Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Wise up where time looks to be shorter than pseudo secular man thinks as God shows his reality under the sun.

The all-in gamble of the government and the Federal Reserve historically has been to pump asset prices by increasing leverage in the economy with the hopes that animal spirits will take hold and somehow bring employment and demand back to levels that can support economic output.

Thinking has long shown to be a losing bet, as evidenced where attempted twice previously over the past thirty years, and neither time was successful.

The reason the economy rolled over in the first place in 2007 was excessive leverage, as the cost of carrying debt had reached the practical economic limit;
adding more is exactly like giving a drunk a case of whiskey and expecting him to be cured of his alcoholism.
The Truth is like the alcoholic that doesn't stop drinking, nation will inevitably wind up with cirrhosis, cancer and expire. If we do not change course in economy, so will we. 
The united states government will follow the holy spirits 
spiritually disciplined budget policy in repayment of debts.
Complete Bankster power destruction is on God's mind - saved salvageable souls.  
Many have compounded simple fixes into the US economy to avoid the pains associated within their inherent failure as militant to think well through easy out's not of God utilized unsound elixir's of old as cure all band aide fixed what ailed us now where fervent banksters overindulgence in too big to fail always consequence'd no more than what historic hangover(s) re-kicked Pete R' Pete's can down futures road. 
I give as warning to all that thy Father has had enough and grows impatient by day. 

1 comment:

  1. Stopping fake bubbles in their path requires all overleveraged assets acquired by banksters seized then resold establishes a clearing price that messages: think twice then cut officers once where rocoupment will rear its ugly head.
