Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Moral Battle Within according to Judges for all the Marbles.


LivE care guardianship - A teaching case of confusion.

Their Character is too avoid the Light.

IT is difficult to examine them in depth, because it is in their charter to avoid the light. 

Denying their business character imperfections, they flee both self-examination and any situation that they might be closely examined by others. 

Though they rate themselves higher than they deserve, clearly by demonstration they are professionally care industry underachievers in many disciplines and capacities. 

They may claim they are doing no real harm to community but by saying is true; “If you are not part or the solution, then you are part of the problem.” 

They find it easier instead to look to others such as probate system to solve their economic problems concerning your personal assets elongated toward maximizing future fee expectations. 
But when is enough money enough, those who are inclined to keep what they have been given are inclined to answerer, never, in which decisions must be made what to do about it. 
Money is a seductive mistress and we have to worry about more than necessary and in inappropriate ways that could easily become obsession.
Counting up the numbers can lead to false pride which measures worth. 
I may of not fallen prey as completely as they to Idolatry of money, but the fact remains that nothing continues to interfere more with my prayer life than their intrusive concerns about my money. 

What truly constitutes wealth?

In business terms it is the possession of money, but if we were to measure things in other ways beside Dough boy mentalities, many who are poor in possessions are Spiritually Rich, while others who withhold from are spiritually impoverished. 

From psychospiritual perspective, the truly wealthy are those who have an ongoing relationship under god and have learned that by giving they also receive. 

What is clear here is too much money retention belonging to another, like too much Power; poses a danger for society as well as individuals, when probate allows them to technicality keep it for themselves rather than disbursing under In- living trust as declared no probate to successor like wasps who intrusively conduct another’s life with no modicum of integral dignity within. 

Holy Bible – New international version
Judges (2:16) then the lord raised up judges who saved them out of the hands of these raiders.
Yet they would not listen to their Judges but prostituted selves to other gods and worshiped them.
They quickly turned from the way of obedience to the lord’s commands. 
Whenever the Lord Raised up a Judge for them, he was with the Judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the lord had compassion on them as he groaned under those who oppressed and afflicted them.
But when the Judge fell, the people returned to ways even more corrupt than those of others, following other God’s and worshipping them, they REFUSED to give up their eviL practices and stubborn ways.  
April 12, 2016 outcome determines; dealing with live or spiritually under community covenant fallen judge according to scripture and will Judges (2:20) under god come to pass in OZ? 
We will see what we will see but upon history holding record pre-predicted (2: 20) marches fully on.

Never be afraid to raise your Voice for Honesty 
As citizens, we are affected by varieties of issues. 

Writer William Faulkner, in a speech once said; “Never be afraid to raise your Voice for Honesty and Truth and Compassion against Injustice and Lying and Greed. 

Not everyone can impact, but we can each take a stand in the struggle against all kinds of Evil.

Indeed the battle against evil starts at home, as citizens we cannot close our eyes to unsavory events simply because they do not directly affect us at present time as all eventually will become senior citizens themselves in due course of time and for boomers our time is closer than many care to realize.

Beyond our own Rights and standing up for intrusive personhood, we need sometimes to be willing to take a stand on behalf of others, even when there seems to be no benefit to ourselves. 
Sometimes we must do so at our own risk. 
The responsibility to go out on a limb is a choice that each individual must make, pending on what he or she is willing to give up or loose for the sake of standing up for something. 

There are times when we are truly in the blind about where to draw the line of responsibility. 
In such cases, we need to do the best we can and then simply conceded the rest to uncertainty. 
We will not always know for sure whether we could of done more – whether we should have spoken up or intervened in the face of complex and overwhelming responsibilities , but we must remember that if we become gripped, we will be useless not only to ourselves but also to others. 

No one person can take the weight of this entire world on their shoulders and why we have community.   
For this each individual must discern their calling and how God calls one person will not be the way he or she calls another. 

Deciding as citizens when to get involved is crucial, as the saying goes timing is everything. 

Many significant contributions are made to society through the giving of time by strongly principled Individuals who regard their citizenship as Responsibility. 

“Volunteerism” is the word we use to describe efforts at trying to do something good in spheres beyond personal economics. 

As soon as a person stands up with no expectation of reward, their involvement in a cause is essentially voluntary such as spending quality time with lonely residents of a home for the Elderly. 

Doing volunteer work is a calling; it is as legitimate and as complex a choice as a career decision. 
Volunteering presents an opportunity for learning and growing through service to others. 

Not for profit senior community service situational education share.
Promoting better awareness’s through effective god based communications. 
Story line based edit rewrite - Reference Book: The Road Less Traveled and beyond – Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety; Author: M. Scott Peck, M.D.
No ownership or infringements are sought nor implied in extension of self-help recovery share.
We thank Dr. Peck for sharing his intuitive wisdom enabling me to fight the good fight against narcissistic evils and destruction that come within the territory, in Jesus name.

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