Monday, January 29, 2018

Given our almost addictive reliance on assumptions miscommunication creates great chaos.

The failure to question assumptions leads to failures in really hearing what is being communicated to us.

We remain oblivious to the basics of Good communication.

It should go without saying people cannot truly communicate well if they don't listen well, and people are unable to listen well unless they are thinking well.

Many people think that listening is a passive interaction. It is just the opposite.

Listening well is an active exercise of our attention and, by necessity, is hard work.
It is because man does not realize this or because they are not willing to do the work that most people do not listen well.

When we extend ourselves by attempting to listen and communicate well, we take the Extra Step or Walk an Extra Mile.
We do so in opposition to the inertia of laziness or the resistance of fear.
It always requires hard work.

Listening well requires total concentration upon another and is a manifestation of Love in the Broadest Sense of the Word.
An essential part of listening well is the Discipline of Bracketing, the temporary giving up or setting aside of nations unrighteousness, frames of reference, and desires in order to experience as far as possible another's world from the inside, stepping inside his or her shoes.

This unification of speaker and listener is actually an extension and enlargement of ourselves, and New Knowledge is always gained from it.

Moreover, since listening well involves bracketing, it also involves a temporary total acceptance of the other. Sensing this acceptance, the speaker will feel less and less vulnerable and more and more inclined to open up the inner recesses of his or her mind to the listener.

As this happens, speaker and listener begin to understand each other better and better. True communication is under way and The Duet Dance of Love has Begun.
The energy required for the Discipline of Bracketing and the Focusing of Total Attention on Another is so Great that it can be accomplished only by Love, which is defined as The Will to Extend Oneself for Mutual Growth.

Most of the time we lack this energy. Even though we may feel in our business dealings or social relationship that we are Listening Well, what we are usually doing is Listening Selectively.

Often, we have a Preset 'Agenda' in mind and wonder as we listen how we can achieve certain desired results to get the Conversation Over With as Quickly as Possible or Redirected in ways more satisfactory to us.

Many of us are more interested in Talking than in Listening, or we Simply 'Refuse' to Listen to what We Don't Want to Hear.


God's own word to us. It reveals who God is, who we are and why we are here.

Through Bible study we gain insights into God, Human Nature and Creation.
Studying the Scripture can Equip, Guide and Reveal how to Live in Life-Giving Ways that Deepen our friendship with God and others.

Both Old and New Testaments encourage Regular Study, Meditation, Contemplation and Memorization of God's Word.
The Benefits of Bible Study are Directly related to How Open, Attentive and Obedient We Are to What We Read.

Jesus exemplified the Love of God's Word in every area of his life.
He used Scripture to Answer those Who Tested Him, Resist Temptation, Find Guidance, Encourage His Heart, Comfort Others, Explain His Actions and ultimately face his own death.

Several ways to study the Bible

Artist Method. Read a passage of scripture, considering three questions as you read:

 1. What speaks to my heart? Draw a heart beside the word that speaks to your heart.

2. What new thought or idea comes to me? Draw a Light Bulb beside the New Thought or Idea. 

3. What does Scripture move me to do? Draw a Hand beside the Action you want to Take.
Consider how you can apply one of your insights today. Share your insights with a friend. 

Detective Method. Read a short narrative passage from one of the Gospels. Let the story take shape in your mind's eye. Imagine the scene. Observe all the facts. Ask the who,when, where, what questions. Once you have the facts, interpret the facts. Ask the why and wherefore questions. What meaning did the actions have for the characters? What meaning do the actions have for you? Then apply your study to your Own life. Ask how will this change my life? What do you take away from the story? 

Treasure-seeker method. When reading Scripture consider the following application questions:
Is there an Example here for me to follow? Is there a Promise to Claim or a Command to Obey? Is There a Truth to be Applied? Is there a Prayer for me to pray? Is there a Sin to be Confessed? Is there a Question God is Asking Me? 

