Sunday, November 19, 2017

Bravo, bravissimo, to God's spiritual warriors who shouted this day much needed God-songs at the top of their lungs in Love of the Trinity.

"May the Son of God who is already formed in you grown in you - so that for you he will become immeasurable, and that in 'You' he will become laughter's, exultation, the fullness of Joy which no one can take from you." - Isaac of Stella.


He invented DELIGHT, JOY and CELEBRATION and one way we enter into the 'Divine' Life of the Trinity is through celebration. 

Whether solemn or exhilarating, formal or spontaneous, celebration can enlarge our capacity to enjoy and serve God. 

Celebrating God does not depend on perfect circumstances or happy feelings.

Even in prison Paul and Silas found something to sing about 
(Acts 16) and Jeremiah, the weeping prophet wrote: 
My soul is downcast within me, yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his 'Passion' never fail, they are new every morning. (Laminations 3:(20-24). 
Jeremiah found reason to delight and hope in God even in lament. 

The world is filled with reason to be downcast, but deeper than sorrow thrums the unbroken pulse of God's Joy, a Joy that will yet have its eternal day. 

To set our Hearts on this Joy reminds us that we 'Can' choose how we respond to any particular moment. 
We can search for God in all circumstances, or not. We can seek the 'Pulse' of "Hope" and Celebration because it is God's Reality. 


Right now the Cherubim, Seraphim, Angels, Archangels, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, and all the company of Saints 'Overflow' with Joy in the presence of their Creator. 

Every small experience of Jesus with us is 
a "Taste" of the 'Joy' to come. 

We are not alone - and that in itself is reason to CELEBRATE. 

1 comment:

  1. Cultivating the spirit of gladness and enjoying every perfect good gift as coming from God.
