Saturday, May 5, 2018

Bible History: What Happened To Nations That Turned From God?

God is very clear in His Word that He deals with people, individually or as groups (cities, nations, etc.) according to how they honor, or refuse to honor, Him.

The biblical record tells us that God pronounced judgment on quite a few cities and nations.

We are taught about God’s judgment in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. 
The first judgment we see is the one pronounced on Adam and Eve, and the entire human race by virtue of our connection to them, when they chose to sin against God. 

God gave each of the people groups He judged plenty of opportunity to turn from their sinful ways and follow Him, therefore, when He finally executed judgment, it was a mighty display of His power.
Sin is incredibly grievous in God’s eyes and it must be punished.

God has given us warnings that He will judge sin. 
He has given us examples of where He has judged sin.  However, He has also provided the way that we can be judged righteous and have eternal life. 
Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins when He died on a cross for you and me.

Whether we face God’s judgment as so many of the people of the Old Testament did, or are forgiven of our sins and inherit eternal life, the choice is ours.  

Will we choose to come to Jesus Christ and gain eternal life, 
or reject Him and be judged with eternal punishment? (Matthew 25:46)

We each must choose and now is the time to choose.
 (2 Corinthians 6:2)

1 comment:

  1. Jeremiah 18:9-10 tells us that God said that disobedience would bring God’s wrath, even on His chosen people.