Jesus' apprentice method. If you are Unfamiliar with Scripture and Don't Know where to begin, Choose One of the Gospels (Mark or Luke) and Study to Discover all You can about Jesus. 
Ask yourself the following questions: What seems Important to Jesus? What sort of Question does He Ask People? What sort of questions do people ask him? 
What is Jesus Inviting Me to Be and Do ? 

"In the Bible God gives us revelations of himself which lead us to worship, promises of salvation which stimulate our faith, and commandments expressing his will which demand our obedience. This is the meaning of Christian Discipleship." - John R. W. Stott 

Bible study involves engaging the mind and focusing attention of Scripture in and attempt to understand and apply Truth to Every Part of My Life. 

"Every part of scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another - showing us Truth, Exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God's Way." 
(2 Timothy 3:16 The Message) 

"Let the word of Christ - the message - have the run of the house. Give it Plenty of Room in your Lives. Instruct and Direct One Another Using Good Common Sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God!
(Collossians 3:16 The Message) 

"I have hidden your Word in my Heart that I might Not Sin Against You." 
(Psalm 119:11)

Practice Includes
*Attending to biblical instruction (oral or written) with an open mind and heart in order to grow in love and understanding of the Truth. 
* Systematically studying Scripture to Gain The Big Picture of What God is Doing On Planet Earth. 
* Using Study Guides, Manuscript studies, small group Bible Studies, etc. 

God-Given Fruit
*Keeping company with Jesus no matter how little or much God speaks to me through his Word. 
*Loving God with my Mind. 
* Learning and Internalizing what Scripture teaches about God. 
*Having Scripture Shape and Form my Thinking and Lifestyle so they are Increasingly Redemptive and Life Giving. 
*Using my Understanding to Build the Community of Faith. 
*Putting Myself in a Place where God Can Instruct and Correct My Behaviors and Attitudes. 
*Growing in my Ability to Rationally Defend and Express My Faith. 

Shares: The Road Less Traveled and Spiritual Disciplines Handbook. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Examen of Righteous Discernment is the only way to Spiritual Power.

Political Power is essentially the capacity to Force or Influence others to Do What You Want Them Do.

Political Power does not actually reside within the Person Himself but Rather In The Position Held in a 'Hierarchy', or in the money to create organizations to do whats wanted done.

Political Power is always "Temporal" it may be held for a while, but eventually is always wrestled away.

Spiritual Power on the other hand, has little to do with organization or structure.

It resides not in the 'Position' or in (Money) but in the "Persons" Being.

It is the capacity to influence others, often by example, simply by 'Virtue' of the kind of person that one is.

Those who are Politically Powerful usually do not possess much in the way of spiritual power.

Executives are subject to the very same temptations that Jesus confronted in the desert.

Unlike Jesus, they are likely to 'Flunk' the test.
They are reflections of Lord Acton' famous maxim: "Power tends to 'Corrupt' and "Absolute" power corrupts absolutely.

Although usually true, powerful executives do have free will under God not to pursue corruption; rather, they can exemplify as an exceptional self-reflective people with extraordinary insight and concerns for others.

It is easy for political power to overestimate its highest ranking positions, but not with respect to overlap of political and spiritual power.

The greatest power a top executive has is the ability to determine the spirit of the organization.

If leadership's spirit is 'Mean' in some way, that meanness will pervade throughout the entire structure in and of organization.
In Washington from 1970 to 1972, during the Nixon administration, The Spirit of "Dirty Tricks" was virtually everywhere.

While political power is generally attainable by only a relative few, Spiritual Power can be attained by most. Although, to a considerable extent, it is a gift from God beginning with the creation of the individual soul, people can choose to neglect or cultivate souls.

When you make the choice for consciousness, learning, and growth, then you have also chosen the path of Spiritual Power, which resides in your being and not in your position.

Throughout the centuries, theologians, in considering the dichotomy between being and doing, have invariably come down in favor of being.

