Monday, December 25, 2017

God commands birth right to reinstate the rule of law under God.

Unorthodox select Piggy bank laws by design when flavored under unsound "Favorited" deregulation's has shown historically to have resided negatively under god where First Fiduciary Duty of Integral wisdom must apply a ethical insight according to the bible entered into doctrine and by these records alone such clearly reinforce every single strong Divine argument James ever presented.

Simple English: 
Such regulation or law came with no explicit penalty clause in place to act as it's stronger deterrent against known ideologies shown by odd's alone will mathematically react like herds of thirsty avarice mules to water under flimsy barrister excuse (was a business decision) will indeed compromise both the regulation and the law itself prophesy this time around to be far worse than the most previous "unethical" bubble year disaster. 

Impossible you say, not really where a true first fiduciary duty patriotic statesmen may realistically discern under light of the Examen individual high level rap sheets associated with tax reform bill passage characteristically coincides with why deregulation's  became slammed through where in power time may come up  short. 

By Prophesy combined with birth rights shameful history: 
A biblical Babylon style curse currently hovers over it's horizon by a power greater than all as he awaits to see whether nation heeded his induced correction and is now equally eager to recognize God is greater than under god and only through the Son's teachings can birth right ever expect to retain grace or remove even the most stubbornest elected curse paralyzes the nation or were all Saints correct all along when recommended years ago a final judgment of "I never knew you" and all grace extended withdrawn as an incurable militant lot beyond salvation tainted the rest looks to be the best overall correction needed where compasses show hopeful remainders can be made whole once again by witness recognized God's love expended decisive wrath upon a corrupt birth right tribe set a good example before the rest exemplified What not to do and  no longer condone if you want to remain under God appears to be  the truest spiritual cure toward re-opening the most hardened hearts other than sending the Son back now instills salvation can be temporary where it should have never taken grace for granted in the first place grasps a new found rightful respect to fear God,God's wrath, and the spirit of vengeance never waivers on Word where commanded. 

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