to external reality necessarily brings about stresses and strains which may be highly Painful, but endurable except to the very few.
Innumerable illustrations from history records and Bibles could be marshalled to show that for some persons no reality, however terrible, is unbearable.
For we know that the individual always, in a measure, creates their own environment, and thus the Avarice person must in some way help to create the very thing from which, in Greed, they take flight.
If we were to explain the act dynamically, therefore, we are compelled to seek an explanation for the wish to put oneself in a predicament from which one cannot, accept by suicide, escape.
In other words, if for one’s own unconscious purpose they cannot do the time - then don’t do the crime if one cannot bring about justification in external having violated another or their property is reality.
This has been very well brought out by many Novelists who have described the way who ultimately commit career suicide begins their self-destruction long before-hand.
The title of one of these can be associated from a famous legend; one verse is this:
A servant (trustee) ran to her master (the great law group wizard) in freight, saying that she has been jostled and threatened by death in the Market place and wished, therefore, to go as rapidly as possible to Samar (Probate) were death would not find her.
The mighty master let her go and himself through (Law associate) went to the marketplace and seeing death there asked him why he had threaten'd the servant. To this death replied that it was not a threat but a gesture of surprise that she should see in Bagdad the man whom he had appointed that night in Samara.
The story has been variously ascribed some fifty origins, according to Alexander Woollcott, including Longfellow, Voltaire, and Cocteau, and is, Woollcott believes, undoubtedly of very ancient origin.
This would indicate that within the idea of avarice that one inexorably keeps a rendezvous with death even while ostensibly engaged in fleeing from it is intuitively recognized as common phenomenon of experience, whether the propelling force toward death is projected upon destiny or recognized as an Antonius impulse.
We all know by now that conscious motives cannot be relied upon to explain human behavior.
There are too many instances where the motives cannot be “Confessed” cannot be “Interpreted” and, most pertinent of all, are not the slightest degree recognized except persons like self.
Psychoanalysis enables us in a particular case to overcome these obstacles because it gives us access to the unconscious motives.
Therefore, it is from this source of study that we can change the apparent senselessness of avarice or its inadequate explanation into something more intelligible.
Observations have now been accumulated to a point where this may be done, imperfectly to be sure, but at least in outline.
In these conclusions by Dr. Menninger; Life-care as senior life - educational movement, will lay before readers in accordance and in systematic ways motives forensic avarice.
To do this, however, we must first of all dispose of the Naïve notion that avarice is victimless as a simple act and recognize that from the psychological standpoint it is very complex, no matter how it appears.
Indeed, a considerable obstacle is the study of Greed having escalated into avarice is the popular assumption of its simple casual connections.
Were it so simple, this blog would have no justification whatsoever, but on the other hand, practices in avarice would be infinitely more common.
The wealthy have genocide selves through avarice under false pretense dating back to Mosses based on hoarders myths that no amount of accumulation can ever be enough while no mountains of cash reserves can ever be high enough.
Solutions although seem obvious enough, but why should we begin our interpretations only at this point?
Shall we not seek to discover how problematic Avarice came about which is out of touch with reality?
And even more pertinently, shall we not inquire on how he made it, why he was driven to amass money and what means gratified his compulsion, what unconscious and perhaps also conscious guilt feeling were associated with it and potential sacrifices and penalties its acquisitions can cost him and his family.
Fact: Even those who had money and lost it - did not the vast majority at one time neither resort to crime nor kill themselves? This brings us to deeper motives why one chooses life of avarice.
All we can really see is how difficult and complex the problem of greed becomes as soon as we take more than a superficial glance at circumstances.
In spite of popular myths the licensed white collar socialite and Politico alike can get in just as much trouble having avarice’d as underling John Q. Public's.
We will foundation such in a representative illustration from that of a cashier in a small town bank, a quiet, friendly, and generally trusted individual, known to nearly everyone in the community.
One afternoon a shortage in his books was subsequently discovered while later proved that he had surreptitiously made away with thousand in dollars of the banks funds.
Finally however it became consensus that he was overcome to yield to overwhelming avarice.
Further down the line, however, new angles developed that disclosed while this man was engaged in avarice another outer extension factors prevalent as well.
This, then, is the real explanation of the matter; said the townspeople.