In other words, who you are - what kind of person you are - is much more important than what you actually do.

That is hard to grasp in our action-oriented culture.
The problem is we continually come back for our next session and act as if nothing had happened.

Thoughts become what commonly reflection "What about it" and when multiply reminded "the ritual of scratching heads" begin followed by "I vaguely remember something about it" ends those discussions.

Indeed what we should be realistically setting our sights on is the buildings of best possible relationships, healing will naturally occur without their having to do anything.

It has been believed historically that the power to heal, a spiritual power, comes from God. It is a gift. And it is further believed it is the intent of the Giver that it should be used in such a manner as to ultimately Give It Away.

In other words, the best reason to Have any Kind of Power - Spiritual or Temporal - is to use it so as to Empower Others.
Share: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond.

"St. Ignatius of Loyola notes that sin is unwillingness to trust that what God wants in our deepest happiness. Until I am absolutely convinced of the I will do everything I can to keep my hands on the Controls of my Life, because I think I know better than God what I need for my fulfillment. "
David Benner.

Have you ever tried to help a Christian friend make a decision? It can be a confusing process. Some believe God's will can be found in the most difficult and sacrificial process. Others believe the will of God is whatever choice brings the most Money, Perks, Success, and Personal Gain at any particular moment. 

Some people believe that 'Not' Wanting to Do Something is a sure sign that it is God's Will. Others believe exactly the opposite. We all know people who open their Bibles and expect their 'Finger' to fall on God's guiding word, but others expect to use their brain and want another to check out their lists of pros and cons. Discernment leads us into deep waters. 
What are we to make of a "Sign" and "opened doors" and desires and self-sacrifice? 

Biblical discernment involves more than good judgement, 
open doors and decision making skills. 

Right Discernment arises out of a relationship with God in prayer. It is founded in the reality of the Holy Spirit's presence with us. Jesus makes it clear the Holy Spirit is our Counselor and Guide into God's will and ways.

The Holy Spirit can be counted on to
1. Assure us of God's love, Goodness and Trustworthy nature. (Romans 8:16)
2. Convict us of Sin, Revealing the False Self and all its 'Agendas' and "Attachments" (John  16:18)
3. Lead Us into Truth, opening us to the cleansing power of 'Repentance' and Freedom Jesus brings. (John 16:13)
4. Bring Glory to God (John 16:14) through everything that happens to us. 
5. Nurture the Fruit of the Spirit. (Galatians 5:22-23)

To know God's will we must be assured of God's love. Discernment depends of a Deep Trust in God's Good Intentions toward us. Distrusting God's intentions and fearing that his will could be life-thwarting rather than life-giving can Sabotage our ability to Listen and Wait for Direction. 

Reveal the source of your Distrust to God. Ask for Help and Healing. The Spirit does not beat us up for expressing doubts and fears to God. He hears us out, assures us of God's Love and Leads us to Trust. 

To Discern Well we also need the Spirit of Truth to open our eyes to our attachments to things that influence our decision making: things like Prestige, Personal Agendas, Comforts, Productivity and so on. We need to Confess our agendas and 'Honestly' ask the Lord what must die in us for God's Will to come Forth. One prayer for guidance is "Lord I am Willing to Receive what you Give, Release what you Take, Lack what you Withhold, Do What You Require and Be Who You Desire. Amen."

When our Hearts are Open to Receiving whatever God says, we are in a place where we can wait and listen for a Nudge From God. We rest in the confidence that we Don't have to Figure things Out on Our Own. We become Alert to the presence of the Spirit revealed in the Love, Joy, Peace patience, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Patience and Self-Control. 

The presence of this Fruit reminds us that we can't fall out of God's care or move beyond his notice. When praying for God to Make His Way Plain, one may often pray, "Lord Christ", take those things The Evil One would Use to Discourage and Destroy, and Turn them to my Good, my Growth and Your Glory. AMEN."
Share: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Practices That Transform Us. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

People of the lie don't need the Devil to recruit them to evil; they are quite capable of recruiting themselves.

