Friday, February 2, 2018

God see's Politico's for what they are advising time grows shorter by day to get their (Acts) together.

Enclosed in a shadow of loneliness.

Nation is well knowledgeable in who their self-centered politico's are who attempt to force their nihilism's upon nation suggestive in it would never be able to survive without them.

Adult narcissism as thinking disorder has been  demonstrated many times over up to points proven beyond all preponderance of doubt that Politico's have not come to terms with no world nor nation simply revolves around any one of us.

Faiths Simple English has warned all what should be integrally known and about what is unacceptable before God's eyes pertaining to government held offices: Narcissists cannot nor will not think about other people.

Birth right be advised: you have worn out your blessings under excuse as Narcissism's slow terrible Two's learner and No Deals are being Accepted!

God's faith expects all true Prophets not only to go out and righteously discern birth rights Evils and its Wicked but shall shelter the meek where God's time grows short under only reason a birth rights  boat is still afloat is for Truth to save all salvageable souls before judgemented away from me you sinful continent full of Evil workers of iniquities by which you now having been made example of  saves the rest. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Simple English: we have demonstrated more than enough signs before the Trinity of redundant physiological disintegration and the rest shall all depend on honoring our God-given Limits.