When sober people become involved in immoral affairs they forget all about their oaths and integral honor. Another version may be a money addict had to support its habit any way they could.
More thoughtful observers, however, would certainly investigate the real significance of complicated affair and why apparent normally adjusted, at least as to why such a fascination should of made that person utterly Powerless against financial temptation.
Some may dismiss through simplistic explanations that suggest personality, imbalanced family, or frigidity within an unsympathetic organization.
But is it not still apparent that this still does not explain the whole matter – the career tragedy?
Casual chains often are carried back to the most ridiculous simple explanations that are totally sublime.
Through this we can now see how fallacious and superficial the original explanations were.
We must not assume extending the links of the chain elucidates the motives any more fully.
What it does do is to show how different the act appears in the light of each piece of additional evidence, but we are still in the possession of only the most obvious and external data.
History is a little fuller than newspapers or agency reports but they still fall far short of explaining why a person’s life becomes so increasingly unsuccessful.
All that we can see is that this person began to commit career suicide long before narcissism of greed and long before narcissistic avarice took the money from the bank.
We still do not know why illustrate could not mobilize their life instincts more successfully against these destructive tendencies that overwhelmed them.
We are justified, however, in assuming that this method of dealing with life is determined either by some constitutional variation, abnormality, or weakness in the individual or by the acceleration or powerful reinforcement of the destructive tendencies of the personality during formidable period in life.
I either case it is apparent that the self-defeating tendencies arouse very early in life of the individual and strongly influenced the entire course of their development in such a way as to overshadow and finally conquer the benign life-instinct.
Such a view of Avarice completely disposes those naïve judgments as to its “bravery” or “irrationality,” and of all such casual explanations as appear in Statistical summaries and the like.
Psychologically, we repeat, avarice suicide is a very complex act, and not a simple, incidental, isolated act of impulsion, ether logical or inexplicable.
The analysis of its motives is made difficult not only because of the untrustworthiness of conscience and obvious motives but especially by reason of the fact that a successful avarice act is beyond study, (as we will see later) the failure to achieve success – even when terminated – is apt to express accurately the mathematical resultant of component wishes – consciousness – and unconsciousness – acting as Vectors.
If one were to be willing to be made the subject of investigation we would analyze their earlier influences and experiences and determine what the specific tendencies were which caused their ruin.
This is an important point because it is quite logical to ask how one can talk about the motives of avarice when in remission and therefore cannot be psychoanalyze.
The answer is simple however, psychoanalytic studies have been made by many a person who have attempted Avarice in a very determined and realistic way and who have been saved only through accidental discovery by friends, relatives, or Police before the full effects were exerted.
The motives of these individuals are empirically familiar within Forensic Scientists.
Finally, of these individuals incomplete but clearly defined tendencies toward appear within course of studies that are composites of the results of psychiatric and psychoanalytic observations in all such opportunities for research made that forms the basis of what is to follow.
Up next: Three components in the Avarice act.
Reference: Man against Man.
Common Criminal Thinking
If were honest with ourselves, most of us must admit that at some time or another we have engaged in criminal thinking, which is but one form of Disordered thinking.
The bulk of critical theory on criminal thinking gas been derived primarily from people who are incarcerated or have otherwise broken the law.
But often there is a thin line separating criminals behind bars and the rest of us.
The research on criminal thinking underscores the most common patterns of irrational thought that lead to disordered decisions.
Most common criminal thinking patterns are no so much convoluted as simplistic and one-dimensional.
Lacks in perspectives about time, generally characterize themselves having lived primarily in the present, without investing in the future or taking into account the consequences of one’s actions.
One aspect of criminal thinking patters stand out most because of its prevalence among none criminal segments of population is an attitude of ownership, or what can be referred to as a sense of entitlement. Inherent in this attitude is a cockiness that borders on Blatant Narcissism.
Those with extreme sense of entitlement are able to justify Violating Other People or their Property without regard to their Rights.
If their thinking stems from inferiority complex those who feel entitled see themselves as victim.
They discount their own failures to put in the effort required to improve their lives.
Some will choose to steal, manipulate, and otherwise take form others because of their belief that the world owes them.
They fail to see their own negligence in considering alternative ways of thinking and living.
In another sense of Entitlement arises out of a “Superiority” complex, a person may believe they should always have First Shot at everything; again usually associated with background in stature.
