Saturday, November 4, 2017

Free will declares a birth right must now declare its line in God's sand for the record.

Birth right tribe under probation be advised: Archangel Saint Gabriel accountable under Saint  Michael  has been divinely assigned to watchmen,correction, and report back to God: if no hope in potential  Babylon nation repentance exists stands in reality as potential Hypocritical adversary would or could  inflict ungodly  harm against body of Christ while commanded into battle as outreach to the world emphasizes Christ's Loving Care in God's Word.  

Saint Gabriel now formally asks all Federal Policy Officers 
suspicion'd under obstruction in valid complaint by Sons of God watchmen: Prove to me how you still remain as one nation indivisible under and before God and why grace easement rights should not be immediately revoked or further considered under true confession repentance now ready to contract with God in nation but requires one last additional short term grace period as slow learner under Ego Ignorance probationary in own 2nd strike law? 

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