Saturday, December 16, 2017

2017's tax reform simple English = Speculators free to place bets then demand handouts when they lose in the Wall Street casino.

To deny middle class from wealth that flowed from innovations.  
A serious re-creation of a vibrant work force makes america strong once again would not start out under stagnate pay levels below $15.00 an hour, well under its national average hourly wage of $22.50 suggest politics of old still hang their hats where get-rich-quick schemes blow up and result foreclosures, evictions, and financial destruction. 

Simple English: Where our economy is structurally defective, tax reform attempts to fix these collapsing bridges by painting new lines to divide lanes of traffic and claim that those structures have been rehabilitated.

Only through understanding of history, along with those fundamental natures of leverages utilized in those economies, can we the people under God change the economic system to end these abuses. 

Where many still argue that the market is efficient and left to its own devices will govern these matters on its own, the presence of government and thus the inevitable corruption still comes with them today spell ghost rider options entirely unsatisfactory idolized avarice's sinner sun.

Should we as body under God fail to address these imbalances, there can be only dire consequences for every next generation to experience where former's militantly refused to correction it's Ghost Riders economic system. 

1 comment:

  1. Influence peddling's are as old as politics itself, and it should not surprise anyone that self-proclaimed elitist's were at the center of unsound activities where their unpatriotic right to Avarice wealth stood threatened.