They think all like them are Superior as well and therefore due anything ever desired, even if it means taking from others and seniors.
Person or organizations that feel their perceived entitlements supersede all else become highly offended when rightful benefactor, not of equal stature, not only wants what was decreed but best for self as well.
Organizational thinking becomes problematic when direct associates in high ranking places enact extension serving as front is willing to violate designated another by Discrimination, Exploitation, denying them the same rights, opportunities and access to valued resources as consortium.
Of course while simplistic thinking enacts its dirty deeds toward vantage, those considered to be otherwise intelligent and successful, who have attended top notch schools and run major corporations the common denominator is organizations of failing to think well.
Reference: The Road less Traveled and Beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety.
Struggling with Sin
Romans: 7:7 – What shall we say then, is the law Sin?
Certainly not, indeed I would not of known what sin was except through the law.
For I would not of known what coveting really was if the law had not said, “Do Not Covet.”
But Sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by law produced every king of covetous desire contrary to commandment. For apart from the law; Sin dies in which become Evil.
Evil transforms commandments of life into death of souls.
It deceives through misapplications in law to be holy of commandment while its deception misinterprets contention to be righteous and good.
In other words: what is good for Evil can be guised under the law allows so evils are viewed simplistically thus can only qualify as ordinary sin.
We know in which all laws are to be based while under God such are to be spiritually origin’d while judicially maintained under community covenant in spirit.
In any community covenant, which are simple enough to understand; recognition in the ways of God are its charter while ones in none agreement bylaw they are to voluntarily excuse themselves from active communal roles.
Basically what is being said is while none are above the law; community will find the law at work.
All citizenry that want to do good will recognize evil is right beside them.
Those whose inner delights stay within God’s law are always welcome while those having sought other laws of Evil convenience are to be extricated as members not in good standing.
Reference: Holy Bible – New International Version.
“All great spirituality is about letting go.” – Richard Rohr
There was nothing Jesus was more attached to than his Father.
God came before his mission, his disciples, and his family. Because God was the center of Jesus’ life, worldly values came second. Certainly Jesus was tempted by the ascent to power, the need to appear successful and shortcuts to achieve his kingdom.
But Jesus refused to let the World’s values shape his life.
He intentionally laid aside an Identity built on being relevant, revered and upwardly mobile.
He died to those things and fixed his Eyes on what was Unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18).
Jesus was detached from making a name for himself that brought Human Applause.
He embraced his Humanness and staked his ministry of being God’s beloved Son whether or not any one responded.
Jesus knows all about the Discipline of Detachment, he made the harrowing decent that relinquished Heavenly Privileges for a Life of Human Limitations.
The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Jesus Christ, exchanged Heaven for earth, Power for weakness, Glory for obedience and suffering, Success in human eyes for Faithfulness in the eyes of God, and Life for death. God was Jesus’ first and only unlosable thing in which everything else could be lost.
Jesus let go; he detached, when faced with temptation He Refused to use His Divine Prerogatives and Lived like us, not like those who self-appoint selves in which claim to be Superhero.
Jesus did his life in the same ways the average John Q. American does - one steady step at a time.
He risked everything by Trusting the invisible God and his Goodness when it appeared that this would mean dying in disgrace.
Part of the liturgy for many churches includes the words “Christ has died, Christ if Risen and Christ will come again.” This threefold pattern, known as the Paschal Mystery, describes how True Transformation is found on the Far Side of Detachment, Relinquishment, and Letting Go.
Though many Mini- Crucifixions the Life of Christ is born again In Us, Christ’s pattern of Letting Go is our Paradigm for Life.
As followers of Jesus we are all called to Live as Jesus Did, Jesus said, “Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me Lead, You’re not in the Driver’s Seat; I am.
Don’t Run from Suffering Embrace it, follow me and I will show you how (Mark 8:34 The Message).
We are to Relinquish Worldly Values and Detach from anything that stands in the Way of Desiring and Knowing God. We are to Embrace Jesus’ path – the Path of Descent and the Way of Wounding.
Richard Rohr writes in Everything Belongs, Jesus crucified and resurrected is the whole pattern revealed, named, effected and promised for our lives. A look at the Cross makes this astringently clear.
Yet many still refuse relinquishment and remain blind to their attachment ignorance’s.

