Monday, January 29, 2018

Given our almost addictive reliance on assumptions miscommunication creates great chaos.

The failure to question assumptions leads to failures in really hearing what is being communicated to us.

We remain oblivious to the basics of Good communication.

It should go without saying people cannot truly communicate well if they don't listen well, and people are unable to listen well unless they are thinking well.

Many people think that listening is a passive interaction. It is just the opposite.

Listening well is an active exercise of our attention and, by necessity, is hard work.
It is because man does not realize this or because they are not willing to do the work that most people do not listen well.

When we extend ourselves by attempting to listen and communicate well, we take the Extra Step or Walk an Extra Mile.
We do so in opposition to the inertia of laziness or the resistance of fear.
It always requires hard work.

Listening well requires total concentration upon another and is a manifestation of Love in the Broadest Sense of the Word.
An essential part of listening well is the Discipline of Bracketing, the temporary giving up or setting aside of nations unrighteousness, frames of reference, and desires in order to experience as far as possible another's world from the inside, stepping inside his or her shoes.

This unification of speaker and listener is actually an extension and enlargement of ourselves, and New Knowledge is always gained from it.

Moreover, since listening well involves bracketing, it also involves a temporary total acceptance of the other. Sensing this acceptance, the speaker will feel less and less vulnerable and more and more inclined to open up the inner recesses of his or her mind to the listener.

As this happens, speaker and listener begin to understand each other better and better. True communication is under way and The Duet Dance of Love has Begun.
The energy required for the Discipline of Bracketing and the Focusing of Total Attention on Another is so Great that it can be accomplished only by Love, which is defined as The Will to Extend Oneself for Mutual Growth.

Most of the time we lack this energy. Even though we may feel in our business dealings or social relationship that we are Listening Well, what we are usually doing is Listening Selectively.

Often, we have a Preset 'Agenda' in mind and wonder as we listen how we can achieve certain desired results to get the Conversation Over With as Quickly as Possible or Redirected in ways more satisfactory to us.

Many of us are more interested in Talking than in Listening, or we Simply 'Refuse' to Listen to what We Don't Want to Hear.


God's own word to us. It reveals who God is, who we are and why we are here.

Through Bible study we gain insights into God, Human Nature and Creation.
Studying the Scripture can Equip, Guide and Reveal how to Live in Life-Giving Ways that Deepen our friendship with God and others.

Both Old and New Testaments encourage Regular Study, Meditation, Contemplation and Memorization of God's Word.
The Benefits of Bible Study are Directly related to How Open, Attentive and Obedient We Are to What We Read.

Jesus exemplified the Love of God's Word in every area of his life.
He used Scripture to Answer those Who Tested Him, Resist Temptation, Find Guidance, Encourage His Heart, Comfort Others, Explain His Actions and ultimately face his own death.

Several ways to study the Bible

Artist Method. Read a passage of scripture, considering three questions as you read:

 1. What speaks to my heart? Draw a heart beside the word that speaks to your heart.

2. What new thought or idea comes to me? Draw a Light Bulb beside the New Thought or Idea. 

3. What does Scripture move me to do? Draw a Hand beside the Action you want to Take.
Consider how you can apply one of your insights today. Share your insights with a friend. 

Detective Method. Read a short narrative passage from one of the Gospels. Let the story take shape in your mind's eye. Imagine the scene. Observe all the facts. Ask the who,when, where, what questions. Once you have the facts, interpret the facts. Ask the why and wherefore questions. What meaning did the actions have for the characters? What meaning do the actions have for you? Then apply your study to your Own life. Ask how will this change my life? What do you take away from the story? 

Treasure-seeker method. When reading Scripture consider the following application questions:
Is there an Example here for me to follow? Is there a Promise to Claim or a Command to Obey? Is There a Truth to be Applied? Is there a Prayer for me to pray? Is there a Sin to be Confessed? Is there a Question God is Asking Me? 

Jesus' apprentice method. If you are Unfamiliar with Scripture and Don't Know where to begin, Choose One of the Gospels (Mark or Luke) and Study to Discover all You can about Jesus. 
Ask yourself the following questions: What seems Important to Jesus? What sort of Question does He Ask People? What sort of questions do people ask him? 
What is Jesus Inviting Me to Be and Do ? 

"In the Bible God gives us revelations of himself which lead us to worship, promises of salvation which stimulate our faith, and commandments expressing his will which demand our obedience. This is the meaning of Christian Discipleship." - John R. W. Stott 

Bible study involves engaging the mind and focusing attention of Scripture in and attempt to understand and apply Truth to Every Part of My Life. 

"Every part of scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another - showing us Truth, Exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's Way." 
(2 Timothy 3:16 The Message) 

"Let the word of Christ - the message - have the run of the house. Give it Plenty of Room in your Lives. Instruct and Direct One Another Using Good Common Sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God!
(Collossians 3:16 The Message) 

"I have hidden your Word in my Heart that I might Not Sin Against You." 
(Psalm 119:11)

Practice Includes
*Attending to biblical instruction (oral or written) with an open mind and heart in order to grow in love and understanding of the Truth. 
* Systematically studying Scripture to Gain The Big Picture of What God is Doing On Planet Earth. 
* Using Study Guides, Manuscript studies, small group Bible Studies, etc. 

God-Given Fruit
*Keeping company with Jesus no matter how little or much God speaks to me through his Word. 
*Loving God with my Mind. 
* Learning and Internalizing what Scripture teaches about God. 
*Having Scripture Shape and Form my Thinking and Lifestyle so they are Increasingly Redemptive and Life Giving. 
*Using my Understanding to Build the Community of Faith. 
*Putting Myself in a Place where God Can Instruct and Correct My Behaviors and Attitudes. 
*Growing in my Ability to Rationally Defend and Express My Faith. 

Shares: The Road Less Traveled and Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. 

1 comment:

  1. "There are times when nothing holds the Heart but a Long, Long Look at Calvary. How very small anything that we are allowed to endure seems beside the Cross." - Amy Carmichael
