Tuesday, September 5, 2017

God happens where 'Totems' require correction.

The simple Truth is even Secularists, Agnostics, and Atheists look to something or someone to give their lives meaning on Earth. 

What generally common denominates within these systems of belief equate to powers of 'Selves' based upon self-centeredness are more preferable than  response toward the "Holy Spirit" - is all ever required to get us up in the morning and keep us going through the day. WOW! 

Being open and present for others does not happen 'Automatically' nor on the "Fly" but rather requires the Devin Friendship of statesmen as Stewards that knew how to place none essential Attention in it's Proper Secondary Place. 

Here is where the promise in God Given Fruit - liberates nations as Greed, Self-Centeredness, Money, and other things unilaterally transform selves as reflection in the generous spirit of Jesus within. 

In conclusion one can freely choose to stay here
and suffer certain dire consequences,
Stay strong in belief by The Divine "Pearl". 

A prayer to St Raphael. 

St Raphael Tuesday = Raphael’s name means God heals.” This identity cam e about because of the biblical story which claims that he “healed” the earth when it was defiled by the sins of the fallen angels in the apocryphal book of Enoch. He is the Archangel of the Christian’s journey to heaven. He is assigned by God to accompany us along the way of our pilgrimage in search of the treasures of real happiness which God has in store for all His children.


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  3. Being open and present for others does not happen 'Automatically' nor on the "Fly" within grateful nations and why Archangels exist as very powerful spiritual beings tasked to capture WORLDLY attention when needed as done for centuries.