Original Sin also includes our tendencies toward Narcissism, Fear, and Pride.

In combination, these human weaknesses not only contribute to Evil but prevent people from acknowledging their Shadow.

Out of Touch with their Own Sins, those who lack the humility to see their weaknesses are the most capable of contributing to Evil either Knowingly or unknowingly.

Many a social commentator throughout our short history have viewed the Chaos of materialism in which promoted comfort at all costs, as primary determinates of the Evil at that time.

When certain segments of humanity are systematically (2017's Tax reform) regarded as irrelevant or are treated with derision, dire consequences for the 'Integrity' of The Entire Society are Inevitable.

Where justice seems such a reach for us we never outgrow the need for 'Profits' who remind us of the "Great Requirement".

We need to search our hearts and see where putting our agenda first makes us part of the problem.

Truth and Holiness are always matters of substance, not appearance.

Issues of justice consistently involve allocation of real and substantive resources: money, time, opportunities, goods and services.

The Christian Life is not a Game where the One with the Most Toys Wins.
What we have and own is never simply ours.
We are Stewards of what God has given us.
God holds us responsible for what we do with what we have.
Followers of Jesus share the resources and work against the Evil that Robs the World of God's care and Love.
Lifestyles and choices that Love and Value People more than Things is the Litmus Test of Faith.

Stewardship means recognizing that nothing we have really belongs to us. Everything owned belongs to God.

We are simply the Stewards of His Wealth, His Gifts, His Opportunities, His Houses, His Cars, and His Computers. Sharing is to Be In Our DNA.

God intends for the body of Christ to battle the 'Affluenza' of avarice wealth under God.

Stewards distinguish between building their own Kingdom (GOP Tax Reform) and Building the Kingdom of God.



In other words, if expenditures on comforts, luxuries, amusements etc., are not up to the standards common among our higher brackets such are probably trickling down true to form too little away that is too small within reasonable proportion of the taxpayers subsidized gift.

A Good Steward worth their weight in leadership always weighs out first as a First Fiduciary Duty how the way that they were brought up can, could, or would affect overall abilities to properly discern "WORD" under God honors general citizenry in ways that earned respect for that nation abroad.

They contemplate upon the strengths and weaknesses that have been bequeathed to them.

They examen if the legacy being passed on presents a positive image toward future generations to say they did righteously with their stewardship of resources once they were gone.

GOD-GIVEN FRUIT in Christ's Name. AMEN.

*Being liberated from Greed, Self-Centeredness, Money and Other Things so that the Generous Spirit of Jesus Grows in You.
*Embracing Generous Hospitality Toward Those In Need. 
*Modeling God's Goodness and Generosity. 
*Awareness of Your Selfishness and Lack of Love for Others. 
*Living from the Conviction that Nothing belongs to You; You Didn't Deserve it or Earn it; It All Came From God. 
*Investing In The Kingdom of God, Building Up Treasures in Heaven.
*Loving God with all your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind, and Loving your Neighbor as Yourself!
*Stewarding the Earth and All Your Resources; Freedom from the Toxic Disease of Affluenza

What exactly does the First Amendment say?
Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Go out and train everyone who accepts the Full Word of God as friend who knows his masters business. AMEN.

"Spiritual discipline, then, is developing Soul Reflexes so that we know how to live. We Discipline ourselves to Develop Soul Memory  in normal times so that we'll be equipped for the Times of High Demand or deep Crisis." 

Desire: to be in a relationship where one is encouraged or where one encourages another to become an apprentice of Jesus.

Investing in what lasts.
In Mathew 28:19-20 Jesus tells his followers that they are to "Go and make Disciples of Nations, Baptizing them in the name of The Father and of The Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have Commanded you."