What many still fail to see is how: having spoiled children into unrealistic goals not only produces least amount of solid citizenry under God but rather promotes old adage expectancy; never raise more devils that can be easily sent down. It is believed we have already arrived - while passing the buck.
The cure: under God ignores national fixation of attachment in comfort identity associated with corporate drives of all spoils must be controlled places more emphasis on importance in achievements must spent the bulk of their time, money and resources in producing mature independent sound Statespersons rather than destructive mechanized robots - criminally origin’d.
In this way we will have substantially reduced down to Mini-deaths rather than mass consequence of avarice on grander scales melted down an entire economic security system up to points offering no recovery on horizons while God’s blessings in grace toward nation perhaps permanently withdrawn.
As I remember, somewhere in our Reagan National bible; it stories how the devil eventually experienced both realities in too late, all out of mercy and time for you to go, So, if the devil was cast out - stripped of grace, then how can any country claim privilege in which is expectant to exist differently than the devil himself?
Reference: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook – Practices That Transform Us.
Every calendar day somewhere in the United States a subsequent senior is blatantly avarice violated to include disrespect in trust property while States fiducially accountable totally disregard their apparent fiduciary layered probate appointed guardians/trustees plus unethical Socrates Lawyer Barr association members acting as ambassador/officer extension reflective of the integrity of that court- with no regard.
Indeed, life-care as grass root movement (Protests) on behalf of all vantaged Illinois seniors against States unsound Government in concern in which forensic coercion in conspiracy to defraud Trusts though court sanctified Crass Economics having recorded not only abuses county system for questionable purposes but perjures as well while violating civil rights of class action calipers.
So, while it is hard for seniors to be jolly in systems plagued in Avarice follies, all who still recognize Christ have a friend under God that cannot be taken away by man and as great physician he hears your woes and though ordained watchmen of the wall you will be defended while all else sits in sloth and modern analysis continues to scratch their heads having contributed little to no investigation toward prevention of senior privatized abuse not of nursing homes.
Only two reasons can ever exist within topic of unsound avarice either one is not follower of the law under god in violate of community convent or many still view scenarios as new when in reality are very old in static concepts – simply put, once doors are opened to modern everything within become new to those never required to live, whiteness nor contend with it benefiting another in need, more the reason why easily influenced adolescents at helm steerage need to be directly under experienced master statesmen’s supervision and guidance.
We already have more than enough Devils advocates than known what to do with let alone put down so why produce selfishly more than can be afford or worse yet pass the buck having demonstrated stupid selfishness to future generations forever cursing 2016 as the most immoral bastards of the century?
Karl Jung is accredited with translating for the masses and his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with needed publications being presented at just the right time turned tides.
The Moral man, said Freud, “is not he who is never tempted” but he who can resist his temptations.”
Under God and document those nine men in Washington are always talking about: life-care movement commentary is based upon updated status in yesteryear that forensic gluttony has returned for more.
An ordered accountability partner’s first loyalty is fiducially toward its intended not agendas of others.
Giving a name to something implies a degree of mastery over people of the Lie: Golden goals neither include becoming walking encyclopedias in fiduciary properness nor self-contained self-sufficient preventative crime labs as trust police babysitters.
Movement is a grass root - not for profit senior community service effort - that shares experiences promoting better educational awareness through effective communications.

You do have a voice and a choice and Life-care movement cares about continual senior perseverance.
We thank Authors Karl Menninger, M.D – M. Scott Peck M.D And Adele Calhoun plus providing community libraries in conjunction with local ministries faith based resource center for sharing their intuitiveness as valued resource enabling the average Simpleton of educational idiot’s status to successfully navigate through actuated complexities that unethically vantage seniors into Hell’s two tiered biased kitchen in one sided injustice.
True Freedom rarely comes free but is worth fighting for securing family values that can be positively passed on ensuring positive evolution equally enjoys the security in knowing no other can unduly write another’s epitaph nor subsequently invoice encroach capital gains that elude justice - in Jesus Name under God.
What many still fail to see is how: having spoiled children into unrealistic goals not only produces least amount of solid citizenry under God but rather promotes old adage expectancy; never raise more devils that can be easily sent down. It is believed we have already arrived - while passing the buck.
ReplyDeleteEnough - boomer spirit must overcome for our legacies!