Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Consortium of the Lie: toward a Psychology of eviL.

When confronted by of the eviL, the wisest and most secure adult will usually experience confusion. 

Imagine, then, what it must be like for a naïve senior who encounters system eviL in the ones it most depends upon? Would explain why many none Medicaid patrons are heavily sedated daily. 

We have been reading about many heartless encounters within county probate system and to what extents appointments will go to whitewash crimes against humanity harming another of monstrous proportions while maintaining profits and status quo while conducting legalized drug dealing. 

Add to these facts that eviL refuses to acknowledge their own failures, actually desire to project their eviL onto others, and it is no wonder that residents and family as well will misinterpret the process while suffering further hopeless depressions while system forced of up to excesses of up to 10k per month toward substandard services. 
We can see then, that specific profiled residents, as patients like Christ are crucified daily to god of invoicing while care providers hypocritically claim to be of Christian based origin.  
Although identified through judicial as one who has something wrong with them, the locus of evil lay not in them but elsewhere. 

This is why though many times ignored residents immediate needs are not so much for pharmacology treatment as for PROTECTION

Let us now turn to providers of immorality: the true source of all ill problems

By acts alone they are the ones who should be receiving judicial disciplinary treatment, yet they are not
Why not? There are fundamental reasons other than self-serving greed. 

The first and most compelling is: system that disables accepting wards of means does not desire further responsibility within as evidenced, so they just go along with whatever appointment places in front of them from one sided perspectives as enabler birthing Narcissisms Croonies. 
Although appointments reject discipline, this is insufficient reason not to administer – or make attempt to help them grow toward compassion even if attempt in their case would have failed. 

It is a sad state of affairs, but the fact of the matter is that the healthiest –the most Honest- whose patterns of thinking are least distorted – are the ones under this system to be most unjustly mistreated. 
Conversely the sicker the appointment – the more dishonest in their behavior and distorted in their thinking they evolve – the more favoritism extended simply due to the fact they overwhelm jurisdiction. 
The crucial task as well as responsibility of any presiding authority is to recognize what is appropriate and what is not, allowing ward to be facially disfigured through sequential falls even after public health violated holding additional occurrence of same magnitude one week after issuance is never appropriate as case in point. 

What neither happened was; overwhelmed authority figure responsibility concerning ward eviction failed to heal self nor refer to another more capable in objectivity due to feelings of instantaneous  eviL revulsion evidenced blatant best swept under improperness’s carpet while hypocritically bandaging ones status over sworn oath to serve which by community covenant under God conduct that warrant impeachment. 

Evil is revolting because it is Dangerous! 
It contaminates or otherwise destroys who remain too long in its pretense. 
Even if one is extremely spiritually fit, well experienced, there will always be astonishing mores to contend with. 
When faced with pure ‘evil , best answer that remains stated many times over is to RUN THE TOTHER WAY or out of jurisdiction!
Any revulsion encounter toward those of the faith holding countertransference, or if you will, God –given is Saving Early- Warning Radar System that should not be taken lightly. 

Another catalyst of evil within best distanced from is confusions holding purpose. 
Its thesis can be best defined as a specific form of ‘Mental Illness’ and should be subject to the same intensity of investigation that we would devote toward any other disease of plague proportion. 
It is natural and ‘Wise’ got general public at large to steer clear of “THE VIPER’S DEN”.
Which on the same token: enforcement holds public safety responsibility to approach that very same place to learn, to obtain its Venom for the development of judicial Antitoxin that will serve to “PROTECT” Humankind,  and perhaps even assist system created narcissistic Serpents toward reversed Evolution back into under God, indivisible and liberty and justice toward all.

Serpents can be tamed to become simultaneously fierce and Gentle Servants of God. 
If we can see the ‘eviL ‘as Ill and Pitiable – Albeit still Dangerous – and if we know what we are doing, it is “Appropriate” for business owners to responsibly transform culture within into Carful Compassion so as to approach in Healing, otherwise catalysts  will do your responsibility for you holding  deserved consequence. 

The initial task of local judicial responsibility is to voluntarily rescue all wards without requiring federal task force interventions utilizing Temporal Power to accomplish task. 
eviL has existed since creation that remain to this day; eviL practitioners can only be rapidly influenced by any other means other than Raw Power.
They do not respond, at least in the short run toward any form of Spiritual Persuasion in which majority of are in the familiar as societal opposition enigmas of none approach. 

To Name something ‘correctly’ gives ethical society under God a certain amount of Power over IT. 
Many simplistic theologians heavily revolt against healthy moral-ethical idealisms; basically due to laziness avoidance of that force, but mainly because they are afraid of it – Unknowingly Afraid to move toward it. 

In conclusion; correctly named Promotes Growth - Strong Enough to do the learning and attempt work.
It is old schools task; to properly work all fields of administrative ill-repute that we know of. 
While Satin possesses people, I have no idea if he actually recruits the common eviL too do its work? 

We suspect not; given our ever growing populist of Narcissists suggests they simply recruits selves fueled by lacks of individuality as we ordinarily think of it. 

People of the Lie – The Hope for Healing Human Evil
Not for profit senior community service situational education share.

Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line edit rewrite - Reference Book: 
People of the Lie – the hope for healing Human Evil.
Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought 
nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom 
enabling me to fight the good fight against narcissistic evils 
and destruction that come within the territory, in Jesus name.

Illinois A.R.D.C commission dancing with the stars begins. 


  1. Sanctioned Professional Pick Pocketing holding no shame.
    Senior Assets: The New Millennium gold Rush.

  2. Judicial Sanctioned - Senior Asset Hijacking.
    The new millennium Gold-Rush Frontier.
