Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Does Illinois best represent constitutional abandonment's are best ways toward securing our nation’s future?

Evidences everywhere compass back to biblical ‘Judges’ that make founding forefathers under God roll over in their graves concerning white flags being boldly displayed.
At the root of  state ranking in many affairs: virtually all Truths are paradoxical in which the flowers in the garden are perceived “My” flowers and county Governments do not known how to create flowers, all they can merely steward or attempt to nurture are their own.
The Israelite's did evil in the sight of the lord and for seven years gave them into the hands of the Midianites.
Because the power of Midian (2012 p 893 & 2015 p 888) was so oppressive, the Israelite's (Boomer) prepared shelters (Life-care movement) for themselves and (fundamental tea-party media based) strongholds. 
Medians (extensions) so impoverished the Israelite (2015 p 888 objected bank order) that they (movement founder) cried out for help.  
When the Israelite's (founder) cried to the lord because of Midian, he sent them a prophet (Christ), who said, “This is what the lord, the God of Israel says: I brought you up out of Egypt (P.A.D.S), out of the land of slavery (privatized Guardianship). I snatched you from the power of Egypt (2015 p 888 was original judge of 2012 p 893) and from the hand of all your oppressors (original Ad- litem same cases).
Life-care side note: both voluntarily stepped down and were replaced yet sameness remains? 
I drove them before you and gave you their land. Said to you, ‘I am the lord you’re God; do not worship the gods of the ammonites (offending law group) in whose land you live. 
The angel of the lord came and sat under the oak in Oprah that belonged to Joash the Abiezrite (mother), where his son Gideon (founder) was thrashing wheat (2015 p 888) to keep from the Midianites (consortium).  
When the angel of the lord appeared to Gideon, he said, “The Lord (Christ) is with you Mighty Warrior.” 
Am I not sending you?”
Life-care movement side note: Both Illinois and Lt. governors like god can only be approached and have. 
Meditation from the road less traveled and the different drum; without discipline under god we can solve nothing. With only some discipline we can only solve some problems.
Life-care movement contemplative side note; Perhaps the most often quoted from The Road Less Traveled is the one that opens the Book?
Therefore, please do not regard these excerpts as quick solutions. Rather they are more complex and sometimes perplexing messages, insights, ideas, and perceptions that require further reflection. 
Life-care movement believes values are to be found that will benefit lives and the lives of friends and families. In fact, one of its major purposes is to encourage readers to think deeply-meaning, mostly, to think for yourself in which our nation is founded upon under god. 
Our forefathers decreed our constitution in order to preserve freedom from oppressive thought patterns. 
Indeed, a number of them emphasize the necessity of government - impose skepticism's as Prerequisite for clear thinking. 
For instance addressing subjects concerning Integral Thinking that suggestively advice if one wishes to discern either the presence or ‘ABSENCE’ OF INTEGRITY, one only need ask One Question.
What is missing? Has anything been left out? Movement urges boomers to ask these questions on every page of senior well being books. 
Life–Care Excerpts have been presented in form of daily meditations.
They appear in the context of founder’s daily living and as Observer of Human behavior, my experiences as both leader and caught up in diverse groups working to achieve some resemblance of true community and above all my own journey toward Psycho-spirituality.
And with each one (to best of ability) founder has compassed where the road less traveled and the different drum can be found. Thus these articles/blogs can be used as both companion and guide if wished to explore them further if initially evolved.
Life-care movement benefiting community primary mission is the hope that these excerpts will find their context, and their meaning to individual lives and experiences of all who read and contemplate them. 
What we present or part of anything; are areas that deserve attention deeper than passing glances.  
Life-care movement is not about senior law skimming, we go deeper within, grow with them, go deeper into their wisdom, and go deeper into the paradox.
Sociological Fact: Some of the best lasting achievements have stemmed from labeled unsophisticated people toward real community than sophisticated ones.
Why this one is may ask? Simple, to reach real community, people must “EMPTY” themselves of their TITLES and CREDENTIALS (2015 p 888 evidence concurs) and ACADEMIC detachment. 
The moral here that marks True leaders of people (C.E.O versus founder) is ability to make room for something more!
What separates the child from the statesmen can be best summed up in one sentence by great author: “Ye must be as wise as serpents AND INNOCENT AS DOVES.” 
Life-care meditation for the road: You can enhance the pleasure of life by meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with. 
The quest for a perfect code under God 
Any time things go sour dating back to Moses speakers of law were perpetrators behind all social ills of used chariot salesmen calipers.
That is why we have the American Law Institute (ALI) that embarks on ambitious projects Governing Lawyers.
What they do is reexamine many of the same issues addressed by the Model Codeand Model rules.
Life-care side note; movement holds study role models worthy of reopening’s and readdress. 
System failures scientifically compass new age trend requires back to drafters fundamentals that  achieve consensus regarding appropriate regulations of legal ethics that are free of guised professional  conduct complexities designed to discourage general public approach. 
Task as hand reevaluates senior law probate attorney professional regulations serving numerous functions, ranging from controlling Lawyer Misconduct, to providing guidance, to establishing ‘FRATERNAL NORMS that ‘ENABLE’ the court system (minus unwritten bar contracts)  to operate.
Both listed case studies highly evidence (buddy systems supersede Trust law) by record that compass lacks within professional regulation varieties that multiply conflict values under god in which we stand.
Cases alone by demonstrate dynamics within unsound outcomes navigate current Illinois Bar drafts suggestively contain misleading improperness’s that compromise senior constituency that inevitably lead to “MISPLACED” mandates hold water.
Life-care meditation for life: We are born that we might become, as a conscious individual, a new life form of God.
The goal of theology: and that of most mystics in not to become an egoless, unconscious babe.
Rather it is to develop mature, conscious ego which can become the ego of God.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword. 
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfaction's are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just re-titled.
Situational reference materials:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. EllistonThe complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further along the Road Less Traveled & meditations from the road and the different drum.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Criminal Psychology- A beginner’s guide
Co Authors: Ray Bull, Claire Cooke, Ruth Hatcher, Jessica Woodhams, Charlotte Bilby and Tim Grant.  
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares.
We thank all Ethics editors and Criminal Psychology co-authors along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdom's plus Victoria Greens enrichment's adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity while benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth and beyond.
Freedom rarely comes free, but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s. 

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