Sunday, June 19, 2016

Illinois governors call to end all undue senior retirement privatized Guardianship promiscuousness.

Do probate orders ethically dismiss accountability while totally missing integrities boat?  

Life- care movement is about generational survival and to survive, a community {like and individual} must repetitively stop whatever it is doing to ask how it is doing, to think about where it needs to go, and to be empty to hear the answers.
The tools of discipline are techniques by which we experience that pain of problems in such a way as to work them though and solve them successfully, learning and growing in the process. When we teach ourselves discipline, we are teaching ourselves how to suffer and also how to grow.
Criminal Psychology has been instrumental in design, implementation, management and delivery of offending behavior programme to a range of different types of offenders within community settings.
These psychological techniques contained within programme manuals target offenders’ problem-solving, social and personal control skills.
Criminal psychological research has shown that offenders tend to be lacking in such skills and there is an argument that it is these cognitive deficits that contribute to offender’s decision to partake in criminal based activities.
Not for profit Life-care movement serves community as focused emergence group; evidence-based within offender practices offering treatment solutions.
Reviews set decades of much needed public policy in relation to offender treatment in which findings of meta-analysis breathe New Life into rehabilitative agendas.
These reviews provide valuable information to programme developers and practitioners concerning the parts of programmes that research shows to be ineffective.
Programme developers design new programmes which comprise solely of those elements that the evidence said were effective.
Privatized guardianships have been allotted near untouchable status through probate orders which scientifically evidence cheap forgiveness always follows holding little to no community recourse.
This reality not only contradicts democracy under god but stands hypocritical of ethical oaths as nation.
The time has come to bridle mayhem’s curators as none are above under God.
Life-care side note: many a facility had to be put up on resident wellbeing violates as sacrifice due to guardianship order allowed unsound piker imperiousness to include none recognition of in living trust.
Court orders never include licenses that sanction violates of personal rights nor include second class citizen status in due process.   
Scientific evidences compass senior probate court orders trend affiliation bias rules over evidenced elements.
When systems disregard rules of element based upon bias (Such as legally registered in Living Trust – recognition within 2012 P 893) that do not fit quite fit inner communal expectations (Re: Docket # 13-C01428 Complaint # (s): 1373557/IL65150-Type of Violation: B Violation, Complaint # 68651 -The facility has committed violations as indicated. IDPH code 104 – Neglect = (2) IDPH code 105 – Improper Nursing Care = (1) IDPH code 118 – Resident Rights = (1) IDPH code 409 – Policy and Procedures = (1) and questionable passage environment of December 23, 2014 that escalated back in relative sameness through estate collection confronted with court action that prompted filing of 2015 P 888 charging mental illness seeking system familiars within cheap sanctioned by order forgiveness’s in all fiduciary sins committed or yet to be committed.
From senior communal public safety standpoints now evidenced under God though 2015 P 888 provides scientific evidence of imperiousness existence within beyond preponderances of any reasonable doubt  that county judicial routinely ethically violates several federal constitutional areas that supersede base Illinois law concerning equality of rulings hold hindsight of hard medical scientific evidence from legal perspective?
Life-care side note: hard scientific evidence from legal perspective certified report clearly state language within special needs trust violates rights that are harsh intrusive and were direct respondent court exception’d requested noted in record.
Life-care grass root movement benefiting senior communal safety in topical retrospect - strongly urges Governor Rauner in hindsight recognition of senate/congress bill concerning criminal judicial reform on behalf of effected taxpayers unable to speak for selves, we will voice on their behalf system dissatisfaction while calling for office to take immediate steps toward rehabilitative reform back under god.
We will publicly motion on behalf of effected taxpayers unable to voice due to varied oppressions, community scientifically evidences; state holds blatant failed honor system that negatively impacts overall wellbeing and at minimalistic minimum require in justices name - rehabilitation of all privatized guardianship companies of person and assets placed under disciplinary jurisdictions of state accreditation commissioned  program modeled after (ARDC) subject to same scrutiny under professional standards that fill in all current district, offices of, and better business bureau disciplinary voids restructured within Secretary of State responsibility holding multiple accredited successful programs.
Any Uncivil oppression that harms others under unified  civil obedience code under God as nation remain fiducially obligatory to general public that demand accuracy within offender identifications and  equality within licensed corporate (CSAP) rehabilitation to include speakers of law unethical interpreters as enablers that promote furthered civil disobedience at taxpayers’ expense.
Another words in simple English: We punish devils advocates while ignoring true devils themselves.
Accreditation criteria
1. Clear model of change backed by research evidence: The program should have a plan for altering offenders behavior (that has been shown by previous research to be effective) thus resulting in less criminal behavior!
2. Selection of offenders: The program should specify for which offenders it is intended, taking into account legislations designed to discourage general taxpayer participation, such factors as offense type and their risk of further convictions.
