Thursday, November 16, 2017

Do you want to get "Well" has a Simple English for all today.

Human desire - the incurable black hole of opportunity. 

Jesus knew people in general wouldn't get well if they didn't want the responsibility that came with wellness.

He also knew that the mother of James and John was clueless about the meaning of her request to have her son's be Power Brokers in Jesus Kingdom (Mathew 20:21) so he pressed her to consider what her desire might mean. 

Jesus never attempts to shut down peoples longings; nor does he ask for people to 'Transcend' their longings as some religions do. 
What he does do is invite to accompany him and watch him welcome people who want something more: (Mark 1:40), (Mathew 8:34), (Mathew 8:25), (Mathew 20:21), (John 4:15), (Mark 9:22), (Mark 5:18), (Luke 11:1). 

Jesus does not grant requests like a 'Genie' in a bottle. 

What he does do is work with people, allowing their desire to draw him into the core conversations of life. 

* Martha desperately wants Mary to help her: Jesus tell Martha to "Detach" from her driveness to serve and attend to the First Thing - To Him. (Luke 10:41-42)

*The man cured of 'Demon' possession wants to go with Jesus, but Jesus calls him to be a "Witness", knowing and telling his story to those who know him can change their lives. (Mark 5:19)

* The rich young ruler wants Eternal Life, but he doesn't want it enough to give his earthly wealth away: Jesus calls him to "Confess" and 'Reorder' his Priorities. (Mark 10:21)

The basic rhythm of 'Disciplines' (or Rule) for the First believers is found in Acts 2:42.

As new situations of Want, Conflict, Temptation, and Persecutions grew so did the want and need for help to preserve.
The book of Acts recounts a variety of ways believers were able to as once said; to meet and greet that made space for God as they faced Difficulties Together in many an assorted affair.
* Acts 3 - The Discipline of Compassion. 
* Acts 4 - The Discipline of Witness, Intercession, and Detachment.
* Acts 7 - The Discipline of Service. 
* Acts 3:1 ; 10:9- The Discipline of Fixed Hour Prayer. 
* Acts 14:23 - The Discipline of Fasting. 
* Acts 15 - The Discipline of "Discernment". 

The key to what was, is now and shall forever more be has a simple English: Without the "Work" of God's 'Spirit' within, practices guarantee nothing.  
Disciplines Done for the Wrong Reasons actually 'Sabotage' Transformation and Numb us toward God and Truth. 

When we use Spiritual Practices to gain 'Secondary' things like spiritual 'Cachet', success, approval, and respect, We Rob the Discipline of it's God Given "Grace". 
Other words: People honor with their lips, but their hearts are far away. They worship is 'Vein', Their Teachings are but rules taught by men. (Mathew 15:8-9)

Spiritual practices Don't give out "Spiritual Brownie Points" 
or help us 'Work the System' for a passing grade from God. 

They simply put people in a place where they can begin to 'Notice' God and Respond to his Word to Us.
God's Spirit of "Truth" may use a Spiritual Practice to reveal "False" Self-Conceptions and Idols of the heart. 

This space is the place to become aware of what is "True" and 'false' about selves reality is the Opportunity to Address what appear to be those Unfixables in lives actually invites one to Keep company with Jesus and take that risk the God's intention toward us are Good. 

Inward Disciplines are Practiced in the Privacy of Ones Intimate walk with Jesus, Outward Disciplines affect how we 'Interface' with the World and Corporate Disciplines are Practiced with Others. 

Disciplines of 'Engagement' connects one to the Needs of Others and the Call to be God's Heart and Hands in this World. 
Disciplines of "Abstinence"Detach us from Hurry, Clutter, and Business, that Opens one to being with God Alone. 
Simple English: they remind we are human Beings not human doings and that God is more Concerned with-Who We Become than what we accomplish addressed Sin's of Omission. 

Jeremiahs prayer to God: Worship happens in Bodies, 
not just heads as Paul wrote in Romans 12:1.

Ask yourselves, How do I Want to or Need to be with God? 
Circle the letter in WORSHIP that most catches your attention. 
*W-orship God. 
*O-pen myself to God.
*R-eliquish the False Self and Idol's on my Heart. 
*S-hare my Life with Others. 
*H-ear the Word of God. 
*I-ncarnate Christ's Love for the World. 
*P-ray to God. 

Remember, the Discipline you have been called to "Needs" to 'Fit' with that life {Now} while No Book alone can never make God appear on Demand is the real test of a Spiritual Journey. 

True Salvation can only faithfully begin when one becomes  courageous enough to do the hard work required "Patiently" under Discernment's steady stream of necessary small incremental steps were crucial faith keys needed to awaken believers responsibility to open those oppressive closed doors having stood in flocks ways for years must be secured in Word so everlasting staying powers can honor the heart of the Spirit and mind of God as one, promised - No man shall further take away from flock, in Jesus name - Amen! 

Self help Share: Practices that transform us - Adele Calhoun

1 comment:

  1. Pretty Simple here; either save yourself or go down with the ship like many others.
