Wednesday, September 20, 2017

God's Wrath: the ultimate Gift designed to Bless 'Good' Sense holds no regret.

Guilt: the often viewed "Downer" that is in many ways the Blessing. 
Taking Possession of 'Genuine' Spiritual Awareness guided in Truth by the Holy Spirit will always prove be the best instinctive Jewel in the universe when ordained leaders as first duty must discern faiths survival over the who's, what's, and where's shown firsthand would rather Routinely 'Betray' the Creator, his Fellow creatures, and even own best interest were the hypocritical, lukewarm, self-serving, militant cornerstones that knew who they were preempted the heart of the holy ghost to command correction freely given to all Soul's improperly school'd under iniquity workers are to be reconciled in the truth according to 'Word' about God, his judgement, and Jesus is neither a genie in a bottle nor promises get out of Jail free cards where " I or We never knew you" directly applied according to your Bible. 

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