Life care Side note: Only 1 out of five seniors consider reporting corporate guardianship curator crimes due to financial inequality within system court orders and disproportional access to adequately funded valued resource equipped to scientifically police unsound trends within white collar crime rates. 
3. Targeting of Dynamic risk factors: the program should target ‘CRIMINOGENIC’ factors (THOSE WHICH ARE LINKED TO OFFENDING BEHAVIOR) THAT NEED TO BE AND ARE CAPABLE OF CHANGE!
4. Range of Targets: The program should address a range of targets as “Evidenced” has shown this to be more effective. If a “Narrow” focus is used this should be ‘JUSTIFIED’ IN “LIGHT” OF THE EVIDENCE.
5. EFFECTIVE METHODS: THE PROGRAMS SHOULD USE THOSE METHODS THAT HAVE SHOWN TO BE MORE LIKELY TO WORK. Cognitive behavioral methods (THOSE THAT FOCUS ON CHALLENGING INDIVIDUALS’ THOUGHTS AND Titlist's ATTITUDES IN ORDER TO ALTER THEIR BEHAVIORShave been shown to work well with a range of offenders but other methods can e used of there is evidence for these.
Life-care side note: 2015 P 888 serves as case in point in which movement holds law group ethically foundationally responsible for program need as well as taxpayers subsequent expense as enabler.
7. Sequencing, intensity, and duration: THE TIMETABLE OF THE PROGRAMME SHOULD MATCH THE TARGETED OFFENDERS’ Learning styles and abilities in order to produce “MAXIMUM” impact.
9. Continuity of programmes and services: The program should be fully integrated into the Offenders’ sentence and Supervision Plan.
Life care side note: additional case in point justifying offending privatized guardianship licenses placed under Illinois Secretary of state Office holding proven track record in reduction.
Life-care side note case in point; unethical law group’s enablers require ARDC incorporations to secretary of state’s office as well.
11. Ongoing Evaluation: Evaluation should be built in to the programme in order to inform (accurately inform the general public as funders) THE ONGOING DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROGRAM.
Life-care side note: Illinois currently holds no relatively topical system other than though law suits in which few can be found willing to go up in justice’s name against another member.
Simplistic judicial thinking aide’s criminal business thinking that become problematic tax payer burdens when jurisdiction enforcement continually allows privatized to violate community by Discrimination, Exploitation, and Oppression, denying them same rights, opportunities, and access to valued resources.
Life- care side note: like any child- business tendencies out of narcissisms start with responsible owner developmental programs that fundamentally maintain culture from Terrible two’s syndrome stagnation that demonstrate positive leadership patterns in community promoting growth that associates readily follow in which loyalty turnover percentages are always low.
For public record: Neither 2012 p 893 nor 2015 p 888 hold scientifically any evidence within that remotely medically  compass any positive evolution toward the better as result of.
For these reasons further Public safety in community concern demand Governor’s office fiduciary responsibility to taxpayer’s irregardless of voter ability status call to conduct inner state task force probe in which Life-Care Movement strongly recommends governor seek conjunctive task force federal assistance in retrospect to time allotted extension growths within A.K.A underground consortiums.
Illinois senior citizens have earned their rights to expect under God - safe retirement environments that are state enforced free of licensed organized predators and protection firm racketeering.
Wise officials learn not to dread but actually welcome problems because it is in this whole process of meeting and solving problems that life has its meaning.
We are all called to be peacemakers like it or not.
The keystone of the strategy to win the war of peacemaking in community, and the weapons can only be those of love.
Life-care movement’s task is to sell Illinois on love.
In conclusion reality, like God, is something that can only be approached.
For public record- Governor and Lt. Governor are both media approached.
The gate of Eden is forever barred from us by cherubim’s with a flaming sword. 
So in many ways we are both blessed and cursed by consciousness.
With it comes the awareness of realities in Good and Evil tyrannies of humanity.
Jung is accredited within translations for the masses, his reoccurred popularity has a great deal to do with publications presented at the right time just when gnawing’s in dissatisfactions are beginning to be felt relatively saying nothing really new exists under the sun just retitled.
Situational reference materials:
Ethics and the legal profession – second edition
Edited by: Elliot D. Cohen & Michael Davis with Frederick A. Elliston
The complete IDIOT’S Guide to successfully navigate the complex civil court system
Author: Victoria E. Green, J.D.
Further along the Road Less Traveled & meditations from the road and the different drum.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D in psychology
Criminal Psychology- A beginner’s guide
Co Authors: Ray Bull, Claire Cooke, Ruth Hatcher, Jessica Woodhams, Charlotte Bilby and Tim Grant.   
Not for profit-senior community service educational shares- promoting better awareness’s through effective communications ending Financial exploitation. You do have a voice and a choice.
Story line based upon updated references in real time perspective.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery topical shares.
We thank all Ethics editors and Criminal Psychology co-authors  along with Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive under God Lecture series and practice accrued wisdoms plus Victoria Greens enrichments adding perspective enabling another to fight the good fight against Greed based system Injustices preserving community integrity while benefiting others out from under territories that lead into Hell on earth and beyond.
Freedom does not come free but is worth fighting for holding all the right reasoning’s. 

1 comment:

  1. Life-care grass root movement benefiting senior communal safety in topical retrospect - strongly urges Governor Rauner in hindsight recognition of senate/congress bill concerning criminal judicial reform on behalf of effected taxpayers unable to speak for selves, we will voice on their behalf system dissatisfaction while calling for office to take immediate steps toward rehabilitative reform back under god.
