Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Teachability - the truest highway out of New Babylon.

The lord of the dance summons world to his floor, to cease needlessly tripping over its own feet, and experience the obedient freedom of following God's lead. 

"Knowledge is a Powerful Thing"

That's why the world needs to be in the know, to have inside information and not be left out of the loop. 

The irony is while many have become skilled in information acquisition the truth is this matter as whole we've become no wiser for it. 

Information doesn't necessarily transform or shape us while learning something new does not mean we were teachable. 
World can always use information to simply reinforce it's own opinions and biases. 

Jesus constantly looked for teachable people - people who would look beyond appearances and not make snap judgement's. 

He warned to those who asked honest questions and he was grieved and dumbfounded by the educated who were hardhearted, unteachable, and dense. 

He said to them, "You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life.  

These are the Scriptures that testify about me, 
Yet world redundantly refuses to come to me to have life?

Jesus was passionate about those with ears to hear, he was attracted to those who willingly admitted how much they didn't know.
People who could lay aside their prejudices and entertain something New were often the recipients of Jesus's transformation word. 

How teachable are we?, Do we hide behind our Knowledge and feel uncomfortable being the learner?, Will we be the 'Student' again and again and again? 

1 comment:

  1. Openness to the Holy Spirit doing a new thing.
    World you are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. (Mathew 22:29)
