Monday, May 21, 2018

Where man's birth right's science holds no realistic answer for it's unexplained catastrophic climate events, could a higher power far greater than all be conveying that November 06, 2018 determines if total grace is withdrawn in I never knew you?

Does the federal government borrow from social security?
Yes. The Federal Government currently owes the Social Security Trust Fund 
$2.85 Trillion Dollars. That’s $2,850,000,000,000.

Every year, since 1983 the  balance in the Social Security Trust Fund has been transferred to the Federal Treasury and replaced with 
non negotiable bonds stored in a filing cabinet 
at the Bureau of Public Debt in Parkersburg, West Virginia. 
The interest on these bonds is “paid” by the issue of even more bonds.

The Federal Government will only have money to repay its obligations 
by raising taxes or radically cutting spending  to SNAP/ Medicare/ Medicaid.  
This is nothing less than gross financial mismanagement violated meek others!

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