Thursday, January 11, 2018

Hunger for God as a first fiduciary duty always places the horse before the cart.

Wisdom is our capacity to apply spiritual truth to life’s realities. Foolishness in the Bible has nothing to do with degrees or education; it has to do with the inability or refusal to apply spiritual truths to our choices.

You can’t build a skyscraper on the foundation of a chicken coop. Neither can you build a strong nation on such a foundation. 
Like sand castles on the shore of a rising tide, our country and our culture are quickly being washed away. A solid foundation is built on the application of God’s Word.

How many are willing to say, “Lord, I’m available, use me.” It’s easy to come up with excuses as to why we can’t be used by God. Some would say, “I’m too busy,” others, “I’m too old,” others, “I’m too young.” 

It’s not up to us to determine if the Master can use us, our part should be to say, “Lord, if you want to use me, I’m available.”

Most wealthy donors are not overly concerned about our taxes.
A failure to deliver on tax reform would create, what one Republican lobbyists deemed, “a death spiral,” in which incumbents are left with fewer donors and less party backing all while grassroots support swells behind primary challengers.

Wisdom is our capacity to apply spiritual truth to life’s realities. 

Foolishness in the Bible has nothing to do with degrees or education; it has to do with the inability or refusal to apply spiritual truths to our choices. 

It was the application of what was heard that determined the foundation of rock, not the information itself that determined the foundation. 

Both men heard the same thing. 
Only one applied it.

God is still looking for people He can use to accomplish great things for His kingdom. With God, it’s not a person’s ability that is key, but a person’s availability.

It is high time we become kingdom people as a body, representing something bigger than our own personalities, programs, and platforms. 

We need to make God’s Kingdom our rule and His glory our goal. 

God didn’t establish the church to make us feel good; He established it to prevail against the gates of hell through developing kingdom disciples.

God may not be looking for the most gifted to do a particular job, but a person whose heart is towards Him. 

How about you, will you say, “Lord, send me?”

1 comment:

  1. The solution to this problem is actually quite simple: Eat until you are hungry when it comes to our physical body actually increases the hunger within our soul.