Making disciples is the God-given agenda for the church. That agenda is more than "Saving Souls." It involves helping people make the transformational journey into Christlikeness.

Disciple makers give light and hope and help to those willing to be Intentional About Their Growth.

Disciplining typically happens when Believers Meet Around The Word of God to Spur One Another on to Love and Good Deeds. Often a more mature Christian disciples a younger one in a Paul-Timothy Relationship. But it is also possible for a group of two or three peers to disciple one another through Meeting and Studying Together.

Though the Holy Spirit is ultimately responsible for the disciples growth, the 'Disciplemaker' has a part to play. Disciplemakers seek to help others grow in Loving God with all their Heart, Soul, Strength and Mind. Discipling someone includes introducing them to a number of Spiritual Practices, Relationships, and Experiences that can help them 'Mature' in their Faith.

A discipling relationship may focus on "Bible Study", Lectio, book of discussions; varieties of Prayers; Lifestyle choices; Mentoring in Areas of Service, STEWARDSHIP, Hospitality, Self-Care and WITNESS. Just as Parents long to see their children reach their potential, So Disciplemakers Long for The World to Experience the Impact Apprenticed  to Jesus.

The book of Acts records how the Holy Spirit "TURNED THE WORLD UPSIDE DOWN" through the lives of Jesus' first disciples. JESUS IS STILL LOOKING FOR DISCIPLES. And the Holy Spirit is still able to turn the world around through the lives of people committed to keeping company with Jesus.
Share: Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - Practices That Transform Us.

We have many choices to make as we play varying roles and face many tasks, responsibilities, and challenges in our families, work lives, and group affiliations. But our lives become even more complex when we look beyond our nuclear families and the particular organization to which we belong or have contact with on a regular basis. 

Whether we are children, heads of families, students, or employees, we also belong to an even larger organization we call society. We 'Coexist' as a collective of human beings stretching beyond the boundaries of different towns and cities, counties and states, regions and nations. 

We all are inevitably citizens of the World. And as members of the social order, we confront profound choices  about what citizenship means. 

A secular psychiatrist once wrote concerning the Road Less Traveled; "What I get from it is that there's no such thing as a Free Lunch." He was right in a certain respect. The support and nurturance we get from society do not come free. Some degree of 'Responsibility' beyond simply paying taxes accompanies the benefits of citizenship. But whether we're interested in becoming Good Citizens or Not is another matter. If we have the energy and will to do so, we face the choice of how to be the Best Citizens We Can Be, we also have the option of 'Copping Out', of not caring, of avoiding all responsibility for the Well-Being of  Society. AS IN THE CASE WITH ANY CHOICE WE MAKE IN LIFE, WHICH OF THESE ROUTES WE TAKE YIELDS ITS OWN CONSEQUENCES. 

If we more closely examen the complexities of citizenship and look at society 'Realistically', inevitably we will be confronted by a number of paradoxes. Whenever you take into consideration the multiple dimensions of any situation, and IF NO PIECES IN REALITY ARE MISSING from the picture, you probably will be looking at the paradox. 
Share reference: The Road Less Traveled and Beyond - Spiritual Growth In An Age of Anxiety. 

Discipline and Disciple come from the same root.

Practices Include: 
*Meeting with one another to Study The Bible, Pray and Encourage his or her Spiritual Growth. 
*Teaching and Equipping Another so He or She can Teach Others Also. 
*Instructing and Modeling of Christian Virtues and Disciplines. 
*Attending to Worship, Faith,  and Obedience of a Younger Believer by a more Seasoned Saint. 
*Using Gifts and Talents to Help Others Grow in Christ. 

God-Given Fruit:
*Keeping company with Jesus as you fulfill His Command to Go and make Disciples. 
*Becoming a Model of Service, Faith, Obedience, and Worship of Christ. 
*Becoming a Trainer, Equipper, and Encourager of Others. 
*Obediently following Jesus in making Disciples.