Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Spiritual Direction always talks on expectant level of the Soul.

In the New Testament we see a variety of relationships in which one person gives spiritual guidance to another. 

John the Baptist exhorts people to prepare themselves to receive the coming Messiah. 

Part of preparing themselves involved confessing their sins, receiving baptism and receiving instruction from John, who taught them how to live out the changes confession would bring. 
(Mathew 3:6; Mark 1:5; Luke 3:10-14 )

Paul also writes of the unique relationship that exists between Spiritual Children and their Spiritual father (or Guide). 
Even through we have many Guardians in Christ, you do not have many Fathers, for in Jesus Christ I became your father through the gospel. Therefore I urge you to imitate me"(1 Corinthians 4: 15-16)

Jesus' relationship to his disciples also reveals his personal attention to their growth. 
He did not treat everyone the same, nor give them all the same advice. 
He spoke to them personally, in ways that touched their Souls. 
Notice how differently he speaks to Mary and Martha at the death of their brother (see John 11:1-44). 

Spiritual direction is a relationship that allows one to assist another in 'Discerning' God's activity and presence in his or her life. 

This relationship assumes that we all need help to listen to God and live out his call. 

In the business of everyday life we can become 'Blind' and "Deaf" to the river of life that flows in and around us all. 
A Spiritual Director {Listens} with one ear to God and the other to the directee, always encouraging the directee to recognize where God can be found throughout the Journey. 

At its core, spiritual direction attends to the faithfulness and initiative of God. 
The Holy Spirit is really the Director of the time together as both parties pay attention to God's 'Movements' and "Call".

Spiritual direction is for those longing to drink from the river of life and ready to reflect on their own journey. 
This usually assumes a certain amount of {Spiritual Maturity} as well as understanding of the importance of noticing God's activity in the Soul. 
Prayer, impressions, experience and behavioral patterns all become part of the direction process that moves toward deeper intimacy with the Trinity. 

Spiritual Direction is offered at many retreat centers and through a variety of orders. 
If you are looking for a spiritual director, call a local retreat center and ask is they offer spiritual direction.  

Often spiritual directors are linked to each other through group supervision or Spiritual directors International.
Training centers for spiritual direction may also provide you with leads for spiritual directors in you area. 

1 comment:

  1. Letting the Spirit set the direction of the discussion.
