Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Stewards: look beyond party allegiance rhetoric that stays focused on God's task at hand.

Traveling through this way of life is frustrating and not uncommon for stewards to feel like they have entered a time warp back to Bizarro world. 

This phenomenon is called cultural shock without having traveled abroad. 

The Spiritual cultural shock differences as well as other expressions best reflective of a third world underdeveloped culture divine stewards are destined to enter into fundamentally won't even come close in doctrine to what parties claim they stood for in nation. 

This tension,confusion and frustration effects people in varying degrees and people respond in unique ways. 
Some people become irritable , anxious, weepy, or depressed. 
Others may withdraw from the flock as they cope with Bizarro worlds culture. 

Cultural shock can only really be appreciated once its experienced. 

How to combat Bizarro World Shock.

Positive attitude: Stewards over flock must prepare themselves to stay positive in God under all under god situations. 
A wise man once said, "Where you stand will determine what you see." 
God reminds Ordained stewards that their first fiduciary duty to the holy spirit is to stand courageously in the shoes of the people and see what they see. 

Read: Pick up some reading material on God's destination, its people, and its customs before leaving on your trip down under. 

Immerse yourself now: Prepare by immersing yourselves now!
Visit minority and ethnic churches and distinguish what language gospels preached were all about.

Adjust your expectations: Patience is a virtue. Whatever expectations had, be flexible in another culture that is free of stress and travel weariness wore down emotional reserves. 

Be Flexible: Prepare for change! Trip schedules should be viewed as a rough draft that will be finalized each day according to the opportunities and needs of the day. 
One guarantee that comes with any trip: at some point during the experience, you will be stretched outside your comfort zone, which will create more dependency upon Jesus!

LOOK BEYOND "THE TASK AT HAND:" In our typical "American culture" we can get self-centered quite easily. 
In fact, we may not complete any of the activities planned.

Pray: Push beyond your own sense of need or frustration and see How GOD can use you to be the solution to someone who has a greater need. 
Take advantage of this opportunity and ask God to grow you Spiritually. 

Missionary life is filled with the unexpected and unplanned. 
Beginning to Pray Now can open avenues of grace and power not only to endure, but also to be filled with Joy and able to release God's Love and Hope to people.